Chapter 26

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[Tinystar's POV]

I looked down at my clan. It had been a hard few moons, but we seemed to be making it through everything. I had not seen Bloodtear all day, but it did not matter to me much. Sure, he had been my mentor for a while, but he also had too much feelings. He cared about Maplefur too much, and he cared about his power too much. He could be weak at times when he did not mean to. 

I ruled my clan with an iron claw. Any scent of there being a traitor was met with my claws. I knew that I would keep this clan for as long as I could keep my lives, but the thought of my nine lives not truly being nine lives hung on me. I had almost lost two of my lives when I had been attacked my Maskedstar. 

"Witheredsoul, come with me." I flicked my tail to the black and white tom as I headed out of the camp. I knew he would follow me. I had showed him so much kindness and treated him better than my own family. He practically worshiped me as if I had been sent from the heavens. 

I continued on through some of the paths, hearing the tom following behind me. I had to tell him the truth of my nine lives. I would have to tell him so that he would defend me no matter what and throw his own life away to save mine. Once we were far enough away from the camp, I turned to him. "I have to tell you something. I do not truly have nine lives. When the Dark Forest gives out lives, they have half the effect. Nine cats gave their second life away for me, but it only truly gave me five lives. I almost lost two lives after the gathering." I told him. I acted as vulnerable as I could. I knew the more pathetic I acted, the more he would care. 

He seemed to lap up the vulnerability bled for him. "Then I will fight whoever comes after you. They will not even be able to lay a claw on you." He stopped and I saw a flash in his eyes. I moved closer to him. I knew his secrets, but I knew he loved me more than anything else. There was no tom that could replace me in his eyes. 

"What is wrong? Why did you stop? Don't you want to protect me like I protected you?" I asked him looking at him with large eyes. I hated this act I had to put on for him, but it worked. He crawled back to me every time. That was all I needed. 

He shook his head and touched the tip of his nose to mine. "Nothing, just some bad thoughts." He purred to me. I felt a bit of doubt in him, but I could see that he meant it. He would always be there for me. I knew he would. 

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