Ch. 19

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I thinks you guys have been waiting for this chapter for a long time...



Hope you like it!

Peter was missing.

May had called late that night, asking if he was staying at the tower, worry clear in her voice.

"He isn't here. Is something wrong?" Tony pressed the phone against his ear with one hand, using the other to pull up the tracking information on Peter's backpack.

"He didn't come back! We were supposed to meet for dinner at the Thai place down the block, but he never showed up, and he isn't at home, or with Ned, or-"

"May, hey calm down, okay? He's probably fine. There's got to be a reasonable explanation. If there isn't, well... I'll find him."

"Thank you, Tony. Thank you so much. Please call if you find him. And scold him thoroughly, so that he's got an inkling of what I'm going to say."

"I will, May. Unless there's a reasonable explanation."

"Don't you dare, Tony. There is no reasonable explanation for being out at three in the morning."

"There is an explanation for that, but it's not exactly good. Besides. He's too good of a kid to do drugs."

"Oh my god. Do you think-"

"May," he interrupted firmly. "I was joking. He wouldn't."

"I know, I know. Just- I'm worried!"

"I know. I'll find him."

"Thank you."

Tony was worried.

Also furious.

But mostly worried.

He had tracked the backpack to...

A dark alley.

But nothing indicated anything amiss, except for the fact that it was webbed to the wall.

If this means what I think it means-

Minutes after finding the backpack, he had gotten an alert from Friday saying Peter had entered the penthouse.

"He is asking for you, boss. He is injured, and in distress."




Peter was on the floor by the couch when Tony stormed in, trying futilely to stem the bleeding from his side.

His face was stained with tears, and he was gasping for breath, sobs shuddering his body.

The rags he was holding were already stained with scarlet, and there was a growing pool of blood on the ground.

He lifted his head as Tony dropped to his knees beside him, hands already pressing the bloody rags against the gaping wound.

"It hurts," he gasped, red fingers coming up to clutch at Tony's shirt. "Please dad- please- make it stop-"

"It's okay, Petey," Tony mumbled, mind frantically scanning the area for anything to stop the blood. "Fri tell Cho to get ready. Now!"

He returned his attention to his son, tipping Peter's face up with a gentle hand. "I need to get you to the medbay, okay? This's gonna hurt, but it has to happen."

The choked sob of pain had him shushing the boy, breathing soft reassurances under his breath as he lifted, carrying him bridal style, and maneuvered them into the elevator, Peter's head dropping to rest on his shoulder.

"It's okay, baby," he whispered, kissing Peter's hair. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

He had no idea how he was staying so calm.

His son was bleeding out in his arms, said son was incidentally a spider themed vigilante, and he was in no way prepared for it.

"Over here!"

The elevator opened, and Helen Cho immediately directed him toward a bed, barking orders as her team swarmed around her.

The instant Tony let go of Peter, the teenager panicked, trying to push himself back up.

"Stark, stay with him! We can't have him thrashing around! I need to get an IV in!"

His hand found Peter's as he dropped to the side of the bed, pushing his son back down. "I'm right here, Petey," he assured, brushing strands of hair back, away from the bright, fevered eyes that stared straight into his.

"Get morphine," Helen barked.

At those words, Peter tensed again, hand clutching at Tony's sleeve. "Can't- doesn't work- enhanced-" he gasped for breath, face whitening. "-metabolism!"

"Get Cap's supply! We can use that!" Cho dealt with the line expertly, inserting the IV into the back of his hand.

Peter's eyes fluttered closed, eyes glazing over as he succumbed to the medicine.

Tony let go finally, pushed away as Helen brushed past him.

"We need to get him into surgery! Chop chop people! He is losing blood!"

The billionaire was left behind as they left in a flurry, surgical door closing behind them.

The blood looked too bright.

There was too much of it.

He was suddenly aware of the red covering his front, and he stumbled back into the elevator, leaning his head back, and closing his eyes briefly.

Call May.

The thought had him groaning, thoughts flashing through his mind faster than he could catch.

She's going to kill me.

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