Chapgter 33

585 14 1

Erika's pov

i started tearing up. my mom stood quiet.

E: im leaving

i go up stairs and i see that he's talking to sofia. i go in her room and grab his hand and drag him out of the room. he just follows and doesn't say anything. sofia follows

S: wait where you going ?

M: erika..

and i walk out of the house and just start walking to the lake. luckily it wasn't far from the house.

i was speed walking and i just held jake's hand. he didn't question me or nothing and i respect that.

we finally get to the lake. i sit on the edge and jake sits next to me. he puts his arm around me and i start crying into his chest.

J: it's okay i'm here

he hugs me tight.

2 minutes later i finish crying.

J: are you ready to talk ?

i nod.

J: okay what happened

E: i got into an argument with my mom

Jake's pov

E: i got into an argument with my mom

oh no.

J: what about

E: you...

J: babe i love you. and i know you love you me. you should've never defended me. i don't know what you guys were talking about but at the end i would've understood why you "agreed" with her cause she's your mother and i know what you say that's negative about me... i know you wouldn't mean it

E: how do you know ?

J: cause erika if you didn't love me then you would've left a long ass time ago

E: i guess but still you are the love of my life. why would i not defend you

J: i don't know but just know if something bad happened... you can always talk to me... no matter what

she nods.

J: that's why i love our relationship show much and that's why i love you

E: why?

J: cause we can always talk and understand each other and once that ends. it's gonna be a bad relationship

we kiss.

E: i love you so much baby

we kiss again.

J: i love you too

we kiss again and start walking back to the hotel.

we lay on the bed.

J: you know we're gonna be here for 2 weeks

E: oh shit i forgot about that

J: yeah so you have to talk to your mom

E: i will but right now...

she sits on top of me.

E: you know you were so cute earlier

i smile.

E: and you still are

she starts kissing me.

i take off my shirt and she takes off hers. i flip her over so now i'm on top of her. i start kissing her neck and and i go lower. i take off her bra and start kissing her boobs. i leave her a hickey on her boob. and then she flips me over and starts kissing me. she starts kissing my chest and then my abs.

then it goes deeper and deeper and y'all know what happens.

E: wow that was much needed

i laugh a little.

J: anytime

E: baby imma take a nap

J: okay go to sleep

and then she falls asleep.

i get up and change. i order an uber. and i go to erika's house. i needa ask for her blessing.

i get to her house and i knock on the door. and angel opens it.

A: jake

J: ms. costell

A: please call me angel

J: okay.. angel... uh i don't know the reason you guys had an argument but i'm here to ask you a big question ?

A: okay what is it

J: can i have your blessing... i wanna marry your daughter

A: jake...

J: please angel... i love her so much. she is the love of my freaking life. i'd die for her i'd do anything for her

A: do you really really love her ?

J: more than anything

A: do you promise to show her nothing but love and care for her

J: of course

A: then you have my blessing Jake

i smile. and hug her.

J: thank you soo much. and can you do my a favor

A: what

J: if she comes back to talk to you... can you please work it out. cause i would love to have the wedding here with you

A: aww jake you mean that

i nod.

A: okay i will

J: thank you so much

i hug her again and i go back in the uber cause i told them to wait for me.

i told them to take me to a car rental. imma need a car for now.

i go to this car rental spot and i rent a beamer. i've always wanted a small fast car like this. and i drive back to the hotel. i'm so excited. i cant wait.

i go in my room and my future wife is laying on the bed. i smile. ahhh my heart.

i still need to pick out a ring. ohhhhh i have a perfect idea. i'll use sofia but first erika has to talk it out with her mom. ohhh and i needa have amanda and kade come over. i really hope kade can come. he's gonna be my best man.

damn i cant believe it i'm actually gonna get married.  never in a million years i would've thought i'd get married. oh shit.

i needa see my parents. i needa visit them. after the 2 weeks.

we're gonna go to ohio. imma have her meet my parents and then imma invite them to tennessee for the wedding.

damn i'm so excited i cant believe it.

i lay down with erika and i just look at her. i start playing with her hair.

damn she's gonna be my wife. we're gonna be together forever.

and i fell asleep

GUYSS JERIKA HAS BEEN SEEN TOGETHER. i'm still going crazy. like whaaaaaa. i don't even know how to explain my emotions rn but i'm just so happy. hopefully they become real good friends.

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