4: Are you ok?

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"Ah!" we all screamed as the lady climbed out who looked like she was in pain, We all helped her out and laid her on the ground, she held her stomach so I assume that's where the pain is. "Where am I?" she managed to get out looking at all of us "Rim of the world adventure camp, Near Big bear." I said  "This is a camp?" she exclaimed Dariush then says "Yeah, I was disappointed too, but..." she then said "Coordinates all wrong. Pasadena... Dr. Fielding." "I'm sorry, but we're not near Pasadena right now."  Dariush said calmly and she shouted "JPL!" Alex repeated "JPL?" then said "The Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It's part of NASA." Gabriel said in a calm voice "Try not to move as much, okay?" she looked scared and said "The key! Take it to JPL, Dr. Fielding. It has everything on it. Exalibur, everything! Go!" I looked behind me "Guys!" we all got up and Gabriel said "You're gonna die if we leave you." and she responded with "We'll all die if you don't!" I grabbed Gabriel as he got up and I held his hand and started running.

We ran back to the building and inside Alex looked back and I saw "y/n!" Gabriel shouted "Alex is over there!" I shouted pointing over to where Alex Gabriel ran over to him as us three see it has a dog. we all ran inside and me, ZhenZhen and Gabriel hide behind one of the counters, while Dariush is behind the big shelf. I held Gabriels hand again Alex was able to make it to us where as Dariush wasn't so lucky. We heard it's footsteps so we all moved around to the other side... You could hear the footsteps getting closer, I was scared for Alex he was the closest one to the thing.

Suddenly lost of cutlery could be heard clashing together, which must've came from Dariush  cause we heard him scream, we all came from where we were hiding to see Dariush coming out of one of the machines "Dariush come on!" we then looked as it charged for us, everyone ducked as it flew into this other part of the wall and ZhenZhen closed it.

We saw the creatures shadow and I looked at the window and pulled everyone there shouting "The window!" everyone ran there and seperately got out, me going last, Gabriel helped and I said "Thanks" he smiled and said "No problem." Me, Dariush and Gabriel went right as the other two went left, we heard something crash through a wall and when we looked we freaked out and ran. We ran down the stairs and we looked for another hiding spot that's when Gabriel pointed out the little space underneath and we went under, Gabriel going first and Dariush going last.

I was terrified we didn't know where that thing was and we knew where the other two were but we didn't know if they were safe or not, I was about to scream when I saw the foot but thankfully Gabriel covered my mouth and made me look at him as he put a finger to his lips, I nodded with a scared smiled and just listened. It was stomping above us when it randomly stopped, it then went down the stairs and I covered my own mouth to silence my noise. We watched as it walked over to where Alex and ZhenZhen were.

Gabriel coughed as he said "We gotta go, Come on." I didn't question it as I slightly crouched "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are we leaving? This is an alien-proof hiding spot." Dariush held both me and Gabriel back saying this "We have to help them!" Gabriel whisper shouted "And die too? No thanks." Dariush retaliated "I'd rather die than my friend not be safe..." I said starting to crawl through the little gap, Gabriel and Dariush following a little after. 

Dariush asked "Now what?" we looked back at the house and see the 'dog' from earlier come from out of the metal tube. We started running away from it and back over to the ship. "Speed your asses up guys! It's Cujo!" Dariush yelled from BEHIND us Gabriel went into the ship and I followed after and Dariush followed after me but before he got in I shouted at him "Grab the door!" Dariush asked confused "What?" Gabriel then repeated what I said saying "Get the door! Get the door!" He grabbed the door got in and shut us all in when it smashed into the door we all screamed. I was sat in front of the window near the back, if that makes sense, while Gabriel and Dariush were sat on either side. "Where is it? You see it?" Gabriel asked as we all looked out soon ZhenZhen and Alex popped up and we were warning them to get away because of the thing being close, they didn't understand and it was behind them so when it ran up to them it crashed into the door again.

"We gotta let 'em in! We gotta let 'em in!" Gabriel said about to open the door before Dariush stopped him and said "No. What are you doing?" Gabriel responded with "Let them in!" "No!" Gabriel shouted back. Then he started to press random buttons and Dariush wrapped his arms around Gabriel trying to stop him from doing anything then Gabriel accidentally pushed Dariush into a lever or something and I smiled telling them to shush. then we heard the whimpers of the animal alien thing. "Gabriel I think you did something, good!" Dariush trying to seem like the Hero said through the glass "Alex, you're welcome. I put the dog on fire for you guys! And Gabriel was selfish and didn't help at all." I rolled my eyes and mumbled "Such a liar" he then shouted "What button do I press to open this window? Help me!" Gabriel opened the door and we all got out we all looked at the now burnt animal and Gabriel says "I think we got it!" I smiled and nodded "I think we did!" we saw the bigger monster in font of us and ran to the right of us again.

"At what point do we trip y/n and ZhenZhen and keep running" I just kept running since I didn't really care anymore, it then grabbed all of us and we all screamed it then put some of that same black stuff that was on the ship onto Dariush and stuck its tongue into his mouth. one of the other aircraft's flew by and shot it which caused it to let us go we look over at it and see it was shot a lot and we were all panting "I didn't sign up to this shit, man." Dariush said and Gabriel added "This can't be real" Dariush argued with him again by shouting "What about this isn't real? He just sneeze-jizzed all over us!" then Gabriel continued it with "Just shut up, I can't think with your constant bitching." I stood next to ZhenZhen looking at them with a raised brow "Hey, I'm allowed to bitch, all right? That thing had it's tongue in my mouth." Dariush screamed getting up in Gabriel's face.

"How do you know it was its tongue?" Alex mentioned within the argument "What do you mean Alex?" I asked "We don't know there anatomy" I then thought about it and bit my bottom lip to keep laughter in just so Dariush could find out "What are you saying?" He asked and Alex responded with "Honestly it's plausible that sophisticated creatures, like alien males, have cranial genitalia." The look on Dariush face made me laugh a little but I mumbled a quick sorry before they continued which made Gabriel smile a little but quickly went back to a straight face and it made ZhenZhen laugh a little too "It had it's dick in my mouth?" We all went serious so we could listen to what was happening again "Yeah." Alex said and Dariush seemed so upset e was shaking his head so much. "Guys, we need to stay calm, okay?" Gabriel said and Dariush then snapped "Calm?" he scoffed "I just probably swallowed a load of alien babies that are gonna turn into puppies and leap out of my chest." Alex then said "We need to find his mom, she'll know what to do.." I said and he turned to me and said "If his moms even still alive!" I then pushed him and said "Don't say that!" he pushed me back and I was back next to ZhenZhen but on the floor, thankfully she helped me up.

"Hey, what did I say about touching her!" Gabriel shouted at him "What are you gonna do? Gonna sucker punch me again?" Dariush said again getting up in his face Gabriel nodded when he asked if he was gonna sucker punch him again "Go for it, 'cause I chop your ass in the neck, and then I'll chop you in the head ad finish you with a rear-naked choke." Dariush finished then Gabriel said "Do you ever shut up?" he paused then said "I mean, between my fist and that alien's dick, your mouth should be worn out by now." ZhenZhen then screamed as she slapped the three of them.

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