This one's for you

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Dear reader.
Dear friends.
If you're reading this,
This either means that you accidentally stumbled into my writing,
maybe by seeing it on one of the tags you follow,
Or you thought this could be interesting and relatable.
Maybe you're one of my friends are reading this just to be kind.
Of course you could be genuinely interested, but I doubt that's the case.
Or you're just here because you're worried about my mental health, if that's the case, leave. Leave right now, I don't want your worry, I don't want your pity.
If I really wanted to be dead, I would be.
If I really wanted to be as light as a feather, I would be.
If I wanted you to worry, you would know.

Dear people, who are reading this because this is all they have left of me,
You are part of the reason I write,
You are the pain and the hurt that keeps me up at night,
You are the anxiety I feel when I speak to friends,
You are the scars on my skin and the tears in my eyes.
You are...
For goodness sake, please leave.
I love you, you should know that.
But I can't have you, because loving you drains me, sucks the life out of me.
Loving you is like loving the stars,
They don't admire you as much as I do.

Please, don't read what I have to say.
I will only hurt you.
I will only make you feel guilty,
Guilty for my weakness,
For my ego,
For my naivety.
I love you,
Maybe you love me too,
But I can't have you.
You know that.
So go.
Go before the collateral damage is too big,
Before it can't be undone.

Dear readers, that I have not yet shooed away.
Thank you for staying.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for existing.

Thank you.

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