Chapter 37

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*next day*

Jake's pov

last night i took erika out to eat and i showed her around. she loved it out here she said.

today we're going back to tennessee. we're gonna start wedding planning

we're at my house and we're getting all of our stuff. my mom is gonna drop us off at the airport.

J: alright mom we're ready

M: aw my baby is getting married

i smiled.

J: i'm not your baby no more

M: yeah ik. for a couple of days though.. you still are

she kisses my cheek. erika smiles at me.

J: come on let's go

she drops us off at the airport.

we say our goodbyes and we start flying back to tennessee.

*couple hours later*

since we were staying at the same hotel i purchased 2 more weeks just case.

we get back to the hotel and take a quick nap.

30 minutes later.

i wake up before her.

J: baby

Erika's pov

J: erika wake up

i open my eyes and i see jake all smiley.

J: come on we need to go to your mom's house to start planning

awe he's so happy and cute. i smile.

E: okay let's go

we leave the hotel and go to my mom's house. we knock on the door.

M: hi guyss

E: hi mom

i hug her.

J: hi angel

and they hug.

M: your parents coming ?

J: yes they are

M: that's good can't wait to meet them

E: yeah.... so shall we start planning ?

J: yesss let's do it !

M: okay come on

we go the living room and start looking up stuff. i was looking for my dress and my bridesmaids dresses. ooh imma have sofia be the flower girl.

E: baby

J: yeah

E: can sofia be our flower girl?

J: yesssss !

i smile.

E: your so cute

and i continue looking. imma have amanda be my made in honor. in reality. if it weren't for her then i'd probably never would've made jake. i needa call her.

E: jake

J: yeah

E: imma call amanda

J: why ?

E: cause i needa tell her that i'm in engaged

J: oh shit i have to call kade ! he's gonna be my best man

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