the unexpected

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Crash! Eden had ran into the car in front of her. All shaken up she quickly turned around to check on her two grandbabies in the back seat. Jess was barely a year old and Jena was only a few months old.
"My baby, my baby, oh my god my baby!" Jona cried.
"Your babies are right here, they are fine." Eden assured her daughter in law.
"No, my baby!" Jona said holding tight to her stomach.

Jona was taken to the hospital to be checked. Jesse sat in the waiting room worry plastered on his face. Suddenly he hears footsteps coming down the hall.

"Mr. Bleckman?" The doctor asks.
"Yes," Jesse answers.
"Well, let me start by saying that your wife is fine." The doctor states
"What about a baby?" Jesse asks.

The doctor looks at Jesse for a minute before he asks. "You didn't know she was pregnant?"
"No."he answered "we already have two daughters. One is only four months old."
"Well, I'm glad to inform you the baby is fine." The doctor stated shaking Jesse's hand.
"Thank you doc." Jesse said and he exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Sitting in the doctor's office waiting to find out the sex of the new baby, Jona and Jesse were both quietly hoping for a boy because they already had two beautiful little girls. Both equally daddy's baby girl.

"Well, it looks like you are having a boy." Dr. Barton said quietly.
Jesse looks at him knowing that something's wrong.
"It's a boy, Jesse, but he doesn't have any legs. I'm really sorry." Dr. Barton says and puts his hand on Jesse's shoulder. He'd known Jesse since he was just a boy. He'd been his doctor As well. After having two girls he knew Jesse wanted a boy that he could take fishing and play ball with. It broke his heart to tell him that there was something wrong with his precious baby.
Jesse broke down he felt broken inside. He knew there was a good possibility that something would be wrong with his children due to a hereditary disease called familiar spastic paraplegia but not having any legs had never crossed his mind.

            November 13,1985
" Mama, please come to the hospital. She's having the baby. I don't know if I can take it." Jesse pleaded.
"I'm on my way." She replied.
Not long after Eden walks into the hospital waiting room to find her son scared and crying. She walks over and puts her arms around her son.
" It's going to be OK. Just have faith son. God never makes mistakes." She said praying to herself for the strength she needed to be able to be there for her son. She walks over to the window to look at the babies.
"Jesse, come here and look." Eden calls to her son.
" Mama, I don't know if I can take it." He replied looking down at the floor as he slowly made his way to the window of the nursery.
The nurses brought in a beautiful baby girl that was screaming and kicking her legs as they were cleaning her up. Eden said " look Jesse, she's saying look daddy I got legs."
"My beautiful baby Jayla." He said with a prideful smile.

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