Chapter 11

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Ari's POV

I woke up to Xavier shaking me. "Wake up Ari! It's your first day of school!" He said. I groaned.
"Come on, wake up." He said again. I then got up and got dressed, putting on a nice pair of jeans and a cute top. I walked downstairs, where Gave and Xavier were eating breakfast.
"I made pancakes." Said Xavier, handing me a plate. "Thanks!" I said, sitting down to eat. I finished breakfast, and brushed my teeth well. "Ari! We're leaving!" Shouted Xavier.
I ran downstairs and out to the car, where Xavier and Gabe already sat. Xavier dropped me off at school, and I just stood there. "Hey! Ari!" I heard someone shout.
I turned around and I saw Bo and Reese walking towards me. I waved, and started walking towards them. "Can you guys show me where the office is? I'm lost." I said laughing.
They both smiled. "Sure." Said Reese. They showed me around the school, and brought me to the office, where I collected my schedule and locker information.
Bo took the paper from me, and held it above my head when I tried to get it back. "You have five classes with me, and four with Reese!" He said. I grinned.
"The only classes you're not with one of us are music, and advanced math." He said.
"Let's go to your locker!" Said Reese. It's almost next to mine, and across form Bo's." We walked to my locker, where I deposited my books and everything I don't need.
"Your first class is math, without us, but then we have art together." Said Bo. "I'll meet you at your math class, because it's right next my class, English, and we'll meet Reese at the Art studio, okay?" Said Bo.
I nodded. They showed me where my math class was, and then the bell rang. I walked into the class, and took a seat in the middle. Soon the class was full, and the teacher walked in.
"Hello class! I'm Miss Matheson, your math teacher for this year. I know math isn't the most fun subject, but I try to make it less terrible. Since we're all new here, let's just go around the class and introduce ourselves!" She said.
A small kid in the corner started. "My name is Daxon Holley, and I have a dog." He said. This went around the class, and then it reached me. I stood up, and spoke.
"My name is Aria Blake, and I play soccer." I said. Then, it moved on to the guy next to me. I turned, and looked at him while he was talking. He was pretty cute.
"My name is Aydon Caberle, and I play hockey." He sat down, and winked at me, and I blushed. The next person started talking, but I didn't pay attention. "Are you a photographer, cause I could picture you and me together!" He sang out quietly.
He grinned at me, and I smiled back. "You're kinda cute." He said. "I've never seen you before, what school did you go to?" He asked. "I was home schooled." I replied. "Sweet." He grinned.
I'm not gonna lie, he was pretty cute. Pretty soon, the bell rang, and Bo and I walked to the art studio and met Reese. Art was pretty chill, all we did today was sketch, and now it was time for lunch.
Reese and Bo lead me to the cafeteria, and it was packed. "Where do you guys sit?" I asked. Bo lead me to a table along the edge of the cafeteria, but close enough to the middle.
"The school lunches suck, so I would recommend bringing your own." Said Bo. I nodded. "So, how were your first two classes?" Asked Reese. "They were pretty good." I replied. "Who is Aydon Caberle?" I asked her.
"Aydon is one of the only guys on the hockey team who doesn't suck." She said. "A lot of guys on the team are asses, but he's pretty nice, he's friendly to everyone and isn't a player or anything. Why?" She asked.
"He said I was cute, and used a pick up line on me was a joke." I said. "Really?" She gasped. "This is the first time Aydon had shown interest in a girl." "Oh." I said.
"Girl, this is huge! He must really like you or something." "How could he? We just met!" I exclaimed.
" I don't know, but you should get to know him." She said. I nodded. Soon enough, lunch was over, and I was headed to my next class, English.
I have Reese on this class, but the teacher sat us in alphabetical order according to last name, and guess what? Me and Aydon were next to each other. "Hey there!" He said with a smirk. I laughed. "Hi!" I said. I was paying attention to the lesson, when Aydon passed me a sticky note. I opened it, and read what he wrote.
It read 'Do you want to hang out sometime? Yes or no' with check boxes. I check the 'Yes' box, and passed it back to him. He smiled, and turned back around to face the teacher, grinning like mad.
