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*Remy's POV*

"Are you dressed?!" he asked worriedly.
"Y-yeah," I sobbed. He turned around right away and wrapped his arms around me. "Shhhh," he whispered, "Forget him." I hugged around his torso and just cried into his chest. He tried to comfort me by rubbing on my back and shushing me gently. His voice hummed through my ears, soothingly. "So-sorry," I hiccupped.
"Shh, don't be," he whispered to me. I nodded gently and kept hugging him. I started to calm down though. After a minute I pulled myself together, sobering up  a little as well. "Is it true?" I looked up at him. He sighed a little. "It is," I said, my heart breaking. I always figured it was going on but I never wanted to believe it. He just held me tighter. "I'm sorry ReRe," he whispered. I nodded slowly. "You wanna stay here tonight? I'm pretty sure everyone is," he said. I nodded again. He pulled away. "C'mon lets make sure these knucklehead's aren't tearing my house up," he chuckled. I chuckled a little as well and followed him downstairs. Amelia was passed out on the couch. Kris and Jaylen were eating cold pizza from the fridge. Rosalynn was sitting on the chair on her phone. "Hey there you are," Rosalynn sat up, putting her phone away, "You okay?" I nodded a little and she gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm alright," I agreed.
"He wasn't shit anyways," she told me, shaking her head, "You could easily do better."
"Thanks Rosy," I nodded, sitting down on the floor in front of the chair that Rosalynn was sitting in. "Can you braid my hair?" I asked, holding out two hair ties. She nodded in agreement and I turned my head back straight. She parted my hair down the middle and started on one side. Jaylen, Kris, and Gelo came in. "She's out for the night," Gelo laughed.
"She cant handle alcohol," I laughed.
"Either can snitch ass boy over here," Kris pushed Jaylen's head teasingly. Jaylen laughed and swatted his hand away. "My bad by the way," Jaylen looked at me, not so drunk anymore. I shrugged a bit at him. "Wish you would've told me way before," I replied.
"I know. We all were told by him to keep it a secret cause it was  'one time thing' but then it wasn't so," Kris said for Jaylen.
"Great," I rolled my eyes, holding my tears back.
"We will kick his ass for you," Gelo laughed.
"Right!" Kris agreed.
"Uhh sure," Jaylen laughed nervously.
"Thanks guys," I smiled weak at them. Rosalynn finished both braids and I thanked her and got up. I sat down in the chair next to Gelo's and leaned back on it. He held his hand out for me and I took it hesitantly. "See look!" Rosalynn called, "So cute! Cuter than you and Dashawn!"
"Shut up," I laughed, "It's jus comforting," I shook my head. For a little while longer we all just watched TV till everyone either went to sleep or to a room. Gelo took me upstairs to the room I could sleep in. "Goodnight," he told me.
"Goodnight," I looked at him. Our eyes locked and we both just stared at each other for a second. Then both of our body's started to lean in. Our eyes never unlocked until we were centimeters apart and our eyes both fluttered shut. Then it happened....

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