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Real life             💯Alania

So today I was going to go out with the girls but they were all busy. Odell had a mystery meeting so I was alone. I went to eat and then I just sat in my apartment alone. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it" I asked. No one answered. I went to the door and opened it.

"Edwin what are you doing here" I said shocked.

"I needed to see you" He said.

"I don't know why, maybe you want to see Hayley" I said rolling my eyes.

"Lani stop she doesn't mean anything to me at all. You have been avoiding me for a three days and I miss you" He said. I'm not going to lie I miss him too.

"No that still doesn't make up for the way you went off on me Ed" I said. He looked at me with deep eyes.

"And I'm sorry, I was out of line. I know I was. Lani I need you, I really do" He said.

"I still don't believe you" I said crossing my arms. He looked at me and his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips. Then he grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back, of course I did, I've been wanting to do this since he commented on my page.

"Do you believe me now mamas" He said.

"Maybe I'm not sure, convince me again" I said. He leaned in and kissed me again. It felt like complete heaven.

"Happy birthday" He said

"Ok now I believe you" I smiled. He hugged me.

"I missed you so much" He said. I nodded. We sat on the couch and just talked.

"So like why are you just sitting in the house alone" Edwin asked.

"Well everyone was busy and there was nothing to do" I shrugged.

"Do you want to do something with me" He asked.

"Sure why not" I said. I went to get dressed. When I walked out Edwin looked me up and down.

"You are not going out in that" He said.

"Hey, you'll be with me. I'll be fine" I said. He smiled as we walked out of the apartment.

"So who's driving" I asked.

"Me obviously" He said. I rolled my eyes and got into the car. He put his hand on my thigh and my heart fluttered. I just wish he would ask me to be with him. I want him and only him.

We pulled up to a club like place.

"Where are we" I asked.

"Don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, stay close to me" He said. I gave him a weird look and listened. We walked in and of course it was a club. We walked to a VIP section.

"Why are we back here" I asked.

"SURPRISE" Everyone screamed. All of my friends walked from behind a curtain. I smiled.

"When did you guys plan this" I asked.

"When you left the group chat" Liyah said. I rolled my eyes. Zion was eyeing me.

"Happy birthday bestfriend" Zion said hugging me. I hugged him back.

"Thanks bubs" I said.

"You should do your party trick" Viah said. I gave her a weird look.

"No she shouldn't" Odell said.

"At the end" I said. We partied literally all night. We had to leave in an hour so I decided to do my party trick.

"Give me the bottle" I said to Austin. He handed me the bottle and started the timer.

"Ready, set, go" Zion said. I started chugging and it was getting harder. I felt the bottle getting lighter.

"Time" Brandon said.

"Again she beats it" Nick said grabbing the bottle. We tossed it into a bin and started to grab our things. I was the only one who drank that hard. I walked outside first, stumbling to someone's car.

"Hey you lost baby" Someone said. I looked at him as he grabbed my arm. I started to pull away.

"Yo get away from her" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Edwin.

"Ed" I said.

"Come on lets get you home, Odell will be there later" He said. He put me in the car. I went to sleep in the car.

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