Chapter 7

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[Witheredsoul's POV]

I decided that I would be taking Spokenpaw to explore the territory for the day. I trusted that Tinystar would be able to assign patrols while I was not there, even if she had no experience of it. I knew I didn't have experience with it to begin with, but I was at least a warrior in the clan while she was off scheming. That had to give me a bit more experience of how the deputy assigned patrols, but that was just my opinion. 

I headed out of the camp with Spokenpaw on my tail. I did not know how I truly felt about the apprentice, but I decided to take her on instead of Nightpaw. I was still not sure why I chose the energetic one, but it just seemed right to me. The female stayed by my side as he followed one of the paths to the edge of our border with the wilderness. I had decided to show it to her first. 

"Witheredsoul, what was it like before Tinystar took over?" The female asked me out of the blue. 

I almost stopped at the question. I did not know how I should answer it, if I even should answer it. I knew the female had barely been born by the time Tinystar had taken over, but what could I say about that? It was nicer. There weren't as many deaths, nor did the leader ever beat any of her warriors. I knew if I said any of that stuff, she would ask why no one has tried to put a stop to it. 

"It was different. All the clans weren't at war." I said trying to say as little about the past as possible. 

Thinking about the differences, I did see why cats like Icehowl an Cheetahpelt wanted things to go back to the way they were, but that would mean that my best friend would have to die. I would never recover if Tinystar died. She had protected me throughout her life, and she was one of the few that knew my secret. If I didn't have her to help me out, how would I even continue to live? How could I even lead? I knew nothing about leading. 

"Hm, I wish I knew more about it." Spokenpaw let out a small sigh as we approached the edge of the border. 

"I don't think that you should say that kind of stuff. Tinystar might find out." I warned her then told her about the border and that none of us knew what was on the other edge of that border. 

"I'm not scared of her!" Spokenpaw huffed out her fur. 

I gave a small chuckled and tapped her back with my tail. "You should be. She has killed over cats to get to where she is. She wouldn't be scared of a little apprentice taking her spot." I informed the female as we continued toward the EverClan border. 

I did not want to introduce her to the SmallClan border as long as I could. 

"You shouldn't have to kill to be a leader." The female said which sent me into silence. I didn't know how to react, but I also thought about what would have happened if Tinystar didn't kill to get where she was. Was killing really that bad?

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