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The following events that happened after Ally's accidental slip-up were too overwhelming for my walnut-sized brain.

First up, because of my quick thinking, I managed to convince everyone that Ally and I were talking about another guy, and, luckily, they believed it. The celebration went by smoothly, and it ended with a good note after, until I discovered that Ally was drunk.

The bad side of that was that Ally happened to be our ride home, and she obviously couldn't drive us to our dorm although it's just a short distance because she's way too drunk and the guards around campus could catch us and file a case. I can't either, because I didn't want to scratch Ally's car nor put other lives in danger. I tried to ask Connor, James, and Tristan if they could help, but even they were asking for Brad's help to take them home, since they've all taken one too many drinks.

In the end, Jill took Ally and I back to our dorm. Once we let Ally rest on her bed, I chatted with Jill a little to keep her entertained as we waited for Brad, who was going to pick her up so that she could go home.

We chatted about random things, surprisingly, while putting Brad out of the picture. We discovered that we both liked the same bands, and that, while her singing style was more of bubblegum pop, her favorite music genre was either alternative, rock, or indie, which I all love. She's literally the sweetest girl; I was jealous of her personality.

She didn't come from an affluent family, and, in fact, she took a gap year so she can support her family. Because of that, she's still in her third year of college, but she didn't mind. She loved seeing everyone happy, and if she had a bad side, it's that she's very insecure of herself.

"Can you keep a secret?" Jill asked me as we sat across each other on my bed, then I nodded my head.

"Sure, anything," I said, then Jill took a deep breath.

"Have you ever said yes to something, but after a while, you start to regret that choice?" Jill asked, then I shrugged.

"I don't think I'm the right person to ask that question," I admitted, then I chuckled, causing her to copy my actions.

"Anyway, I do have some choices that I regret. However, looking back, I would look at those choices as part of the things that made me who I am today, so, at the end of the day, I don't really regret anything at all," I said, then Jill gave me a small smile.

"Except maybe when I was a bitch at everyone during kindergarten," I said, then she laughed. I laughed, too, then she nervously looked at her hands as she played with them, her lips forming a straight line as she did so.

"Whenever I have to make a choice, I always weigh the consequences first before deciding for myself. This way, I won't have any regrets when it comes to looking back at my past," Jill shared, then I hugged my knees after lifting my legs up on my bed.

"And, I don't know...I mean, I love Brad with all my heart, but, I'm not sure—" she cut herself off, then I attempted to finish the statement for her to let her know that I was trying to empathize with her.

"If you really want to be his girlfriend or not...?" I curiously asked, then she nodded her head.

"That's what I hate. I'm not sure if I said yes because I'm confident that I love him and I really want him to be my boyfriend, or if I said yes because I don't want to hurt his feelings because I didn't want him to be humiliated in public. Either way, I don't think I'm good enough to be his girlfriend because I'm not sure if that's what I want to be," Jill said, then I sighed.

"Do you love him?" I asked, then she nodded her head.

"With all my heart, yes. But I'm not sure if this is what my mind wants, too. I've got too many things in my mind that I don't even know how I'm supposed to act now that I'm his girlfriend," Jill said, then I looked into her eyes, which were radiating sad emotions.

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