Ch. 28

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Getting into Civil War territory now, my lovelies.

It won't be super detailed, cause Peter wasn't there for most of it, so I'll touch on some things that I think are important, and not on others...

Get ready for conflict, disagreements, and hurt/comfort.

Leave votes and comments if you enjoyed!

Love you guys, as always.

They didn't leave the couch again that night, managing to watch three movies before it got too late to continue.

Somehow they fell asleep, Peter using May's lap as a pillow, with her asleep against the back of the couch.

Peter woke to a phone ringing.

He fumbled his way blindly to the table, where his phone was laying, screen lighting up with Harley's contact photo.


"Peter? You're still at your aunt's house, right?"

"...yes. Why?"

"Something happened. I don't know what, but Tony's upset. He locked himself in his lab, and I don't have unrestricted permission to go in there."

"Okay. Is Pepper there? Rhodey?"

"No. I don't know what to do. I think it has something to do with the team."

"Crap. Let me talk to May, okay? I'll swing by as soon as I can."

"Okay. Thanks Pete."

"Yeah. Bye."

May was already sitting up when he turned, and she propped her head up on one hand. "Trouble in paradise?"

Peter smiled tiredly. "Harley said Dad was upset and acting weird. I don't want to cut our weekend short, but-"

"Go, sweetie," May urged. "I'll be fine. We can hang out some other time."

He hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek. "Thanks. Love you."

"Call me after," she said firmly. "Let me know if I need to knock sense into someone."

"Got it."

It took him all of five minutes to pack his stuff, grab his backpack, and head out the door.

It took him two more minutes to find a suitable alleyway to change into, and to, as he told Harley, swing over.

All in all, it was less than half an hour after he got the call that he was in sight of the tower, and landing in an alleyway, changed back, and headed inside.

He took the private elevator up, hurrying into the penthouse living room.


Immediately Harley shot up from the couch, rounding it to talk quietly. "He's in his room. Pepper got back, and she's on the phone with someone, and now I have no idea what else to do."

Peter nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for calling me. I'll go see if I can…" he hesitated. "Figure this out."


"Hello, Peter."

"Hey. Can you let me in?"

"I feel I should warn you. Boss is angry, and may not react well to your presence."

"I need to see if he's okay, Fri."

"Very well."

The door clicked, unlocking, and Peter slipped in.

The room was dark, with only a lamp to guide him.

Tony was standing at the window, arms folded, staring at the glass.


"You're supposed to be at Mays."

The teenager hesitated, stealing himself. "Are you okay?"

"Go out, Peter."

"Not until you answer me," he said firmly. "What happened?"

"I can't do this right now, Peter. You need to go."


"Go, Peter!"

Peter flinched at the raised voice, staring at the tense form of his father. 

"Okay," he said after a long silence. "Me and Harley will stay at May's for the weekend. Happy can pick us up there Monday."

Moving back to the door, he rested one hand on the knob, glancing back. "Just remember. You promised not to push me away again."

He made sure to shut the door quietly behind him, returning to the living room to where Harley was waiting anxiously. 

"No use?"

Peter shook his head tiredly. "No. I'm going to see Ned."

After another long silence, in which neither moved, he lifted one shoulder. "Wanna come?"

Harley nodded, trying not to seem relieved.

While he was getting dressed, Peter dialed his aunt's number.

"Hey baby. How'd it go?"

"Not good," Peter sighed. "He snapped at me, told me to go. Me and Harley are getting out of the tower. I'm gonna call Pepper, see if she can tell me anything."

"Good idea. Need me to do anything?"

"No. Thanks though. If it keeps up, I might be back tonight, Harley in tow. Sound okay?"

"Yup. Both of you are always welcome."

"Thanks May. Love you."

"Love you back."

Harley reappeared, and they entered the elevator, Peter dialing a new number.


"Hey Ms Potts."

"Peter. Hello."

"Yeah. What's going on? Why is Dad so…"

"Withdrawn? Sullen?"


"This- it isn't-" she sighed. "It's the team. Disagreements, and a whole lot of pigheadedness. Nothing you have to worry about, sweetheart. Why? I thought you were at Mays?"

"I was," Peter hedged. "I came home, and he was… well."

"Did he snap at you?"

"Yeah. It's fine though, Pepper. I know he didn't mean to."

"Yeah. He's probably beating himself up about it. Why don't you and Harley go out for a bit? Maybe watch a movie?"

"Already doing that. We're on our way out."

"Good. I'll try to talk to him. You two have fun, and I'll see you later."

"Okay. Thanks Pepper."

As he hung up, Harley glanced sympathetically at him. "Sorry I called you back for this."

Peter shrugged. "I'd rather know than not. I forgot that Ned's out of town this weekend. We can see a movie, though. Any ideas what's in theaters?"

"Nah. But we can look at the posters."

They ended up choosing a chick flick, which both admitted to liking with matching smiles.

Hope you enjoyed!

Like I said, things are going to be tense from here on, for a while.

I'm having more time to write with the quarantine, so there shouldn't be as long of a wait during chapters.

Leave a comment, tell me what you thought, or any ideas you have for upcoming chapters!

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