Chapter 7

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The next day, Xavier dragged me to staples to buy school supplies.
"Why do I have to go to public school?" I asked.
"I already told you Ari." Said Xavier.
"It would be good for you to socialize and make friends."
I glared at him. He sighed, and kept walking. He continued to pull things off of shelves, and place them in the cart. He picked up binders, pencils, and notebooks and a bunch of other stuff. Soon enough, we were done and we were leaving staples. We both got in the car, and Xavier started to drive, but not home.
"Where are we going? We're supposed to be going home now." I said.
"We're going to the store for the school uniforms." He said.
I groaned. I don't like uniforms. I don't like wearing skirts at all.
We parked, and got out. In the store, there were all sorts of uniforms. We were looking around when a lady came up to us.
"Can I help you guys with anything?" She asked.
"Actually, yes." Replied Xavier.
"We're looking for a school uniform for my sister." He gestured to me.
"What school does she go to?" Asked the woman.
"John Fox High School." Said Xavier.
"Come with me, we have some of those over here." Said the lady.
We followed her to the back of the store, and she brought out some clothing.
"So, here are the items. You can choose from either a skirt or pants. You have to wear a white blouse, and we have two options. For sweaters you can choose form a cardigan or a sweater." Said the lady.
"I'll have pants, the short sleeved white blouse, and the cardigan." I said. Xavier nodded. "Alright, you can just try these on in the changing room over there, and if you need anymore help, just ask." She said with a smile.
I nodded, and tried on the uniform. It was ok.
It was comfortable enough, just I would prefer leggings and a hoodie.
Xavier paid, and we finally went home.
When we got home, Gabe was on the couch watching tv. I went upstairs, and a few minutes later, Xavier came up with my new clothing. I put it in my laundry basket, and and started reading a book. An hour later, Xavier came up to my room. He opened my door, and knocked. "What?" I asked. I already wasn't happy with him, I just wanted alone time. "I know you're not happy with me right now Ari," He said. "But I just want what's best for you. Do you understand?" He asked. I nodded. Even thought I sometimes hate him, he is my brother, and my only family left. I love him to pieces, and never want him to get hurt. "Ari..." Said Xavier. "What?" I asked. "The doctors office called." He said quietly. "They moved your appointment up to today because the doctor had a family emergency. His partner will be taking care of you." Said my brother.
I stared at him, my lip quivering. "Please no..." I cried. "Shhhh. It'll be alright." He said, sitting down next to me and hugging me. "Your appointment is after lunch." "No, I don't want to go!" I yelled.
"Ari, calm down. It's just a check up. You're healthy right?" I nodded. "Then it should be fine." He reassured me.
"Do you remember Ash?" He asked me. I nodded. Ash was Xavier's childhood friend, who I also loved. He was like a nicer big brother, and was always nice to me.
"Ash is going to be the one taking care of you, Ari." Said Xavier. "You trust Ash don't you?" I nodded into Xavier's chest. "Then you'll be fine. I will never let him hurt you." I sighed. I guess I couldn't get out of this.
Xavier then picked me up, and carried me downstairs like a baby, putting me down on the couch next to Gabe. I tried to back away, but Xavier wouldn't let me. "Talk to him, Ari." Said Xavier. "You know he didn't mean to hurt you. I'll make you some soup for lunch."
He then walked into the kitchen, leaving me with Gabe. "Look, I'm sorry Ari." Said Gabe. "Xavier just wants what's best for you, as do I. Braces will straighten your teeth, and correct your bite. I know I kind of forced you into it, but it had to be done." I glared at him.
"Did you ever even wonder why I'm scared?" I yelled at him. "No..." Gabe replied, rubbing the back of his neck, looking guilty. "Once when I was younger, I went to the dentist for a filling. The dentist only half sedated me, and didn't numb me, and I could feel everything." I said. "I'm sorry Ari... I didn't know." He said to me.
"That's not it." I said. "He didn't just fix my cavity. He also pulled out three of my baby teeth, and I could feel it all. That's why I'm so scared. Xavier tries to help me, and sometimes it helps, but sometimes it doesn't." "Ari I'm so so sorry!" Said Gabe. "I know you are." I said. "But now you're going to have to regain my trust." "I will." Said Gabe.
"Ari your lunch is ready!" Yelled Xavier from the kitchen. I got up and entered the kitchen. I ate my lunch, and then Xavier dragged me into the car for my doctors appointment. Gabe also got in the car. "Xavier why is he here?" I asked nervously. "For back up." Joked Xavier. I glared at him. He sighed. "We're probably going to go out and do something after." He said. I nodded. Soon enough, we pulled up at the doctors office. Xavier and Gabe came with me into the waiting room, where I sat next to Xavier. I was scared, and I didn't want to be here. I trust Ash, but not as a doctor. "Aria Blake?" Called out Ash into the waiting room.

My Brother, My Fear, Dr. Xavier Blake, DDSWhere stories live. Discover now