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3rd person POV
That night after coming back from Chan's house,  minho could barely think clearly,  he knew he couldn't turn to alcohol to clear his mind and the only thing he could now rely was on dance.
Minho has always loved dance,it was the best way for him to clear his mind and think things out. His passion for dance exceeded everything else and he was simply fabulous at it and he knew it.

So,here he was dancing his heart out to his self composed song "dawn". He repeated Chan's story in his mind over and over again,  he wanted to beat himself and dancing till his muscles are sore was his way of punishing himself. He just couldn't believe what he had done,  after years of running and controlling himself he had lost control and all this was because of a certain squirrel lookalike. If he hadn't accepted that dare he wouldn't be here tonight and he for the first time in his life regretted ever kissing a boy.
Kissing jisung, triggered feelings within Minho from which he has been trying to escape.
He kept dancing till he could barely feel his muscles and yet he didn't stop,  he wanted to punish himself,  beat himself up.  Liking the same gender, is inhumane,  it is a crime and such people deserve to be beat up. At least this is what minho was taught and he knew this wasn't right, but he was scared. Sacred to infinity to admit that he might like the same gender.  He was scared as to what might happen if his parents found,  what will be their reaction and what would they do this time?
He hadn't realized that he was crying till his phone started to ring.
~Woojin hyung🐻~
He kept starring at his phone,  never actually accepting or declining the call. Soon then ringing stopped and he switched off his phone and threw it aside. He was ashamed of himself, he was  ashamed as to what he had done and the way he had acted. Sure,  woojin hyung was the only person who knew about his family history, but minho still felt insecure,  he was still under the notion that no one really cared about him and all his friends we're just pretending and would leave him once they found out about his past.


"You brat!!  You were making out with a boy?!  " Minho's father yelled slapping his son across the face. "You should be ashamed of yourself, making out with a boy is a crime,and only faggots do such things and I certainly will not have my son end up like one of those"
"B-but dad I l-like him" the 15yr old Minho replied, while trying to control his tears, cause he knew if he cried  his dad will only hit him more.
"Like him?!  Are you serious?!  You better understand this minho,  gay people are abominations to our world they are like viruses, they are impure. The more you hang out with those people the more impure you become. " the father replied in a tone which was laced with disgust.
Minho's father was one of the richest men in Korea,but that fact didn't make him a better parent,  he was a complete psychopath. He used to beat minho everyday ,after he'd come home from work, for the minutest of the minute reasons. It was for him a way of relieving his stress but for minho it was a nightmare that never ended.
What happened to minho's mother you ask?  She had left them right after minho was born cause she could not handle her husband and his "tactics". She had left the 1year old boy in the care of his father, who in reality couldn't care less about his son.
But,  he didn't have a choice he needed a heir for his company and minho was perfect. So,  right from childhood minho was trained by his dad.
Dancing was the only hobby he had and even though his dad wasn't fully convinced,  he had let minho continue his dancing.
Now, after seeing his son make out with  a boy on their couch,he had found the perfect opportunity to blame all of his son's behaviour on dancing.
He held minho by his collar and said, " Listen here you brat,  the only reason you are alive today is because you are the only offspring I have and you better be thankfull  that I  have kept you healthy all this while long. But! I will not have my son end up like those idols you see on TV, applying makeup and looking like girls. Men should be manly and dancing is not for men like us.Dancing is for faggots and the very fact that I allowed you to dance for this long is the main reason that today, you are out here making out with boys. For now on you are banned from dancing and if I ever find you doing so,oh boy you will wish that you mother had taken you with her."
"D-dad please n-no,  I'll do anything but please don't stop me from dancing" Minho said. "SHUT UP,  you will not dance and that is final. " His father replied while kneeing him in the stomach.
Minho fell to the ground,  crying in pain and all he wanted to do in that moment was run away. But,  that was not possible,and he knew that if he left today,  tomorrow his father will track him down.
~Flashback end~

As the memories of  that night flooded his brain, he started sobbing,  hard.  All he wanted right now was a hug,  a comforting hug. But he knew he didn't deserve it cause he had committed a crime,  so he sat there in his dance studio, hugging his knees and bawling his eyes out.

Hey guys👋 I hope you enjoyed this chapter.   I just wanted to thank you all for the votes also I wanted clarify that Minho had never kissed a boy before jisung,  yes I had mentioned that he had slept with boys in my pervious chapters but I realized that for the plot to fit I should remove that fact. Therefore, before jisung, Minho hadn't kissed a boy.
Also I am completing 500 days with Starykids tomorrow which also happens to be my birthday.  And honestly speaking this is the best gift I could receive and having straykids in my life has affected me so much and I wouldn't be here without them. So, I just wanted to say that I love starykids and I will always do so. 💜❤

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