Chapter 19

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[Deerscar's POV]

Burninghope had been through a rough kitting, but as her mate left the den, I was able to see her kits for the first time. I carefully moved over being careful not to scare the female. I knew that I was still labeled as a traitor to the clan, but they all seemed to be caring about me a lot. 

"Hello Deerscar, did you come to see my kits?" She asked me. She had three little balls of fur at her stomach, and they all seemed to be asleep. I gave a small nod and the older female gave a purr. "The female is Twistedkit, because of her tail." 

I felt shocked that they would name the kit after a disability. I went to say something, then remembered it was not my place to say anything about the kit. I just hoped that she grew up to have a good warrior name. I knew she was only destined to be called Twistedtail, but I did not think it fit the small kit. She had ginger and brown fur, but around her tail it turned to black. She was rather beautiful as a kit. 

Burninghope continued on. "This one is named Jetkit because of his dark fur." She leaned down to point toward the almost purely black kit that laid next to his sister. I could see a bit of ginger through his fur, but he was almost completely black. He did look adorable. "Then this one is Cloudkit." 

I looked at the last kit and he was almost completely white except for a streak of ginger fur that rolled down his side. I sat down near the female and looked at the three kits. 

"They are all beautiful. I am sure they will make good warriors." I told the female. I still felt a bit jealous that the two older females in the den still had their mates, but I pushed it past me. I would have my kits sooner or later, and I knew I would be able to mother them myself. I didn't have to have a tom with me to look after them. I would be strong on my own. 

The female thanked me, and I backed up heading back to my nest. I felt a blur enter my vision and blinked to see it was gone. That was weird. I thought to myself before seeing ginger and black fur in my view. I gave a nod as I realized it was Maplefur. I did not want to die like this. 

"Come with me." The female said in an almost hissing manner. I gave a confused look, but followed the Dark Forest warrior out of the camp. I felt all of my fur raise. I could die out here, and no one would even bat an eye. 

Soon, the female turned around to me, and she seemed broken. "My mate cheated on me, and he is the father of your kits." 

Bloodtear, the ruler of the Dark Forest, only second to Tinystar, was the father of the kits that had not been born yet. I was about to hiss in rage, but as I looked at Maplefur I could see the true pain it had caused her. She did not want to kill me, but she wanted to inform me on what had happened. 

"Then he is a piece of foxdung." I told the female being careful with my words. "He will not ever be close to my kits, but if you ever want to see them, then I will allow it." 

Warriors: The Third Strike: Book Five: Trail of MaliceWhere stories live. Discover now