3: What is that!?

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We were running toward where the campsite was and when we got there "Everyone's gone!" I exclaimed "Assholes!" Dariush shouted. we were all panting like crazy and we just stood there not knowing what do. We heard the loud boom again and we all looked up to see it was coming from the sky, that thing up there is what has caused this. I stepped back and grabbed a hand I didn't know who's hand, I just grabbed someones and I thought it was Alex since they held it back... Nope I look back and saw Gabriel, I quickly looked forward again cause I just needed a and to squeeze if I got scared right now. 

Everyone got there phone out and Gabriel started "Call and have them send the van back-" I cut him off and said "To pick us up!" he nodded at me "It's dead! I had ninety percent two seconds ago." he started to his his phone then stopped and said "Piece of shit Boost Mobile." Alex then said "Mine's dead too" I was confused, whatever this was, turned everything off. The sound of distant wooshing was heard and everyone tried to find what it was, the  lots of these flying rocket like things zoomed past us hitting the water slightly with guns shooting at the thing causing noise.

"Oh my god, It's independence day." I looked at him confused and said "It's June, Gabriel." Dariush looked like he had a conclusion for all of this, but no he said " Oh, wait, maybe North Korea's invaded! ZhenZhen call it off" i then shouted "She's Chinese not Korean, You idiot!" she smiled at me and I smiled back Alex then said "We just need to wait here until the adults realize they left us and come back." I laughed and said "I highly doubt they're gonna care this time!" panicking for all of us. then Darius said "I'm gonna die here with you losers?" Then the funniest confession was said "I never even had sex before!" I held back my laughter with a smile.

"I'ma clear that up. I had sex... I had sex before, I mean I haven't had sex with two girls at once. That's what I mean." I nodded my head with a 'no you didn't' expression on my face "I told you I had sex 'cause" he said to Alex and he just said "No." shaking his head.

Gabriel then let go of my hand ad held Dariush's shoulder saying "All right, hey, look. We're not gonna die! It's probably just a forest fire." I nod and he added "We gotta get going, bears out here can be crazy." Dariush cuts him off and says "Whoah! Whoa! Okay, slow your roll. Did you just say bears? I don't do so well with bears, man. I'm not trying to get Dicaprio'd up in here!" I cross my arms and say "Look, No one does well with bears." he then argues with me saying "Oh, whoa. Uh... ask Werner Herzog. Grizzly man lived with those things for years, so check that out!" I furrow my brows annoyed and shout "Did you even watch the end of that movie?" he then says mocking me at first "Did I watch... Yeah I watched-- No I didn't." "No, dude. Okay, stop. Gabriel and y/n are right." Alex said and added "Black bears are opportunistic carnivores. We're not gonna survive the wilderness through the night." he then acted like he's the one who suggested it by exclaiming "Then let's go! Come on!" I rolled my eyes and decided not to say anything.

We soon made it to the familiar enterance to the campsite and we all ran in shouting seeing if anyones there, we came across a sign and Gabriel asked "What does it say?" "Gone down Mountain..." Alex said "Oh, They left us!" I said Gabriel said "Not all of them!" we then look to where he is looking and Dariush shouts "Huh? It's Heavy Metal Conrad." and we all run over to him. "Conrad!" Both Alex and Dariush said at different timesthen Dariush asked "Is he dead?" Gabriel put to fingers to his neck and said "He's breathing. He must have slept through the evacuation." I then say "Ok, what kind of person sleeps through an evacuation?" confused.

ZhenZhen pulls out the flask which says 'milk' on it and she drinks it "I don't think that was milk..." I say looking with a sad and disgusted look. We went into one of the buildings and Gabriel tried the phone which didn't work and said "Line's dead." Alex then tried the lights which again, didn't work. "It's cause the power's out." Alex said "You know what an EMP is?" Alex added, I nod and Dariush said "Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the music white people listen to." I turn to him and say "That's EDM." with a raised eyebrow " EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse." Alex said "A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere can cause one. And it knocks out most electronics over a really big area.." I finish "But what does that mean?" Dariush asked me and Alex said "It means nothing works." Dariush then asked "Not even cars?" ZhenZhen was putting these things she found in her bag.

"Well, you guys have food and a roof over your head." Gabriel said and I looked over at him "You could do a lot worse than staying. and waiting this out." Dariush again asked "Wait, waiting what out?" then a loud explosion happened and we all ducked down not knowing what could happen. We then run out of the building and back to the canoeing place.

"Those are F-22 Raptor air superiority fighters." I look at him confused and Gabriel asks "What are those ships they're fighting?" "I've never seen anything like them." Alex says with pure confusion in his voice. soon they started flying towards us shooting and everything while we ran the opposite way, again. We kept running as fast as we could and we had to turn sharp corners so we wouldn't get injured. It then fired a shot in front of us which sent us flying back and landing on the ground behind us. We all stood there contemplating on what to do, then we turned back and looked up.

We all dodged the object that was flying at us. Dariush shouted "What is that!?" Alex responded to Dariush's question with "It's a Dragon capsule." Gabriel then asked "How do you know all this stuff?" I answered his question with "There's a reason his mom sent him to outdoor camp." "Oh god that things huge.." Dariush said Gabriel went to touch the handle of what looked like the door while me and Alex screamed at him not to, he still did "It's still hot from re-entry." I said to him Dariush has the great idea to ask if anyone has water thank god ZhenZhen was there "Great idea Dariush" Alex said but when he got the water he started drinking it, I looked at him annoyed and grabbed the bottle dumping most of it onto the Handles. "You're not gonna open that thing, are you?" Dariush said and I argued saying "There could be someone inside!"

"No, leave it be. All right?" I stood next to Gabriel crossing my arms he then put two of his fingers in the weird black stuff on the object and said "We don't know what this shit is." "Don't touch it." Alex said and then Dariush wiped it off on his trousers saying "Ew." he then continued by saying "This is the animal kingdom out here, bitches. All right, survival of the fit--" he then got cut off by the door shooting off and into the back of him which sent him flying. I laughed obviously. We then looked around in the dark room like area inside the object and all started questioning about it, when suddenly and arm came out and we all jumped.

You're Not Alone | Gabriel x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن