10: Watch out!

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We watched as he walked up to the car and started to climb in it. It was taking forever to him find it, Obviously since the car is upside down, but he soon came out the car holding up the key and we all cheered for him, that was until we saw the alien behind him starting to move and we kept waving our hands gesturing for him to move but he couldn't understand and I screamed "Watch out!" as it hand cause a huge cash mark into his stomach and he went back into the car, the aliens hand trying to find him "Oh god" I mumbled getting worried for him. We ended up running down there and helping him, he got up and we all started running.

(Time skip to Pasadena)

We finally made it to Pasadena, out of breath, Gabriel pointed into the distance and shouted "Look! JPL!" I look over to see a tall building and smile "We're gonna save the world!" I shouted as we ran there. The building must've been hit hard it looked like there was a terrorist attack... which it kinda was I said "There's no way someone could survive that." We then heard beeping from the radio again and ZhenZhen said "He's still here. Dr. Fielding's still here!" Alex started running and said "This way." we followed and Dariush said "If we get out of this alive. NASA's paying for my therapy." I rolled my eyes playfully and we ran inside.

We looked around for Dr. Fielding trying to find him and we split up yelling "Dr. Fielding!" I looked around a little more and found him... not alive... I shouted "Guys! Guys, Over here!" everyone rushed over to me and I just looked at him, as well as the others, Gabriel put two fingers to his neck and pulled them away slowly and said "He's dead, guys." I held Gabriels hand again and Alex questioned "But how?" we looked and saw his blood dripping on his radio which is what caused the beeping.

"We've failed." I sigh as I hugged Gabriel possibly for the last time. we started to walk away and Dariush said "I mean, let's be honest, guys. Who do we think we are?" Alex said "A nerd..." ZhenZhen said "An Orphan..." Gabriel said "A criminal..." I said "A mistake..." and Dariush finished saying "A joke..." he added "I guess I'll go and try to find my parents." Alex then said "Me too" I then said "I'll have to go with Alex..." I sighed and hugged Gabriel again starting to cry (ngl actually crying while writing this!) "Bye..." I then started to walk next to Alex, I looked over at Gabriel who looked really upset, then at ZhenZhen who was cracking green Glow sticks.

"What are you doing?" Me and Alex said in unison, she smiled and we knew what she was doing we all joined sitting next to each other, I wiped my eyes and Gabriel put his hand out and I took it sitting next to him as he placed an arm around his arm around me keeping me close as I rested my head on his chest. Dariush then grabbed a whine bottle and said "Look. They didn't even get to open this. Well, since we're all gonna die together, may I propose a toast?" we smiled then he saw the label and said "Oh, crap. This is from 1969! I mean, could at least get some fresh wine if this is gonna be my first time, right?" that made me laugh and then I thought a lot... I'm only 14...(pretty sure Gabriels 14 or 15 in the movie) and I'm gonna die.

He threw it and it hit something which made a voice come on "Citadel, this is Crystal Palace." we all got up faster than anything and went to see what it was, there was someone on screen Alex started exclaiming "Hello? we're here! Hello?" the person then said "Citadel, identify yourself. What is your name, ma'am? Over!" "I'm Alex." Alex said clearly into the microphone "How old are you?" he asked and Alex replied with "I'm thirteen. And if you don't mind me asking, who are we talking to?" The man replied with "This is General George Khoury at Cheyenne Mountain. Is anyone alive at JPL? Is Dr.Fielding there?" Alex answered George's questions saying "There are four of us, everyone else is dead. The astronaut sent us, before she died." George then exclaimed "You were sent by Major Collins?" Gabriel answered that question saying "Yeah, that's why we came." Alex continued on with "She gave us the key and said something about Excalibur." George again exclaimed "What, you have the crypto-key in your possession?"  "That's right. What do we need to do to get it to work?" George just sighed and said "Nothing. You need to get out of there. I'm... I'm sorry. It's over." I sighed again and he continued saying "There's nothing you kids can do against this thing. Now get out of there immediately, we're sending two units to pick you--" I was losing my shit at this point so I cut him off saying "No." everyone looked at me and the general asked "What did you say to me, ma'am?" I repeated myself saying:

"I said no, this kid, Alex made a promise that he wouldn't let anything stop him. So he's gonna keep trying and it will be a lot easier if you would help him! got it?" He just looked into the screen and I continued shouting "We didn't come all this way, just to give up because the general said. We are so done, being told what we can and can't do. We made it across half of southern California. Past aliens and soldiers, shit even a diddler! All the way here, we had zero help getting here. All we had was each other! We are going to save this world whether you like it or not. So you better start co-operating with us right now! Now tell me. How do we get this thing working." I felt a hand hold mine and looked at Gabriel as he smiled at me, I sighed in relief and rubbed my eyes.

Then he started to tell us what to do.

(It's way shorter than the rest but I want the final chapter to just be about them doing everything. so yeah... get ready!!!)

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