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a/n disclaimer: this chapter wasn't written as nicely as i wanted it to be, but i've been staring at it for over a week and finally wrote something that somewhat flowed, so bear with me if it seems messy asf/poorly written

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a/n disclaimer: this chapter wasn't written as nicely as i wanted it to be, but i've been staring at it for over a week and finally wrote something that somewhat flowed, so bear with me if it seems messy asf/poorly written

Yoongi was feeling fine. Suspiciously fine.

He knew Necro had done something to him, and he knew he wanted to make a statement or fulfill whatever complex he wanted to satisfy. Yoongi was a chess piece in the game he was playing, but he had assumed something would happen. He didn't think he would be fine after feeling like he was burning from the inside out and being stuck in some mind purgatory. Part of him wondered if what Necro had done had backfired, but he knew — as much as he hated to admit it — that Necro was too powerful to have whatever he did backfire.

If he wanted Yoongi to be constantly paranoid and on edge that something could happen at any moment, it was working.

The past two days were filled with being bombarded with questions from Jungkook about what happened and giving every detail of conversation to try and figure out what Necro was planning. Yoongi knew he was doing this to help, and he truly appreciated it, but in reality all he really wanted was a nap. Ever since he was taken by Necro, Yoongi had been finding it difficult to sleep, and he constantly felt exhausted. Physically and emotionally.

He said he was fine, but every night he laid in bed staring up at the ceiling above him and let the paranoia of being stuck in that place again prevent him from falling asleep. He had tried everything he could think of to try and fall asleep but nothing worked, his brain just wouldn't shut off. Part of him wanted to call Jungkook on the really hard nights, knowing his voice would calm him down at least, but he didn't want to bother him when he was already working overtime with Namjoon and Hoseok to try and track down Necro as well as keep surveillance on Yoongi in case Necro came back to finish what he started.

Being constantly watched put Yoongi at ease, as well as made him feel like he was suffocating. He had freedom to do as he pleased, but having someone always watching over you made you feel trapped when all you wanted was a few minutes of solitary. It wasn't bad when Taehyung and Jimin were around since it was just like a normal day, and he looked forward to when Jungkook came around — obviously. It was more so when Namjoon sent employees to sit outside his apartment. His parents had no idea what had happened to him — he had told them he had stayed over at Taehyung's to work on a project for biology and then said he wasn't feeling well to give him an excuse to stay home for the rest of the week before starting school again on Monday — so they were unaware of the strangers sitting outside their home to make sure a villain didn't come back to murder their son.

Honestly, he missed the comfort of being able to change in his own room or make out with his boyfriend without feeling like someone was watching him through the window.

Being sleep deprived, paranoid, and feeling like someone was following him every second of the day was beginning to take its toll. He wanted everything to go back to normal, be able to catch up on the homework he had missed and see his friends without feeling like the smallest amount of social interaction was draining all of the energy out of him. His parents knew something was up by the third day he was home, since he was barely eating and never left his room. They mentioned seeing a doctor if he felt as sick as he said, to which he brushed off. He didn't need a doctor, he needed sleep.

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