1: Finally out of this Hellhole

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I woke up to see a bag full of the old clothes I had under my bed "Get up fat-ass" my mother said I rolled my eyes and got up.

Now when you think of an abusive family do you think of a few poor people in a broken down home and the parents smoking or drinking, Well my family live in a mansion, my parents don't drink or smoke .and my younger sister is treated as if she's royalty.

I get up and change into (Picture above) and tie my hair back in a ponytail. I take a deep breath and empty the bag putting snacks, water, and lots of other things except for clothes in there. I put my bag over my shoulder and wait in my room with a necklace from my grandmother, she was the only one not to down-grade me from the rest of my family... sadly she's not here anymore.

"Hey Jane!" I heard Alex's mom from downstairs "Grace! So lovely to see you again!" my mother said in a cheery voice, she then added "y/n is just upstairs, let me shout for her." I was already walking down the stairs by the time she go to the bottom of them "Oh! There you are!" she said with an obvious fake smile on her face.

I nod and give Grace a hug "Right, we'll be off now!" she said with a smile and before I got out the door I flipped my mother off and said "Finally out of this hellhole!" and went to her car getting in the back seat with Alex.

"Hey Alex!" I said with a smile he smiles back and says "Hey y/n" His mom then started to drive as me and him talked about, lots of things, we haven't spoke for a while so it was a good catch up.

(Time skip cuz am lazy)

We got to the camp and it looked... okay... we walked up to the entrance and this black guy came up to us and said "Alex y/n! I am your leader Logan." he started to step back and look around while telling us "If you look around, you'll see a lot of interesting things." while walking forward he said "First interesting thing we have is Carl right here." we walk and see a guy a little darker than Logan standing near nothing just waiting for the other campers and they do a handshake then Logan says again "Snap! That's called the black man handshake." Alex's mom laughed at that.

"Okay, don't wanna see you doing it, only for black people" He said taking us over to another guy more of a tanned brown with a guitar, the person was playing something and Logan started to dance a little "Come on, dance a little! You know ow to dance?" he said which we knew how to but didn't want to.

The guy started singing the lines "I'm very uncomfortable, these girls are uncomfortable." which made me laugh a little as Logan said "Oh, I'm sorry, ladies. Cool." Logan then backed away from him and said "Maybe next time, no originals, give the people what they want.

"Let's go." He said as he lead us once again to another place his mother trying to reassure us said "It's gonna be great! It's gonna be great!" I smiled, it's nice of her to try and reassure everyone of everything.

He then points his hand in the direction of the white guy and says "Uh, this, this is Conrad right here, okay. Conrad, he's a little..." he added "Sheesh, Conrad." while taking this flask away filled with god knows what, Conrad then says "Welcom to the jungle ginger nugget"(If you're also ginger add an 's') I rolled my eyes and Logan said "Nope, can't call him that. Second of all, put your titties away." Conrad looked at him and said "What? These titties?" and he started to do that weird thing people do with their pecs "Don't bounce the titties, I told you to put them away." Logan started to try and button up, which failed cause the shirt seemed to be too small. "Why's your shirt so small? It can't even connect." Logan exclaimed in confusion.

We then walk to where all the campers were going and this man with a moustache gasped and said "You must be y/n and Alex!" he then continued "Welcome, to the Rim of the world adventure camp." me and Alex in unison said "Thanks" he then points to the back of the building and says "Back there is the registration, get checked in, get your cabin number." "And we'll sign you up for some fun activities." this guy must have had coffee cause he was still going "Hey, how are your pipes?" he asked us "What?" Alex exclaimed confused "Our musical this year is Fiddler on the roof!" and he started to sing part of it.

then he stopped an pointed at Alex "Wait a second." he the he said "I think I just found my Tevye. You're going to have a heck of a time. Very exciting!"

We then went to the back and in line behind a girl from China, You could tell from the tag on her bag, Alex then spoke to her in Mandarin but I couldn't understand she looked at him for a moment then he said something again something to do with his name, and she just turned away without saying anything, I stifled a laugh after his mom said "She seemed nice" in a tone like she won the lottery or something.

Logan asked "Alright, who's next?" he saw the girl and exclaimed "China?" he laughed then attempted to speak Chinese which he only knew "Ni Hao" and then just attempted to communicate in English by using drastic hand motions. then he ended with "Wow. China." after she walked away... kinda felt bad.

He saw us and only talked to Alex since there was no way I was talking "My man, where you been, baby?" he then tried to do the 'black man handshake' and asked "You remember the black man hand- nope..." I then said "You said we can't do it." with my brows furrowed, a look of defeat came upon his face and he said "I was just testing you." with a point and he said "Good shit, baby. Good shit. Move along." he then moved his hand tohis left side as he said "Move along." we just had a blank expression and did as he said... moved along.

I stood with the rest of the campers as Alex said goodbye to his mom. I already knew there goodbye so it wasn't as different to me... but when she does it in front of a bunch of people theeennn... yeah, its awkward.

(Time skip to the zip line)

We were doing this zip line and out of everyone I'm pretty sure I was the most terrified! It's the height that bothers me most.. It was my turn to go up and Conrad so he buckled me up and I started to climb, "Don't look down... Don't look down" I said closing my eyes but opening them again so I could continue climbing but when I got to the top I regretted it immediately.

"Alright, y/n's up next, you ready, y/n?." I placed a fake smile onto my face nodding going along with it "Let's do this, baby. Come on. Come to the edge." I nodded and slowly walked to the edge "Look, right over to the edge. There we go." I nodded and tried to keep my head forward but looked down anyway.

I couldn't really hear anything unless it was muffled, I started to freak out and Logan still tried to get me to go, but I still screamed and cried because it just was not good for me... I had a flashback of what my mom once did to me when I was younger. They finally let me down, the tear stains in my eyes.

Once I got down Conrad said "So you're this summer's chicketshit" and once I was out I was looked at by all the other kids and I went to Alex who was still down there and hugged him, he hugged me back and said "Hey, Hey! everything's okay now... you're ok" I smiled and he decided not to go on so he could comfort me.

(Hey, so since I asked Umbrellaacademy5 If they would read if I made this, I did! I'm quite happy too cause it means I didn't waste my time making this for no reason XD also, if you are reading this, hope you will like the rest of it and I will try to be as exact as possible. Bye!)

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