Chapter 20

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The kids had gone back to their separate rooms and Deliah had fallen asleep on the couch and Springtrap and Nick were cuddling in bed. Nick had woken up first and tried to get out but was stuck in Springtrap's arms. He decided to lay there and try to fall back asleep.

Timeskip to when they are all awake

Deliah and Springtrap decided to cook some special pancakes with chocolate chips and blueberries with cherries on top. Bella was entranced by their cooking while Nick was staring into space. When Deliah turned around to hand them the second batch of pancakes she nearly dropped them when she saw her dad's neck. "Dad! What happened to your neck". The blood on his neck had dried but the "scar" was still there. Nick couldn't lie his way out of this one so he said the best thing he could think of. "I'll tell you later" Nick stuttered.
(Just to let people know Deliah knows about Springtrap's human form she just doesn't know how he can go into human form)
Timeskip to wedding reception

Nick, Springtrap, Bella, and Deliah were sitting at a table near where the bride and groom were sitting. Nick's brother Eric had decided that Nick was going to say his speech first. Nick basically said that he was happy for his brother and wish his wife luck for the years to come, made fun of his brother for a little bit and then sat down. Then it was basically time for everyone to talk and catch up with each other. Eric (Nick's brother) had come over to him to talk to him for a bit. While they were talking Eric decided to warn Nick about something. "So Nick I need to warn you about mom" Eric whispered to him. "Why" Nick asked. "Well she has turned into a literal Karen VERY entitled" Eric said. "And so" Nick chuckled. "Aanndd very homophobic so Nick... be careful" Eric continued. "Well I'm her oldest son so I hope she doesn't feel the same about me" Nick worried. "Well like I said Nick ... good luck".

Thank you all for reading this short chapter. Just so you guys know this is the last normal chapter before the endings. So see you guys in the next chapter!👋🏾

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