comic cON or comic pLUS???

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Lmfao your stupid author forgot about the con oops. (btw act like comic con's in january ty)

~Finn Wolfhard~

"GUYS!" I hung up on Ayla and rushed into the living room where the rest of the cast was, "WE FORGOT ABOUT COMIC CON!"

Millie's eyes went wide. She thought for a minute and said, "oH crap. When Emma asked us what we were doing after New Years I didn't think we had any events oops."

Sadie butted in, "Dude we always have events after the release of a new season."

"But season 2 was released a month and a half ago" (aCt liKe iT wAs sO tHaT i cAn gEt tHiS sToRyLiNe tOgEtHeR ty)

Gaten laughed into his cup of coffee, "You guys know the con is this week right? And we're bringing Emma so there will definitely be big crowds to see her."

Millie smiled, "I'm so glad Emma's getting good press though. I didn't know if the fans were going to like welcoming a newcomer into the fandom."

Caleb walked in behind me, "But Sadie was new for season 2 and everyone loves her."

Millie nudged her, "Yeah, now they do." Sadie laughed.

I left everyone talking together in the living room and slipped my head into Emma's shared room with the girls. She was sitting on the bed with her laptop open. I walked in and plopped onto the bed beside her.

"Hey, whatcha looking at?" I said.

She showed me her computer screen, "Top 10 cities to visit in Italy. We're definitely going to Cinque Terre. It says here that you can get the best gelato in the world there."

I couldn't help but stare at her. She seemed so interested in planning our entire vacation for us.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked her.

She handed me a messy stack of papers and said, "Can you get the itinerary together and the packing list for everyone? Some people need specific things on there. Caleb asked me to put down extra deodorant on his, and Gaten wants a reminder to bring Joe's hair gel in case he runs into a girl there."

I panicked a little. There was a lot to do. "Uh, sure."

She laughed at how overwhelmed I was, "I'm just kidding." She put the jumbled papers in a neat pile on the bed, "It's a little much, but I enjoy organizing so I've got it covered for y'all."

She's so nice to us, it was crazy. We'd just met a couple days ago, and now she's planning an entire vacation for the cast. It's really cute how sweet she is.

I scratched the back of my head, "Hey, um remember that event that we said we'd take you to? Yeah, it's this week, so are you still cool with going?"

"I can't believe you're bringing me to comic con. Of course I'm cool with going!"

She looked really excited. I got a little flustered, "So that's cool I guess. There's usually a lot of people and the paparazzi likes to hide in the crowds so there's that. The whole thing kinda sucks the energy out of me. It's more like comic con that comic plus ahaha."

She laughed at my joke, "I'll make it a comic plus then. I can't wait."

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