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I dreaded that certain time of the year for the same reason: my grandparents' lavish celebration of their wedding anniversary.

"I'm sorry if this will sound selfish, but can I please not go? I don't even have a date," I said to my mom, who just informed me that I was required to attend with a date.

"Honey, I know how much you don't want to attend this. Trust me, I don't want to, either, let alone pay a part of it for them to think that they're still rich, but I'm doing this for our sake. You know how they go around to their friends and gossip about their own children, and I don't want our family to have a bad reputation," my mom convinced me, then I sighed.

"I'll think about it. I have major exams coming up, but I promise that I'll do anything to go there, even if it means looking for a date," I said, then I heard my mom sigh in relief. We said subtle goodbyes before ending the call, then I went to my bed and yelled on my pillow in frustration.

"Relax, you already have a date. And we don't have exams on that week so you're good to go," Ally said, then I turned my head and looked at her.

"You don't understand. My grandparents are absolute leeches! They feed on our family's flaws," I said, then Ally shrugged.

"And who exactly are you referring to when you said that I have a date? Might I remind you that my single ass is still crying," I added, then Ally chuckled.

"Well, duh? No other than your 'best friend,' Brad," Ally mocked playfully, then I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, best friend for two weeks. Plus, didn't I tell you that you're the second best?" I said, then Ally laughed.

"I know, because Tristan, aside from being my boyfriend, is also my best friend, so the first best friend position is already taken, meaning that you're my second best friend, too," Ally said.

"Anyway, you better ask Brad if he's free during that week, because if anyone has to be your date, it should be him," Ally added, then I sighed.

"I don't want to bother him. Going to my grandparents means that he has to buy a suit, to learn proper manners and how to not have conflict with conservative behavior, and to rent a costly car just to show off," I said, then Ally raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't you think that the only thing that Brad needs there is the suit, though?" Ally asked.

"You've got a fair point. But the thing is, Brad might have more important things to do," I said, then Ally smiled at me.

"So, go ask him, then. He'll tell you when he's not available, then you can worry about who you're going to take home to your bed," Ally winked, then I softly glared at her. She should really stop suggesting that Brad and I want to have sex when Brad saw her with Tristan not so long ago, and probably learned his lesson from the experience.

"I'll go talk to him before I sleep, I guess," I told Ally, who smiled.

Hours later, Ally was listening to the music from her headphones on full volume while reading a novel by her favorite author, Colleen Hoover. I shakily typed Brad's number in, then I waited for the phone to ring.

"Hey, Roe. What's up?" Brad asked, then I grasped my thigh nervously.

"Hey, Brad. I'm just, wondering if you could do me...uh...a huge favor?" I asked, then I heard Brad clear his throat.

"It depends. What is this favor?" Brad asked, then I turned on my bed.

"Okay. On the following weekend, my grandparents are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary back at home. It's going to be a big celebration, and my parents told me that I should have a plus one, so..." I trailed off, hoping that Brad would get the message.

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