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Real Life

Today is the day. I landed in New york about an hour ago and I called an uber to the tour bus. It wasn't going to be easy. I was going to rent a car for the time I was here because I hate being driven around.

Liyah was going to meet us later. She had to go to the college and turn in some last minute papers and she had to verify her online courses. I'm so proud of her. My college courses fucking suck though. I have another year.

I walked to the bus and swung my overnight bag over my shoulder. I had enough for like a week so I dont know why its my over night bag. I knocked on the door. The only person I hate opened the door.

"Oh you" She said.

"Hello to you too Hayley" I said. She just kept looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want"

"Bitch I'm here to see my friends and I will not take shit from you" I said.

"Yea whatever" She said. She walked inside the bus as I follower behind.

"Hey Lani" Zion said giving me a hug. I smiled at him.

"Here you can put your stuff in Edwin's bunk" Austin said taking my bag.

"Girl wash your hair, I need them curls" Brandon said. I laughed. I just straightened it this morning.

"Where's Edwin" I asked.

"Him, Madison, Nick, Emaza, and Ian went to go get some food. We already ate. When he gets back you guys can leave" Zion said. I sat down on the couch.

"Im so fucking proud of you guys, you are doing so well" I said. They sat beside me. Hayley stood in the corner giving me weird faces.

"I need to know when your line is dropping" Austin said.

"This ugly bitch with a makeup line" Hayley mumbled but I heard it loud and clear.

"MY CLOTHING LINE, is coming soon. Before Edwin's birthday" I said.

"Damn that's cool" Brandon said. We sat and talked a lot while Hayley was on her phone. I don't know why everything she did bothered me.

"Yo wassup guys" A girl said walking in. She had beautiful black hair and such a pretty face. She was absolutely gorgeous. Then another girl followed her. She had beautiful curly hair. It was so long and she had caramel skin. She was sunkissed even in the moonlight. She was a goddess. Edwin had his arm over her shoulder.

Now I have said this before, I am a jealous bitch. It kinda hurt me. He was laughing and looked like he was having a good time and I didn't want to ruin that. I was nothing compared to her.

"Hey mamas" Edwin said. I gave a faint smile.

"Hey bubba" I said. He walked over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Emaza, Madison this is Lani" He said. Emaza gave me a weird look and then shook my hand. Madison came right up and hugged me. I liked her energy.

"Oh my god Lani you are fucking gorgeous" Madison said.

"I was thinking the same thing about you" I laughed. I felt like me and Madison would hit it off. Emaza didn't say anything to me.

"I was just telling Lani that you were going home when you got back" Brandon said to Edwin. Emaza had walked to the bunks.

"Oh yea, we can spend the night too if you want" Edwin said to me. That was the original plan. It felt so awkward being around my own boyfriend.

"Yea we can" I said. I saw Hayley giving a weird look Emaza's way.

"Her bag is in your bunk so" Zion said. Edwin nodded and went to get the bag. He was back there long. I felt for my phone and I realized I must have thrown it in the bunk. I walked to go get it and Edwin was walking out. I swear I saw her whisper in his ear or something.

"Sorry I'm just getting my phone" I said as I went into the bunk and got it. Once I got up I saw her get into the bunk. Edwin's bunk but that has to be a mistake. Edwin and I drove to his mother's house. I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I was being the perfect girlfriend.

"So how are you feeling about meeting them" He asked.

"I can't wait" I said. Once we got to the house my anxiety kicked in. I wanted to jump out the car and run. I started bouncing my leg.

"It's ok you got this" He said squeezing my thigh. We got out and he introduced me to his mother. She was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe my eyes. His little sister and brother were priceless. We were sitting and eating when she started asking questions.

"So how long have you guys been talking" She asked.

"Umm about 9 months" I said. She nodded. Then she looked at Edwin and her expression change.

"Cómo se atrevía a poner eso en el cuello de mi bebé (how dare she put that on my baby's neck)" His mom said. I thought we werr going fine. But I was confused.

"Acabo de llegar, no le puse nada en el cuello (I just got here, I didn't put anything on his neck)" I said. She looked surprised to see that I knew spanish. I went to look at Edwin's neck. There was a fresh hickey on his neck.

"Edwin are you serious" I asked. I knew something wasn't right.

"What" He asked as if he didn't do anything.

"I'm not gonna argue in here in respect of your family" I said. I went to grab my bag and I walked out of the house. I called an uber to take me to the bus until morning. I'm gonna stay in a hotel. When I got there nobody was there. I walked into the hidden living room. I cried to myself for thinking he could stay faithful. I knew everyone was the same. Then I heard noise.

"Did Lani come back here" I heard Edwin say.

"No but Emaza is sleeping so you have to be quiet" I heard Madison say. Then I heard the bus door shut.

"So she left you" That was Hayley.

"I'll call her" Edwin said.

"Forget about the whore, what about me. You haven't even looked at me this week because of that Emaza bitch" She said.

"Listen baby I need time" He said.

"Come on, just tonight" I was crying again. Nobody knew I was here.

"Emaza is sleeping and I have to worry about Lani"

"Forget them both. You can't say you don't want me, not after the last time"

"True" He said. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the hidden living room into the main living room.

"You both disgust me. I can't believe you Edwin, I actually trusted you. And you filthy slut, Hayley I hope karma bites you in the ass" I said. He already had her shirt off. I ran off the bus. I couldn't do it. I started having a panic attack because I didn't know where I was. I needed to walk to my dad's house. I couldn't have an uber seeing me like this.

I was walking when I heard footsteps and screaming. My anxiety started acting up. I started crying and then blacked out.

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