Chapter 18

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The next day at school, Aydon didn't talk. I mean, he talked, but it didn't seem like he was fully there. We went through school like normal, and soon enough it was time for his appointment. I waited at my locker for him to show up, but he never did. I groaned.
I searched around the school, before I found Aydon sitting on the ground next to the stairs. He was holding his head in his hands, and was slumped against the wall. I walked up to him and sat beside him.
"Hey." I said gently, smiling at him. He looked up at me with red eyes.
"Hey." He whispered.
"Why are you hiding?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Aydon there's no need to be scared. I will be right there the entire time." I said, trying to comfort him. He sighed. I stood up, and gently pulled at his arm, coaxing him to stand up. He stood up, and groaned.
"Please don't make me Ari." He whimpered, pouting. I smiled softly.
"Come on Aydie boy, your brother's waiting for you." I said, pulling him towards the door. He slowly followed, and soon we were outside. I looked around, before seeing a tall guy sitting on a bench. "Is that your brother?" I asked Aydon, who nodded miserably.
I pulled Aydon over to his brother, who looked up.
"Aydon where were you?" He asked, concerned. Aydon shook his head, and leaned on my shoulder. "We gotta get going Aydon." He said. He started walking towards his car, and I dragged Aydon along with me. "I'm Miles, I'm his older brother." Aydon's brother said. I nodded, and we all got in the car. Miles quickly drove to my brother's office, and parked. I got out, and pulled Aydon behind me. We walked into the office, and Miles spoke to the receptionist.

"You guys can head on back, Dr. Benson is ready for you. He's in room number 6." She said. Miles thanked her, and we walked into the room, where Gabe was already waiting. He smiled when he saw us, and stood up.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Gabe Benson." He said, showing Miles' hand.
"Hi, I'm Miles Caberle, I'm Aydon's older brother." Miles said. Gabe nodded.
"So, if you guys want to sit down, we can discuss treatment options." Gabe said. Miles nodded, and sat down on one of the chairs. Aydon just leaned against the wall, looking tense, and I stood next to him. Gabe sat down at his desk, and pulled up Aydon's X-rays from yesterday.
"So as you can see, Aydon has a mild case of hyperdontia. This means that he has an extra tooth growing beneath his gum line. He will need to get this removed something soon, before it starts causing him pain." Gabe said, looking around the room. Miles nodded, and I grabbed Aydon's hand, comforting him.
"As you can he here," He said, pointing to a few areas on the X-ray. "Aydon had three cavities. He has told me that he gets them quite easily, which could be caused by a few different things. I'll be able to take a look at that sometime." Gabe said, and Miles looked at Aydon sternly.
Aydon cowered into me, and I hugged him tightly. "And lastly, Aydon will need braces." Gabe said. "As you can see, he has mild crowding, and a minor overbite. He won't need them for long, maybe a year." Said Gabe. I kissed Aydon's forehead, and he groaned.
"It'll be alright Aydie boy." I said, comforting him.
"How do you plan for treatment?" Miles asked Gabe.
"I will fix his cavities today, and do an orthodontic examination. Sometime next week, I will fit his braces. The week after that I will extract the tooth." Gabe said. Aydon tried to leave, but I grabbed his hand.
"Aydon you will be fine." I said. "Gabe is the best. He won't hurt you, I promise." I said. Aydon reluctantly came back into the room, where Gabe was chatting with Miles.
"Are you ready to start buddy?" Gabe asked Aydon, who shook his head. "I'll do the ortho exam first bud. All I'm going to do is take some measurements, take a panoramic X-ray, and take a 3-D mold." He said in a reassuring tone of voice. Aydon sighed, before walking over to the chair slowly, and sitting down. "Thank you bud." Gabe said. I walked over to the chair, and held Aydon's hand. He grasped it tightly, and closed his eyes.
"I'm gonna lean the chair back, alright bud?" Gabe said, before tilting the chair backwards. Gabe pulled on a pair of gloves and a mask, and turned on the light above Aydon. "Alright, can you open for me bud?" He asked. Aydon squeezed his eyes shut, and opened his mouth. "I'm just going to take a look around and take some measurements, alright buddy?" Gabe said. Gabe looked around, and took his measurements.
