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We sat at our usual places, except that Brad was sitting next to me, then my dad served us our food, just like every family meal that we would have together.

Our food was plated, as usual, and I literally drooled at the food in front of me. We started to eat the meal, then my parents decided to be nosy.

"So, Brad, tell us a little about yourself," my mom said, and he looked at my dad, who smiled at him. They're already acting like they've known each other for so long, and I'm so happy that my parents both like Brad.

"Well, I was born in England. I lived there with my mom until I was 14, then I moved here in America with my dad and my younger brother. I'm graduating from my degree after the next semester, and I plan to tour and produce music with the band that I'm in," Brad said, and my parents looked very impressed.

"What's your band's name? Are you doing any good?" My dad asked Brad, who I answered for.

"They're called 'The Vamps.' I went to one of their shows not so long ago and they sounded really, really good," I told them, then my parents smiled.

"Well, we should get one of your albums in the future, am I right?" My mom asked rhetorically, then Brad blushed a little.

"That wouldn't be necessary," Brad said, then my dad smiled at him.

"Of course it is. Anything for the best assistant chef I've ever had," my dad said, then Brad blushed.

"I'm serious. I just told him what to do and he nailed it; it's like I cooked the dish myself," my dad said, then my mom gave him a knowing look.

"Where did you learn how to cook, Brad?" My mom asked.

"My mom taught me a few recipes before I moved here," Brad said, and we all nodded our heads.

"How about you? What do you guys like to talk about?" Brad asked, then my parents looked at each other.

"Well, most times, we would talk about work. Chris works as a head chef in one of the local restaurants here, and I work as a lawyer. We would often include Monroe whenever we talk, and she'll be glad to tag along," my mom said, and I gave them a small smile.

"You know, Brad, I'm actually surprised that you and Monroe aren't together. I mean, with all due respect, you two look great together," my dad said, and I laughed a little.

"Well, dad, we're better off friends for now, so, yeah, we'd like to stick to that," I said, and he smiled.

"I know. It was just a suggestion," my dad said, and I laughed to myself.

"By the way, I hope everyone is already ready with what they're going to wear tonight. Not to be a complete killjoy or anything, but they won't be impressed if we're underprepared," my mom said, and my dad immediately put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Marilyn. We're going to get ready the way your parents want us to," my dad reassured her, and I gave them a fake smile so they won't worry.

I have to worry, however, since they're my grandparents, who act like they're royalty in the lairs of hell.


I looked at my dresser's mirror for the millionth time, nervous about my appearance for tonight's event. After giving up on styling my hair that I curled myself, I decided to gather my hair with a hair tie so it looked decent. My silver knee-length dress was plain and simple, and the black pumps I wore worked well with it.

Too bad that I can't manage the clasp of my necklace.

"Monroe? We're gonna be late!" My mom yelled from wherever she was.

A Spark of Eccentric || Brad Simpson (The Vamps) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now