7: Don't be a cock block.

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(^You're Pj's >:3)

"No offense, dude, those don't like friends." Gabriel mentioned and Dariush said "Yeah..." A spacecraft started to approach which startled us and we all just stayed quiet as we watch it pass. "Hey, how did you even end up in jail?" I asked and added "If you don't mind saying.." he looked at me and then started telling "My dad left when... when I was about ten. You know, I got a job as a bag boy, at a grocery store my mom worked at. To, you know... help her with money. One time she steps away, I took over the cash register. I was helping a customer, and, uh, he started to acuse me of stealing from him. I guess I gave him the wrong change. I get numbers... like, muddled in my head sometimes, unless I see them written down. But he didn't believe me. And, um... I lost it. So I decked him. Broke his nose. Mom got fired and... sent me away. She never came around to visit me once." ZhenZhen then said "You can't choose your family. But you can always make a new one..." I smiled as she went to grab a camera and I kneeled behind Gabriel and Dariush putting my arm around Gabriel smiling as she took a photo.

(Time skip)

Me and ZhenZhen were changing and we were talking about the same thing we was in the Sheriff's Station, we kept quiet, but we laughed a lot. once we got out we saw that there was three beds and ZhenZhen said "One of you can sleep with me I laughed a little until I was dragged in the bathroom with the other three boys as they contemplated who should sleep with her "And why am I a part of this may I ask?" I asked looking confused at the three "Who should sleep with ZhenZhen?" Dariush asked me as they stood in a line "Why am I picking?!" I exclaimed and Gabriel said "You know her more than us. So you pick." I nod and say "Let me think." I turn around to them and say "Right. She's actually more comfortable to one of you than she is to me..." They all looked confused "Dariush--" He cut me off getting excited before I said "She hates you." "Gabriel. She's just not comfortable with you." he nods and I say "Alex, You're sleeping with her and Dariush, you're sleeping in the middle bed." Dariush then exclaimed "What, why? Why can't Gabriel?" I bit my bottom lip trying not to laugh "Oh..." Gabriel said and I burst out laughing as well as Alex "What? What is going on?" Dariush said confused "Don't be a cock block Dariush." Alex said and Darius just nodded "Fine... Be free!" he said bending over to say to Gabriels dick which made me laugh.

They all started to change and I screamed, Gabriel already had his shirt off and they all looked at me confused "What?" I then shouted "Can you not traumatise me by getting naked in front of me thanks?" I closed my eyes as I put my hands out to find the door... I found something but it wasn't a door please don't be something I'll regret, I opened one of my eyes and saw Gabriel's chest and I blushed "Shit..." I mumbled Gabriel smiled at me with a laugh before I ran out of the door and closed it.

ZhenZhen laughed at me and I said "What?" she raised a brow and said "You're face is bright red... what happened?" I sat next to her with my knees in my chest and said "I may or may not have chosen someone to sleep with you cause, they can't think for themselves apparently, and They started to change Gabriel had his shirt off, I tried finding the door with my eyes shut and I ended up touching him." I went red again "You two are so cute together, not gonna lie.." I was just sat there contemplating everything "Just relax... did he seem bothered?" I thought about it "I mean, he smiled and laughed it off?" ZhenZhen nodded and said "That's a good sign." "But what if it means he felt awkward and wanted me not to feel bad! WHICH HAD 0 CLOTHING ON MAY I ADD!" I said a little too loud.

*Gabriel's P.O.V*

"Dude I think they're talking about one of us out there." Dariush said pointing to the door "They're probably talking about Alex since she chose him to sleep with her." I said, he put his ear to the door and said "No, something about someone smiling and laughing it off." I shrugged and then we heard y/n shout "But what if it means he felt awkward and wanted me not to feel bad!" we all ended up listening in after that. "I highly doubt that.." ZhenZhen said "It's Gabriel, we haven't even known each other for that long and I've already touched his fucking perfect body. WHICH HAD 0 CLOTHING ON MAY I ADD!" I blushed as y/n said this and the guys laughed at me "Shit, are they listening?" y/n said and opened the door as I fell.

I quickly stood up and looked at her and she asked "You heard that didn't you?" I nodded and she shouted "Dariush--" "Nah I'm good" he laughed a little and then she said "ZhenZhen--" she cut her off saying "Think I'm alright with Alex" with a laugh too. I smirked as she looked up at me and she said "I swear you try anything I will murder you." I put my hands up as if I were surrendering and as she sat on the bed I said "No promises." before shutting the door and locking it. "She's gonna kill you..." Alex said and I shook my head saying "No she's not..." I then whispered "Not if I have my shirt off anyway." they laughed and Dariush said "Wait, you really gonna do that just so you don't get beaten up?" I nod and took my shirt off.

We walked out and saw the two talking ZhenZhen started laughing and y/n asked "What?" ZhenZhen shook her head but kept looking at us which cause y/n to turn around. "Maybe I should sleep on a couch--" she said but ZhenZhen said "No one can be left alone..." she mumbled something to ZhenZhen before laying down on 'our bed' and I laid next to her.

*Your P.O.V*

Ok, I'll be honest I didn't mind Gabriel being shirtless... BUT IT MEANT I COULD NOT BEAT HIM UP, I turned around and saw him just looking at me "Hello?" I whispered, he smiled and whispered back "Hi..." I look at him confused and ask "Why are you staring at me?" he shrugged and I laughed a little, I was cold but I don't dare mention it, too bad I shiver like a normal person when I'm cold cause Gabriel asked "You cold?" I nod and he wrapped his arms around me and I blushed. He kissed my cheek making me blush more and said "Goodnight y/n" I smiled and said "Goodnight Gabriel..." I then fell asleep cuddling into him.

Me and Gabriel jolted up as well as everyone else when we heard a loud bang and a cat meowing, I looked as one of his arms was still around my waist and I coughed a little and he removed it. "Shh! Shh! Shh! Aliens..." ZhenZhen whispered "Yeah, We gotta go..." I said and we all got up, Gabriel put on a shirt, sadly, before we all went to leave.

(time skip)

We was walking within the pieces of cloth that were hung, trying to stay hidden from the aliens. "You see anything?" Dariush asked "No, Come on." Gabriel whisper-shouted, ZhenZhen shushed them as we carried on walking. We were looking past some of the sheets and Alex said "Guys, we should turn back." I then said "We can't now, Alex. We're already here." he then said "Dude, I'm telling you, this is how people die in movies." "Guys, you see anything?" ZhenZhen asked.

As I was walking around I looked behind one of the sheets to see a statue and screamed I then looked above it to see a man with this purge mask on. and backed up everyone came to me and another man came behind us... surrounding us. "Not another step." One of them said "Move!" another instructed "I'm moving back" Dariush mumbled "The hell you doing out here? We're in the middle of an alien invasion." And me being the stupid person I am said "Oh, yeah, I mean, and you're the ones with the Purge masks. Wrong genre, guys." one of them came up to me saying "We got a comedian here." getting ready to shoot Gabriel protected me saying "No! There are aliens out here, okay? We're not the enemy." I sighed of relief as one of them said "You guys have something we're looking for." ZhenZhen said "Dignity?" He pointed the gun to her and said "What'd you say?" A third man then came out and said "Everybody calm down."

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