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Real life 💯Alania

I woke up with a huge pain in my stomach. Edwin had his arm wrapped around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. I was over the prettymuch house and the other girls were there. It was result of another sleepover.

I got out the bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at my pants and saw nothing but red.

"FUCK" I said loudly. My favorite blue shorts. I didn't have anything to change into nor did I have tampons. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to Brandon's door. I knocked lightly.

"Yea" Brandon sais opening the door.

"Can you tell viah to come here" I said. He looked down at the towel and them nodded. Shortly after Viah was at the door.

"What you need baby" She asked.

"I don't have any tampons or changing clothes" I said pointing to my towel.

"Oh I got something for you" She said. She soon came out with some sweats and tampons.

"I have underwear, Edwin wanted me to wear his hoodies like some ariana shit" I laughed and then groaned.

"Go shower and then meet me in the kitchen" She said. I went in Edwin's bathroom and washed off. When I came out I got dressed and went to fix my side of the bed.

"Oh no" I said. There was a huge blood spot on the bed. I don't even know how that happened. I started crying because I knew Edwin was going to be disgusted.

"Mamas why are you crying...oh shit" Edwin said waking up. He looked at the bed and fully woke up.

"Shit, Shit, are you ok. Why are you bleeding do you need to go to the hospital" He started panicking.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to stain your sheets" I said.

"Don't cry baby, its natural but like are you suppposed to bleed that much" He asked.

"I don't know"

"Come on we are going to the hospital"

"No I'm fine" I said. Then I winced in pain. I went to get up and the pain got even worst. I started to stumble to the kitchen.

"I'll carry you" Edwin said after completely stripping the bed. He picked me ul and carried me to the kitchen.

"Where are your pain killers" Viah asked frantically. I started to tear up because of the pain.

"Bottom cabinet" Edwin said. He sat me on the couch in the living room. I was now just crying because of all the pain I was in.

"Here take three of these" Viah said walking into the living room. I just swallowed all of them. My stomach started to calm down a bit but it still hurt.

"Are you hungry" Edwin asked.

"No" I said.

"Ok give me a minute" Edwin said and then I heard the door shut.

"I need to wash his sheets and fix his bed and clean the house" I said getting up.

"No you don't, I'll wake Alyssa up" Viah said.

"No it's fine ill do it" I said. Alyssa is just in the middle of her period while Viah just ended hers. I washed Edwin's sheets, I changed the bedding, then I cleaned literally the entire house. I decided to make a little breakfast and then knocked on everyone's door.

"BREAKFAST AND NOBODY MESS WITH ME TODAY" I yelled. I went into Edwin's room and layed down. I put on Kevin Hart because I wanted to laugh. I slowly started to miss Edwin. Then he burst through the door.

"Ok so I didnt know what to get, I got scented candles, heating pads, fruit, candy, different cakes, and books" He said. I laughed at how frantic he looked.

"Hey, thank you and chill out" I said.

"Are you ok, are you feeling fine" He asked getting on the bed.

"I feel better than ever" I said slowly kissing him. I don't know what it is about Edwin but I can't stay away from him. I can't stop thinking about him. He invades my entire world. I think im in love.

"Come here" Edwin said pulling me closer to him. I crawled over the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I instantly felt drowsy.

"Bubba I'm tired" I said.

"Then go to sleep baby" He said kissing my head. I nodded my head as I fell asleep.

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