Agony from within

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Thoughts are crammed up in my head,
I feel like I'm in an airplane that's crashing,
Like a sinking boat.
And everything is happening in slow motion.
The fear growing, ever so slowly,
The need to catch my breath creeps on me in the slowest possible way,
The need to hug the person next to me in fear comes ever so slowly.

It feels like everything around me is slow motion, the people chattering,
The thoughts and words I speak,
The way I move, and you move.
It feels so slow and so wrong.

And yet it feels like this earth is spinning to quickly,
Trying to throw me off its surface,
And I'm falling,
Flailing through space, in slow motion,
moving my limbs ever so slowly,
I can't hold on to anything,
I'm not fast enough to grip on to the help that is offered,
Can't grip on to hope and love.

I'm alone,
Falling through the sky,
My chest is hurting from all the pressure,
My eyes bloodshot red from all the tears,
I feel like I can't breathe,
I feel like I can't eat or feel.
My body is numb.
My soul is numb.
I am numb. 
And I prefer it that way,
That way I don't need to worry,
Don't get hurt,
I might not feel joy and love,
But I can't feel the agony from within either.

The thoughts I feelWhere stories live. Discover now