Chapter 6

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The next morning, Gabe woke me up. "Wake up Ari." He said. "You need to eat breakfast so I can fix your spacers." I got up, and stumbled downstairs. Xavier had made waffles for breakfast, but I wasn't hungry, so I just had an apple. When I was done, I went upstairs and put on sweatpants and a hoodie, and brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs, and Gabe walked over to me. "I will fix your spacer, Ari." Said Gabe. "You just need to trust me on this." He then quickly put a blindfold around my eyes, and tied it before I could take it off. He then picked me up, and carried me somewhere. When he took off the blindfold, I was in a dentists office, but we hadn't left the house. I was confused. "Your brother had this done to the basement." Said Gabe. "Only about half of it though. There's a hidden door to get here." I nodded, but now I was terrified. I backed away from Gabe, and he frowned. "What's wrong Ari?" He asked, and I didn't reply. "I thought you weren't scared of me anymore?" Said Gabe. He started slowly walking towards me, and when he got close, he stopped. "Can you sit in the chair Ari?" He asked, gesturing to the big chair in the middle of the room. I shook my head, scared. "You can do it Ari." He said. I stood there, terrified. Gabe came up to me, and picked me up like a baby. He brought me over to the chair, and sat me down. I tried to get up, but he held me down. I eventually gave up, and just stayed limp. Gabe tilted the chair back, and put on a pair of gloves. "Can you open your mouth Ari?" Asked Gabe. I opened my mouth a little bit, and Gabe guided my mouth open more. He looked at my teeth, and wrote something down. "Now Aria, when I tell you this, you have to not freak you and stay in the chair, ok?" Said Gabe. I nodded, anxious about what he was going to say. "I'm going to put your braces on today." Said Gabe. Tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want braces. "I'm sorry, Ari." Said Gabe. "Xavier wanted you to get your braces as soon as possible." I started crying. Gabe waited for me to calm down a little before talking to me. "I can put on the tv if you want Ari." Said Gabe. "Or you could listen to music it's your choice. You don't have to do anything during the procedure, just stay still." I took the remote control for the tv, and putting on sportsnet. I tried to relax, but I was really scared. Gabe asked me to open my mouth, but I was too scared. Gabe gently opened my mouth, and put in a mouth prop. I started crying and sobbing, but Gabe didn't stop. He cleaned my teeth aggressively, and put the glue on my teeth, but he had to stop, because I was crying so hard I was shaking, and he couldn't put the brackets on my teeth. "Ari what's wrong, we're half way done?" Said Gabe. I glared at him, because he was asking me a question, and I had a mouth prop in and I was terrified. Gabe left the room for a minute, then came back. "I called Xavier down." He said. A minute later, my brother entered the room. He saw me crying, and rushed to my side. "It'll all be OK Ari." He said. "Braces aren't scary, me and Gabe will help you along the way." He held my hand, and I eventually stopped crying. Gabe then started to glue the brackets to my teeth. A while later, he was done putting the brackets on, and removed the mouth prop. I started to get up, but Gabe pulled me back down again. "I'm not done yet Ari." He said. I struggled against him, and tried to get up. I was sitting upright, about to jump off the chair, but then Xavier held me down. I was crying and freaking out, and I started to have a panic attack. Xavier relised this, and picked me up, and held me on his lap. He rocked me back and forth, and tried to calm me down. Eventually I stopped crying, and he put me back on the chair. He made me lay down on the chair, and Gabe tried to open my mouth. I wasn't letting him, so he had to force my mouth open, and that hurt. He was scaring me. He then forcefully attached the wire to my brackets with elastic bands. My mouth was aching in pain, and I was sobbing. I jumped into my brother's arms, cowering away from Gabe. Xavier held me, and carried me back upstairs. He sat me on the counter, and gave me pain medication. "Was that so bad?" Asked Xavier. I nodded. "I'm sorry Ari." He said. "It'll get better." I sighed. I walked over to the couch, and sat down, pulling a blanket over top of me. I put on a movie, and started watching it. A few minutes later, Gabe came upstairs. He saw me curled up on the couch, and started to walk over to me. When he sat down on the edge of the couch, I backed away. A look of hurt flashed in his eyes, but quickly disappeared. He got up, and went to his room. I fell asleep during the movie, so when I woke up, it was lunch time and I was hungry, but my mouth hurt really badly. Xavier came down the stairs, and saw me curled up on the couch in pain. "Ari are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded. "I'll heat up some soup for you, ok?" He said. I nodded. A few minutes later, Xavier came back with a bowl of soup. He sat down next to me on the couch. "Ari, you know that Gabe is just doing what he thinks is the best for you, right?" Said Xavier. I shrugged. "I still hate him." I replied sourly. "Well you'll have to get used to it." Said Xavier. I glared at him, and put on another movie. Xavier sighed, and left the room. I ate my soup and watched a movie for the next few hours. When the movie was done, I went up to my room. I then decided to draw. I'm not the best at drawing, but I still enjoy it. I like to draw cartoons. I was drawing, when someone knocked on my door. I ignored it, but then they knocked again. I didn't want to let them it, because it was either Gabe or Xavier, and I didn't want to talk to either of them. After they knocked for the third time, they opened the door. It was Xavier. "Hey Ari." Said Xavier gently. "I need to talk to you about something." "What?" I said harshly. He sat on my bed, and gestured to me to sit down next to him. I sat down on my bed, but a few feet away from him. "I think you should go to public school this year, Ari." He said. "No." I snapped back. "Yes. I think it's a good idea for you to socialize more often." I glared at him. Until now, I did homeschooling, which I was happy about. "I already signed you up. You'll go to the local high school a block away from the office." I sighed. "There's a uniform, so we'll order that soon." I groaned. I don't like wearing skirts. "Also, they require that you have a physical every year, and a dental check up. You already had a dental check up, so you just need a physical, which I booked for you with in a few days." I backed away. I have a fear of doctors, so I am difficult to bring to the doctor's office. "I'm sorry, Ari. It's only once a year anyway." "Get out." I said quietly. Xavier sighed, and left my room. I guess I'm going to school now.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWhere stories live. Discover now