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(Warnings: bad language (duh) and here's the worst part of this chapter, mentions of rape and going into some detail about it.)

You've been warned.

(btw you don't have to read this you can skip it and I'll make a happier chapter next time)








King woke up startled not remembering that he fell asleep, he panicked a bit forgetting where he was his head was pounding as he tried to sit up he just fell back being unable to grip anything, he noticed his Staff/sword thing was right beside him so he grabbed it and pushed himself up groaning at the little strength he had. Once he started paying attention to his surroundings he started to panic noticing he wasn't in the forest anymore but he was in a Bar much different from the tavern. King's vision blurred but he tried to say awake not wanting to pass out again. He floated up off the stool he was on gripping his chastiefol and holding it as close to himself as he could.

There was yelling outside and nobody in the bar which was even weirder, the fairy opened the Bar door and everyone stared at him, but all he could focus on was Ban and the rest of the deadly sins. Ban ran over to him and lifted him up and hugged him.

"We've got him, let's finished this up." Ban yelled, the rest of the group nodded their heads and continued fighting as if nothing happened. "Are you okay?" Ban panicked slightly.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Ban asked calming down.

"No..." King mumbled, Ban let go off him and smiled picking him up bridalstyle once the fight was over.

"Damn perverts." Hawk shamed.

"I know right." Melidoes agreed.

"Don't agree with me your just as bad as them!"

"No, I never tried to fuck someone without permission." He shrugged.

"Wait what?!" King panicked nearly falling out of Ban's grip, luckily Ban caught him.

"Do you not remember?" Diane asked.

"No? Why? What happened?!" King begged wanting  to know what happened.

Everyone went quite and looked at Ban, he shook his head no put they all nodded at him. The blue haired male sighed and looked down at King.

"Why do I have to tell him its just uncomfortable to remember." Ban asked mentally gagging at the scene.

"Just do it please!" Elizabeth begged.

"Fine." he mumbled, King looked up at him curiously. "Some demon found you in the forest, I only know this because I went to find you. I yelled at it as it panicked picking you up and tree hopping away from me as I ran after it." he took a deep breath and looked away from King, everyone stopped walking listening to the story. "I followed him the full way, that's why we're all here. Once I walked into the bar seeing everyone drunk, I just thought it was a party so I was about to leave until I heard you screech. Some fuckers where trying to rape you commenting on how good you smelt and calling you a cum cunt or something, they didn't get as far as pulling you whole... Thing off."

King stayed quite and looked up at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes. He everyone stayed quite not knowing the full story, Diane was hunched over gagging, the captain was in shock and Elizabeth held a hand over her mouth trying to hide her shocked reaction, even Gowther looked at King feeling bad for him.

All King did was cry, the memorys started coming back to him, he being forced to lean over the table as the drunk pricks held him down telling everyone their turns to either fuck him or fuck his throat. He remembers not opening his mouth at all as tears streamed down his face, the only time he opened his mouth was to scream for help, the feeling of something hitting into his backside made him scream louder until he passed out thanks to hyperventilating.

King changed his possession where he wrapped his legs(well tried) around Ban's waist and his arms around his neck, crying into the tallers shoulder.


I'm not proud of myself for this chapter to say the least but I made it to fluffy and I needed something interesting to happen. Forgive me ill make things extra fluffy next chapter.

And because I've only 2 drafts left it might take me awhile to upload the next one.

Why do I like him again? (Ban x King)Where stories live. Discover now