Chapter 3

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[Tinystar's POV]

I gave a purr to myself as I heard the news of the three new kits in the nursery. Icehowl had proved so far that given the right motive that he could work for us. If he continued to be of use, I would allow him to take one of Roseeyes' kits as his apprentice. I did have a gathering to call, so I called my deputy over. Witheredsoul had been busy talking to Maplesnow. I still had no apologized to my brother, but I knew that he would forgive me either way. 

Witheredsoul trotted over to me and jumped up next to me while I sat on High Rock looking over everyone. "Yes, Tinystar?" He asked me as he sat down and curled his black and white tail around his paws. He was my most loyal servant. I knew he would never betray me. I was all that he knew. 

"Which of the sister's would you like to apprentice? Spokenkit and Nightkit are six moons today. I would like to give you one of them, while I take the other. They are a powerful combo if they learn about who they were named after, and I suspect that they do know. I would like us to apprentice them so that they learn our ways and not the traitor way." I told him as I watched the two sisters head back to the nursery with my kits next to them. My kits were almost old enough as well. I would have to figure out who I could give them to. 

Witheredsoul seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at the two kits. He finally turned his head to look at me. "I will take Spokenkit if you do not mind. I would like the challenge with the shecat." He gave a smile before turning to look at the kits again. 

I somehow knew that he would ask for Spokenkit. She was much more dangerous as she had been named after Spokenstar, the battler of the Dark Forest. Spokenstar had mentored Flamefur, so it was only right that I would train an apprentice to follow in my ways, but I was fine with taking Nightkit. She was much more quiet, but sometimes that helped. I could train her to be a silent assassin. 

"Thank you. While you are here, who do you think could mentor my kits? I am thinking Maplesnow, but I don't know for the other one." I asked him as I looked around the camp. Riversand and Rainsong had been good warriors for me so far, but I was planning on giving Riversand one of Angelwing's kits. 

"How about Rainsong or Volenose? They both seem to be warriors for you. Volenose did turn in your brother." Witheredsoul said.

I lashed my tail. "He could have gone to me first. I will give Silentkit to Maplesnow and Acornkit to Rainsong. I do not fully trust Volenose yet, but he can have one of Angelwing's kits when he proves his worth." I told him with a flick of my tail before calling for a clan meeting. 

Warriors: The Third Strike: Book Five: Trail of MaliceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin