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After reading the letter in my hands for about 20 more times in disbelief, I realized that there should be no time wasted and that I should tell the news to everyone who was involved.

The first people I called were my parents, who couldn't stop congratulating me. They also informed me that they'll be checking in their hotel soon, reminding me that they'll pick me up tomorrow morning to get my cast removed.

The next person I called was Ally, who, despite the fact that she just arrived at her house, drove the whole way back so that I had no choice but to go out with her for one last time.

When the call ended, I scrolled down along my contacts list and saw Brad's number, which I tapped. I hovered my finger over the call button before turning the phone off, realizing that I didn't know what to say if he picked the phone up.

I wanted to tell Brad that I was leaving, but I didn't want him to feel abandoned, especially since Charlie's visit served as a reason why I should cut all communication with Brad, whose dad probably wanted me out of his life, too. Also, Brad already had Jill with him; he's happy enough without me, so I didn't think I had anything to worry about, except for our friendship, maybe.

I would tell him when I was ready.

Hours later, Ally was fixing my hair to make me look 'presentable,' since she was able to invite people over last-minute. Despite the short time, she managed to arrange a small 'going-away' party at a karaoke place nearby.

"Ally, I really think that what you're doing with my hair is beautiful, but don't you think that it's too much? It's just the karaoke place; it's not like I'm going to get married or something," I said as Ally put some flower pins on the small bun that she made.

"I know, but it's just..." she stopped mid-sentence, then I looked at her through the mirror. She looked happy albeit the tears in her eyes.

"Ally..." I said softly, then she sighed with a smile and continued with what she was doing to my hair.

"Look, I never thought that I'd be really, really attached to the nerdiest friend that I've ever had, but, in all honesty, I'm going to miss you so much that I'm styling your hair as if I'm never going to see you again," Ally said the truth, then I smiled at her. Once she finished with my hairstyle, I stood up from my chair and faced her.

"Of course we'll see each other again; I promise. It might not be soon, but I'll come by and visit, or maybe invite you over. Who knows?" I said, then Ally chuckled as she wiped a tear away.

"Monroe Henderson, I am so proud of you for keeping your head in the game and reaching for your dreams. I'm honored to have been your roommate for the past semester," Ally said, then I pulled her in for a hug, which she returned.

"I can say the same but with you," I told her, then we pulled away from the hug. Ally dabbed her tears away with her fingers, then she chuckled at me before we both agreed to go to the party.

When we got there, things were already in full swing. It turned out that Tristan already took the honor of getting the first song, and everyone continued after that. I looked around and saw that Ally managed to invite my friends from my organization, our friends from our classes, and Connor and James, who were sorting out the snacks and drinks for the night.

"You also invited the boys?" I asked her, then Ally nodded.

"I tried to call Brad, but he didn't answer his phone," Ally said. Although it was highly unusual of Brad not to answer a phone call, I didn't point it out.

Everyone had a go at the karaoke machine, including Ally, who I didn't know actually has a really good voice. I took two Jägerbombs, prepared by James and Connor, then they passed the song book to me.

A Spark of Eccentric || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now