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The dark brown tom had watched as a new cat had entered the small pool of water. This one was a female with ginger and white fur. She did not interest me in the slightest, but he had seen some cat that seemed interesting to him before. He had black and white fur, and whenever he saw him, he seemed unsure of himself. 

The dark brown tom laid down in his den. He did not need to eat anything, as he had already eaten before he saw the new female enter the pool and come back out looking stronger. 

As the tom fell asleep, he spotted a rather large tom. As he looked at the tom, he noticed that mst of his fur was grey and pale ginger, but he did seem to have some dark grey and white spots all over his fur. Along with his fur color, the dark brown tom noticed some sparkles in his fur, almost like it had been lined with the stars. 

Instinctively, the dark brown tom hissed and crouched down ready to fight. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" He hissed with his claws digging into the dirt under him. He was not scared to fight, as he was a rather large tom that had been living on his own for a very long time. 

"Do not fret. I do not come to harm you. I come to tell you something. The dark star's reign will end when the traitor rises to start a brighter age in the forest." The tom with the stars in his fur told the dark brown tom. 

The dark brown tom hissed and flicked his tail. "What in the nine burning worlds is that suppose to mean? Who in the nine burning worlds are you?" He hissed at the other tom. He did not believe that his ancestors lived in the sky and could influence what happened with the others, but he believed in the cats living in other planes of existence. 

"Tell the traitor of black and white." The tom said before dipping his head toward the dark brown tom. "I will not be here to tell him, and he needs to know his destiny. You will find him, I believe in that. There is a reason for all things." He said before he begun to disappear. 

The dark brown tom hissed confused. What had he just witnessed? He flicked his tail calling it off as some kind of dream. That cat could not have been real, as he did not believe in him. Didn't he have to believe in something for it to be real? It left the dark brown pondering as he watched over the forest one last time. 

Find the traitor of black and white. The only cat he had seen with that fur pattern had been the cat unsure of himself, but he looked like he could never uphold to anything. There was no way that a cat that unsure of himself could ever amount to anything great. The great had to be sure of themselves and never doubt it. 


Sorry, I kinda forgot about this because I have been needing a break 

Warriors: The Third Strike: Book Five: Trail of MaliceWhere stories live. Discover now