Gabe pulled his tools out, and Aydon closed his mouth. "Alright Aydon, I'm gonna take a mold now. It's taken electronically, so I'm just gonna put this scanner in your mouth, and I might move it around a bit, and it'll make a digital mold for your teeth, instead of making a traditional mold." He said. "It won't hurt Aydon, you'll barely feel it." Gabe said, comforting Aydon. Aydon nodded shakily, and opened his mouth. Gabe positioned the scanner in Aydon's mouth, moving it every so often. A few minutes later, he took the scanner out of his mouth. Gabe tilted the chair up slightly.
"Aydon you can just follow me, we'll be back in a few minutes." He said to me and Miles, and him and Aydon left the room. I stood there awkwardly, until Gabe and Aydon came back. Aydon stood next to me, and Gabe sat down on the stool. "I'm gonna fix your cavities now Aydon." Gabe said. "Can you come sit down?" He asked, motioning to the chair. Aydon shook his head, and slouched against the wall.
"Aydon." Miles said sternly. "Listen to Dr. Benson." He said, looking at Aydon. When Aydon didn't move, Miles walked over to Aydon, and picked him up, placing him in the chair. Aydon squirmed, but Miles held him down gently. I rushed over, and grabbed his hand.
"Ayde you gotta calm down." Miles said, looking directly at Aydon. "You've gotten plenty of cavities filled before, you know what's gonna happen." His brother said, comforting him. Aydon took a deep breath, and nodded.
"I'm going to get started now bud." Gabe said, tilting the chair backwards. Aydon adjusted himself in the chair, and closed his eyes. Gabe slipped on a pair of gloves and a mask, and grabbed what looked like a q-tip. "Alright Aydon, first I'm just going to put some numbing jelly on your gums, so you don't feel the needle as much. It'll sit there for a minute, and then we'll do the injections." Gabe said, prepping the q-tips. "Can you open for me?" He asked, and Aydon reluctantly opened his mouth. Gabe positioned the swabs, and Aydon closed his mouth. A minute later he opened his mouth again, and Gabe removed the swabs. "Alright buddy, I'm going to do the injections now. Just stay calm, you should barely feel it." Gabe said, prepping the needles. I squeezed Aydon's hand, and he squeezed back. Aydon opened his jaw, and Gabe positioned the needle.
Just as Gabe inserted the needle, Aydon tried to close his mouth. Gabe was able to keep Aydon's mouth open until he finished the injection, letting it close after he was done.
"Aydon you can't do that. It could cause you even move pain, or tissue damage." Gabe lectured. Aydon nodded, his eyes still closed. "Alright buddy, only two more. Open." Gabe said. Aydon opened his mouth again, but this time, Gabe slipped on a mouth prop. Aydon made a strangled sound, and tried to move his head away. "I'm sorry bud, but you can't be moving. Miles can you come over here, and hold his head?" Gabe asked. Aydon's eyes flew open in panic, and he tried to move away. Miles walked over, and lightly held Aydon's head in place, so that it couldn't move. A tear slipped down his face, and I wiped it away.
"It's ok Aydie boy." I said, comforting him. "Let's try this again Aydon." Gabe said, and he grabbed another needle. The next two injections went fine. Aydon couldn't move his head, so Gabe had easy access to his mouth. Soon Miles let go of his head, and Aydon sat up, tears springing from his eyes. Miles went to hug his younger brother, but Aydon turned to me, reaching for a hug. I hugged him back tightly, trying to calm him down, and it eventually worked. I let go, and Gabe looked at us.
"Aydon are you numb?" He asked, and Aydon nodded in return. "Great, if you could lay back down, I can finish up." He said. Aydon nodded gingerly, and laid back down in the proper position. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, letting Gabe do his thing.
A while later, Gabe had drilled out all of Aydon's cavities, and filled them. He had also figured out why Aydon had so many cavities.
"Aydon you have a thin enamel. You also have deep crevasses in your molars, which make them more susceptible to cavities. I'll give you some toothpaste that might help, and maybe some other time I can place sealants on your molars. It will basically prevent cavities in your molars." Gabe said. Aydon just nodded, and stood up.
"Thank you Dr. Benson." Miles said to Gabe. "I'll make an appointment for next week." He said. Gabe nodded, and we left the room.
"Great job Aydon." I said, smiling at him and kissing him on the cheek. He gave me a wobbly smile in return. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said, as he walked out the door, and he nodded back. After he left, I headed to my brother's office, and waited for him to finish work, before we could go home and chill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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