Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I was cuddled next to someone, and when I turned to look at who that someone was, I saw Gabe. Freaked out, but when I tried to move, he held me close. Eventually I was thrashing, trying to get out of his grip, and he woke up. I started crying, and tried to run away, but he held on to my wrist. "I know you took your spacers out, Ari." He said. He looked disappointed. "Why?" He asked. "It hurt." I whispered. "Aww, Ari. You should've told me. I could've given you pain meds." He said. "Now, I'm gonna have to put spacers back in again." At that, I whimpered, knowing how bad it would hurt. His grip on my wrist had loosened, so I bolted out of my room. I ran down the stairs, but at the bottom, I ran into someone. Gabe was chasing me down the stairs, so when Xavier stopped me, he ran into me, and we all fell down. I jumped up, trying to run away, but Xavier grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. "Why are you trying to run away, Ari?" Asked Xavier. "Gabe." I said. "Why are you running away from Gabe?" He asked. "He wants to put in spacers." I said, shaking. "I thought you already got spacers, Ari." He said. "She took them out last night." Said Gabe. Xavier glared at me. "Why would you do that, Aria?" He shouted. "Those were there for a reason. Now we'll have to put them back in again." I whimpered, trying to back away from him, but he still had a hold on me. "I can put the spacers in here, or at the office." Said Gabe. "Where do you want this to happen? Mind you, if it doesn't work quickly at home, we'll take you into the office." He said. "Here." I whispered quietly. "Alright." Said Gabe. "Let me just grab a few thing." He walked downstairs, but I don't know why. Xavier dragged me over to the couch, where he made me sit. "Don't give Gabe any trouble." Said Xavier. "He's already being nice enough to do this at home." I nodded, and looked away. A few minutes later, Gabe came back, with a few things. He sat criss cross at the end of the couch, and patted his lap, signalling for me to put my head there. I laid back, and he asked my to open my mouth. I did so slowly, because even though I'm not at the dentist's office, there was still a dentist and an orthodontist here, trying to do something to me teeth. Xavier had holding my hand, while also keeping one had on my leg, so if I tried to get up, he could stop me. Gabe opened my mouth wider, and began to wiggle the spacers in between my teeth. For some reason, it hurt a lot more than last time, so I was crying a lot harder. Xavier was rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand, to try and calm me down, but I was so scared, but I was crying so hard, that when Gabe was done, I didn't even move. I was just laying there, crying. Eventually, Xavier picked me up, and cuddled me. My crying started to slow down, but then I felt the pain in my mouth. It felt like my mouth was on fire. Xavier tried to calm me down, but he couldn't, so he carried me upstairs to me my, wrapping me up in the covers. Gabe came up and sat down next to me, along with Xavier. "Why does it hurt so much worse?" I sobbed. "Because, Ari, I needed to make sure that you wouldn't be able to get them out on your own again." He said. I was still crying, but it had slowed down a lot. Xavier went into the bathroom, and brought out Advil. He gave me two pills, and I took them gladly. Then, I was worn out from all the crying, so I fell asleep.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin