Happy Anniversary! (+ important announcement)

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Hi everyone!

One year ago today, this girl decided to publish the first chapter for this book. Little did she know that it would be where it is today.

I enjoyed writing this book so much since the main character, Roe, is close to who I am in real life (as a pop/rock loving Chemistry major who has never been in a relationship before and literally had ten minutes to walk to her next class that's twelve minutes away because she doesn't have a car nor a license) and I can relate to her so well, especially in her thoughts and perspective. I wish I had her brain, though, because I'm about to fail out of my course (please be jinxed, please be jinxed, please be jinxed...).

Also, this time last year, I was mourning three deaths: a friend, a cousin, and our family dog. I had a book (now unpublished, oops) that I dedicated to them, but the storyline and the setting didn't really fit, so I discontinued that book and came up with, you guessed it, this. I imagined a happier reality, that's somehow close to my reality, to keep me sane, and I never thought that it would come to where it is today.

That's why this book is very special to me. I don't care if my grades for that semester were low to the point that it almost jeopardized my scholarship. Writing this book has been the most relieving experience for me; I wrote away all my pain, sadness, and grief in this book. I'm glad that my negative emotions were able to create something like this. I'm not a perfect writer nor a perfect person, but that is exactly the reason why I enjoy writing so much; my urge to write and finish a story is what keeps me going, and I can't tell you all how thankful I am for the support that you have given this book, no matter how cringe/clichéd some scenes are aha 😂

Anyway, time for the important part.

Because I personally don't think that me saying "thank you for your support" is enough to show you all my deepest gratitude for your effort in supporting this book, I decided to be a good author for once and listened to what you, my lovely readers, have voiced out to me ever since you have reached the end of this story...

Yes, the sequel, A Sense of Nostalgic, is out now! Go check it out on my profile if you want to 😊

And, yes, thank you so much for all the support that you've given this book. You're the reason why this book has consistently charted in its tags ever since it was released and got it to where it is now. Your support towards this book has been unbelievable, and I honestly can't be any more thankful.

Hopefully, I'll see you all in the sequel!

Lots of love,
Dani :)

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