But do I ever cross your mind?

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Damn, you and I.
We laughed and smiled,
We had the greatest laughing fits of all time.
Damn, we were close, we were friends.
We spoke every day, we laughed and giggled more than I have ever before.
Remember all the times we got in trouble in class for being to loud, for not working?
Well I do.
Damn, I do.
And the sheer thought of it makes me grin crazily and want to cry at the same time.
Because I miss you,
I miss all those times we laughed and laughed,
I miss all of those silly conversations,
I miss our serious conversations,
I miss fighting with the teacher just so we wouldn't be separated,
And damn, I miss getting in trouble with you.
I miss you.

We were close, we were friends.
You were my best friend.
But now if I were to die tomorrow, you wouldn't know.
But in my final breath all I could think of is you,
Your smile,
Your laugh,
Your voice,
Your stupid jokes that weren't funny but cracked me up every single time,
I would think of you, right before I go.
Because leaving you behind is my greatest regret.
Because even if you didn't love me,
I never cared
Because I carried enough love to cover up for your missing love.
I loved you so much that I didn't care that might not have.

I think of you,
I think of you all the time.

But do I ever cross your mind?

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