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imessages Edwin and Alania

Edwin Honoret
Lani can we talk
read 1:20 AM

Edwin Honoret
Please I'm trying my hardest to not cry while typing this
read 1:21 AM

Edwin Honoret
I miss you and I never meant for this to happen
read 1:21 AM

Edwin Honoret
I wasn't thinking straight
read 1:24 AM

Edwin Honoret
I need you in my life, Emaza means nothing
read 1:24 AM

Edwin Honoret
Alania Alexandrina Alessandra Hudson please
read 1:26 AM

Edwin Honoret
I miss you so much
read 1:27 AM

Edwin Honoret
stop just reading them
delivered 1:29 AM

Edwin Honoret
thats not what i mean
read 1: 30 AM

Edwin Honoret
You're messing with me and I know it
read 1:35 AM

Edwin Honoret
Lani, I love you
read 1:40AM

See Edwin that's where you got me half way confused and all the way fucked up. You not finna act like you care. And you not about to text me at 2 am cause your hoe ass bored. You didn't give a fuck when you were cheating with hayley nor did you care when Emaza came into the picture. You did this to yourself. This is your fault. You don't love me because you don't hurt the ones you love. I am crying while typing this. I'm hurting edwin and I need you to know you are doing this to me. I want you to see what you are doing to me. This shit hurts and I don't got nobody like my momma to help. I am very grateful for everyone around me because i would probably be dead. I don't think I'll ever trust you like I did before. You fucked up bad and I want you to understand that. My highschool bully Edwin, your ex which is even worst. When that Emaza girl walked into the bus I saw what you did. She is a fucking goddess. Seeing your arm around her hurt like hell. I felt like shit. I didn't amount to anyone on that bus. To them I was just anothet girl from the Bronx, another rando. They are all better looking, can sing, and dance. I am not shit compared to them. I just thought you were better than that Edwin. I thought you were different than the others. I thought this time I could actually be happy and for a moment I was. And I thank you for that. This isn't how I wanted things to go. Not at all. You just proved all my insecurities and doubts about myself. You just lowered my self confidence and self esteem. You made me feel like shit and everyone else had to pick up the pieces. Yet they didn't get them all. I will always be broken now, I will never be the same and nobody can do nothing about it. Do you know why I will never be whole, because you still have my fucking heart in your hands. It's shattered to pieces but your dumbass has it and frankly i dont want it back. Because you cant get heartbroken if you dont have one. So congratu-fucking-lations Edwin Joel Honoret, you were the last person who I opened myself up completely for and the last person to break me in half. You were the first person who got to hold my heart and the last person that ever will. Be proud because you have changed so much in me and opened my eyes to so much more than before. I will never love anyone the way I loved you and I don't ever want to.
read 2:05AM


all i do now is cry, smoke, and sleep so thank you for thatread 2:07 AM

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all i do now is cry, smoke, and sleep so thank you for that
read 2:07 AM

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