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I guess the feeling of being abandoned by Brad started ever since after we presented our essays together in our English class, since he has not been giving me a ride to the Chemistry building, unlike before.

It's not like he was required to do that, anyway. It was just a show of affection; a way to show his best friend that he cared. It's his way of saying, hey, I want to get to know you as my friend, but once I'm fine with dating others again, I'm gonna ditch you.

I really should have seen it coming.

It's been a while since Brad and I talked, mainly because we have conflicting schedules. He's devoting all of his free time to the girl that he's dating right now, then I've been devoting all my free time to studying. Despite that, however, I knew deep in my heart that I missed him and that I really wanted to talk to him, but he was ghosting me every time I reached out to him.

Why did I even bother? It's not like he was my boyfriend or something.

Ew. Never in a million years.

"You haven't really been hanging out with Brad lately," Ally said while writing down some notes. I put my book down and looked at her, then she looked at me.

"We're just busy," I said, then Ally frowned.

"Yeah, you're busy trying to be a good student while he's busy ignoring you to get to know his new girl," Ally said, then I sighed.

"Look, whatever Brad is doing right now is out of my business, okay? He ditched me several times, he doesn't reply to any of my texts or calls, and, as far as I know, we went from best friends to complete strangers in just a week, and I'm sorry if this sounds really clingy, but, yes, I'm upset that we aren't hanging out anymore because he's the first ever person that I considered as my best friend, so I'd like to take my mind off of it," I said, then Ally went over and patted my back.

"I'm sorry, Roe. For the record, I don't find it clingy. In fact, if I were to label one as my best friend, I'd expect that person not to do what Brad is doing right now. I'd feel the exact same as you are," Ally said, then I smiled and mouthed a 'thank you.' She went back to her bed to study, then I continued studying, too.

An hour later, I jumped up in fright when my phone started to ring, then I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Brad. I rolled my eyes and sighed before declining the call, however, after declining seven more times, it seemed as if Brad was not giving up, so I finally answered my phone.

"Can you not? I'm studying," I said with a tone, hoping that he'll get the message.

"Please look outside," Brad said, then I groaned as I went to the window and looked down, where Brad was standing in the cold.

"What are you...doing?" I asked, then I heard Brad sigh.

"Look, I know that we haven't been talking much lately, and it's all my fault, but I figured that, despite our busy schedules, we should hang out," Brad said, then I chuckled sarcastically.

"Now?" I asked, then he nodded his head. I, on the other hand, shook mine sideways.

"Excuse you, Bradley, but the last time I checked, you're the one ghosting me," I said, then he sighed.

"Why'd you think I'm standing here in the cold, then?" Brad said, then I shrugged.

"Please, Roe. This is my apology for ditching you, not answering to your calls and texts, and basically everything. I was a jerk to you, and I'm really sorry. I selfishly chose to act that way, and you don't deserve it. Please forgive me," Brad said, then I closed my eyes and thought about my next move.

A Spark of Eccentric || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now