2: You're so Kind...

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(Time skip bitches! sorry there is already so many of these...)

Me and Alex were walking around the campsite and saw all the activities everyone was doing, while he was playing with his Rubik cube we were talking and I said "I looked so stupid... imagine going to camp and not doing the zip line..." he threw his arms apart and exclaimed "Stop beating yourself up about it, You've had a tough past people can't change that.."

As we were walking we saw that in this little cabin full of most of the adults they were watching a program about this lady astronaut Alex looked interested so we stopped for him to look one of them then noticed and shut the door.

We walked past the fire and Alex seemed scared when he looked into it, I know why, I feel bad but, I don't mention it but I put my hand on his shoulder and say "Hey, You're gonna be ok." He nodded and smiled and I returned it giving him a hug. We then walked across the bridge the wind blowing on us which made us cold so I put on the jumper that was placed around my waist.

We looked up and saw the girl from earlier, she looked and Alex and Alex looked right back at her, I smiled seeing the glisten in his eyes when he looks at her she then looked out into the sky and the wind blew through her hair. she was gorgeous I was kinda jealous of her looks. (ME!)

I then walked back to camp to leave them alone, I felt like a third wheel even if they aren't together... I walk away and to my cabin where no one else was luckily, so I got ready and Went to sleep.

( Next day )

I woke up and changed into (Outfit above) and we all got on a bus, Me and Alex were on the same bus but he sat more at the back while I was at the front. Then the same kid from the top of the zip line came in saying "All right. y'all the king is back" I rolled my eyes and looked out the door, and where does he plop his fat-ass, NEXT TO ME! and he tells me to move up! I look out the window with my eyes closed and just relax, even though everyone talking kinda disturbed that... and what's the first thing to come out of Dariush's mouth "Hey, You're that scaredy cat from the zip line" I nod and continue to ignore him the rest of the ride there.

(When they get there)

When we got there everyone walked up to this lady who ended up telling us "Ah, sorry guys, some kid shit the canoe while shooting the rapids." everyone whined except a few and then she said "Hey, Cosmo, we're gonna need the second hose down here. I'll just be a few more minutes." Logan then but in and said "What? Ain't nobody scared of a little poo." then the lady argued saying she's deathly afraid of poo, then mentioned that the canoe is more poo than a canoe, which I thought wasn't possible but clearly it is.

Alex and I started talking again and I mention the girl ZhenZhen I think her name was started to walk away from everyone, me being the curious little shit I am, I followed and so did Alex, we followed until we lost track of her, Alex's mom called and he wasn't answering which I thought was unusual but then Dariush came from out from the trees "What are you doing here?" Alex exclaimed he repleid with the most weird response "Just dropped a duece. Shit I just took back there, been touching cloth since last night." I gagged cause, I don't think we wanted to know that and by think I mean we didn't want to know for sure!

then it just got really confusing and I didn't listen"Let me talk to you for a minute." he said putting an arm around me "What?" then he started to guide be toward an edge saying "I'm gonna help you conquer your fear." and I was trying to push back and Alex came up saying "Hey, she doesn't like heights! don't try to help her conquer it!" but that didn't stop Dariush I started to cry as we got to the edge I closed my eyes and kept looking up trying to tell him not to.

"Just look down!" he shouted over my 'no's' and shouted over me again saying "It's fine I've got you!" I'm legit having like a panic attack he's forcing memories, BAD MEMORIES, into my head as I kept screaming, Alex was calling for help at this point trying to get anyone to get over here.

"Let her go!" we heard someone shout from behind us, we turn around to see a tall tanned boy with messy raven hair there he then repeated "Let her go." in a more calm voice I still had tears coming out of my eyes and Dariush said " Move along, mountain hobo. We've got no qualms with you." I then shouted "Stop! Help me please!" I asked the boy, trying to get Dariush off of me.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." He said in a calm tone again I smiled through my panicked state, I started to heavily breath I wasn't good with these situations. "Uh-huh. come over here." Dariush said dragging me then pushing me to the ground "Don't push her like that!" he shouted then Dariush ignored but said "Big mistake, bro. Ooh, five years of Krav Maga, bitch." he then continued making this stupid pose "I'll Gal Gadot you so hard right now. What's your ground game?" he then tried kicking him and grunted, which thankfully the other kid dodged and the funniest thing happened next, he just straight up punched him in the nose.

I laughed a little as he came up to me holding a hand out to help me up saying "You okay?" he is very handsome I don't mind saying and I took his hand nodding he helped me up and smiled I said "Thanks.." I looked at him a little and said "Who are you?" my brows furrowing "My names Gabriel.." I nod and Alex comes up and asks "You live around here?" he gave a sad expression but then covered it with a completely different one saying "Yeah... Yeah.." ZhenZhen then came up to us and Gabriel asked "You guys are from the, um, the camp, right?" ZhenZhen ignored but we already got use to that and he looked away from her and I said "She's not much of a talker" with a chuckle at the end.

I soon saw Dariush get up and say "You know what? You know... You know what? That was a lucky punch." since he was net to me I decided to move so I was between Gabriel and ZhenZhen and he continued to blame it on luck... when it's just the fact that he can't fight for his life.

We then heard loud booming noises from the distance and everyone's phones beeped I looked at ZhenZhen's and Gabriel looked at Alex's as we said in unison "What does it say?" Dariush then said "It's the emergency broadcast system.." Dariush then continued to read out what it said "All civillians are to evacuate metropolitan areas immediately. Under no circumstances approach any unknown aircraft." he then freaked and said "It's the next 7-Eleven" I rolled my eyes at his remark and then Alex said "We need to get back to the van. Anyone know the way?" Gabriel then said "I do.." I looked at him and he pointed his thumb behind him saying "Follow me" he started to walk that way before Dariush said "Okay. Whoa! Whoa." What does he have to say now, that he knows the way? "Slow your roll, Dora the Explorer, all right, this is my clique. Soldiers, out!" he scoffed at the end.

We followed Gabriel and once Dariush realised he soon joined us. This is gonna be one heck of a journey.

(I'm gonna finish this one! I just know it! Hope you enjoyed, goodbye!)

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