The rest of the lesson was boring, so I was excited for my next class. My next class was gym with Bo and Reese. Today we played dodgeball, which was fun. After that, it was the end of the day, and I was glad to go home.
I exchanged numbers with Bo and Reese, and started walking to Xavier's office, as he had texted me to go there instead of home. I was walking, when I heard someone run up to me. I turned around to see who it was, and saw that it was Aydon.
"I like turtles!" He yelled. I laughed. "Okay, Mr Turtle Man." I said, laughing. He grinned. "Can I get your number?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. "Why?" I said, teasing him. "Pwease?" He said. "Fine." I fake groaned.
I entered my number in his phone, and gave it back to him. I kept walking, but he stayed next to me. "What's up?" He said. "Nothing. Walking. I don't know." I replied. "That doesn't sound like a lot of fun." He said with a pouty face. I laughed.
"Maybe not, but I need to get to my brother's office, and I can't drive, sooo." I said, smiling. "Where's your brother's office?" He asked. "A few blocks from here." I said. "That's close!" He whined. "I have to walk past that! All the way home!" He complained.
"Aww, poor Aydon!" I joked. He laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He said. "Sure." I replied. "Bye." I said, turning the corner. He waved at me, before continuing to walk. I got to Xavier's office soon after, and walked to his personal office, flopping down on the couch.
I pulled out my phone, seeing a text from an unknown number.
Hey, It's Aydon
What are you doing rn?
Dying of boredom. Hbu
Same. But I have hockey later and that makes up for it
Xavier walked into his office.
I gtg. I'll txt u later
Okay, bye
I saved his number as turtle man, and faced Xavier. "How was school?" He asked. "Good." I replied. "I know a few more people now."
"Oh yeah? Who?" He asked. "I know Bo and Reese, but I met a guy named Aydon today, and he's really nice." "That's good Ari. He and Gabe were just about to do check ups, you can watch if you want. Gabe might want you there." Said my brother. "Okay, I'm coming." I said, following him to an exam room that was already set up.
"Hey Gabe." I said. He nodded in reply. "Sit." He said, pointing to the chair. "Me?" I asked, scared. Gabe smiled. "Not you Ari, your brother." Said Gabe. Xavier sat down on the chair with no fuss, and leaned back. Gabe reclined the chair, and turned on the light, grabbing his tools.
"Open." He said to my brother. Xavier opened his mouth, and Gabe examined every inch. Gabe took X-rays, and looked them over. "Xavier you need a root canal." He said. "What?" Gasped Xavier.
Gabe laughed. "I'm just kidding. You're all good. Just a cleaning and you're good to go." Gabe cleaned Xavier's teeth, and set the chair back up to normal position. Xavier got out of the chair, and sat on the stool that Gabe had been sitting on.
Gabe anxiously sat on the chair, and tried to relax. I walked over to him and held his hand, trying to comfort him. Xavier reclined the chair and pulled on a pair of gloves.
"Open." He said to Gabe, who reluctantly opened his mouth. Xavier looked around, and took X-rays. Xavier spent a little while looking at the X-rays, and by the look on Gabe's face, I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Gabe you didn't ever get your wisdom teeth removed, did you?" Asked Xavier. Gabe shook his head. Xavier sighed. "You need them removed, my friend." He said to Gabe. "I'll just do it next week, when I put the implant in. I'll just put you under general, if that's alright with you?" He said.
Gabe nodded. "What's that?" I asked. "General is anesthesia where Gabe will be completely asleep and not know what's happening. The procedure might be long and painful, so this is probably the best option." I nodded.
"Other then that Gabe you're all good. I'll just give you a cleaning and you're done." Said Xavier. Gabe nodded, defeated, and opened his mouth.
Xavier finished the cleaning and Gabe got up. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. I felt my phone go off in my back pocket.
I pulled it out to see a text from Aydon.
Do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Sure. Where?
Anywhere. We could get ice cream or something
Sure! I'll see you tomorrow?
Yup, see ya😋
I laughed. "Who are you texting Ari?" Asked Xavier. "Aydon." I replied. "We're hanging out tomorrow after school." "Alright." Said Xavier. "We're going home now." We all walked out to the car and drove home.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWhere stories live. Discover now