In My Pain

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Oh. You think it doesn't affect me,
The way you laugh with him
Or smile with her?

You think it doesn't affect me,
The way you're happy,
Happy without me?

You think it doesn't affect me,
The way you talk to people
The same way used to talk to me?

You think it doesn't affect me,
That I'm all alone,
While you're surrounded and joyful?

That you left me for granted,
Left me all alone,
In my pain,
In my suffering?

You think it doesn't affect me,
That I can't sleep at night
Because I'm haunted by the past?

You think it doesn't affect me,
That I hate every piece of myself?

You think...
You know it affects me,
To know
that you don't need me to be happy,

To know
that that you don't need me at all,

To know
That you don't even miss me.

But I know,
I know that you know,
That I'm not angry at you,
For I can't blame you for leaving me.
I would leave myself too,
if I could.

You know that I'm not angry and barely disappointed in you,
I'm just hurt.
And alone.

Oh. You think it doesn't affect me,
The way my anger gnaws at me,
Hurting me
In the most unimaginable ways?

You think it doesn't affect me,
That I am destroying myself
And all those I love,
And the very few who still love me?

Oh. But do you really think it doesn't affect me,
That no one loves me for who I am,
That everyone just sees me as work in progress,
A project to fix,
A broken person?

Do you really think that it doesn't affect me,
to feel lonely even when I am surrounded?

The thoughts I feelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin