5: Nice Speech

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I fist bumped her as they held their cheeks in pain. "Why are you hitting me?" Alex asked then ZhenZhen said "What we do in life... echoes in eternity." I smiled and saw Gabriel and Dariush still holding their cheek, poor them, she picked something up and said "Hold the line... stay with me. If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium and you're already dead." she walked away and I looked at the three "Did she just quote Gladiator?" I nod and smile and as we all go to walk with her Gabriel says "Since when did she speak English?" I look at him and say "Since she got here." with a smile and he smiled back Dariush then exclaimed "Since when does she speak?"

Gabriel held my hand as we walked and as Dariush was complaining we listened to what ZhenZhen had to say. "That astronaut said that this key" she paused and grabbed the key then continued "Can stop the aliens and we need to take it to TRL" I cut in and said "JPL A NASA facility." Alex then said "In the foothills of Pasadena. I went there once for a robotics contest with my dad..." ZhenZhen asked "Do you know how to get there?" he answered with "Without GPS? No probably not. It's over 70 miles away from here." I paused and said "Whoa 70 miles,I don't think we're gonna be able to hike all that way Alex.." ZhenZhen then said "We don't have to take this key all the way to Pasadena. Let's Just get this key down the mountain and take it to adults. Tell them to take it to JPL." I nod Gabriel then says "Guys, There's a sheriff's station down a bit, we could get it to a cop." ZhenZhen said "That's a great Idea Gabriel. Now let's get some bikes and kick some ass." Gabriel's expression was a mix of 'oh ok' 'I was not expecting that' and confusion and Dariush said "Damn girl, your English is good." then we went inside to get some bikes.

Gabriel let go of my hand to unlock the padlock and Dariush being the dick he is kept repeating the numbers '669' without giving him a little time to even put it in he said "Come on, man." I watched as he struggled to put it in and Dariush said "Hurry up, dude. Come on. It's six-six-nine." He was still struggling and Dariush said something that was actually really mean "Dude, what are you talking about? I said six-six-nine. Come on, man. Dude, Hurry up! Just put it in there. What are you, dumb?" "Dariush!" I exclaimed taking the padlock saying "I'll do it..." "I'm not dumb." Gabriel says calmly. Dariush said "I want this one, it's got a 'Wakanda Forever' sticker" I look at him and just shake my head. It's just a bike.

We then go outside with the bikes we had and I looked back to see Alex without a bike "Hey... what's wrong?" I asked he said "I can't go with you.." "Why not?" Gabriel asked "I can't ride a bike. I never learned." he then said "It's okay. You guys can go without me." Dariush said "Cool, we out!" Me and Gabriel said "No." in unison and I said "We got back to your camp and everyone left you, How'd that make you feel?"

Gabriel ended up taking the blue top he had over his white one and replaced it with a denim jacket. we started walking with the bikes, with Alex, and he said "All right, you get on one side of Alex and you get on the other, we'll get him up to speed" He said telling me and ZhenZhen to go either side of him, ZhenZhen held his arm and said "I wont let you fall." which made me smile, she was so sweet!

We got to a sign leading to two places, one led to Los Angeles and the other to High desert, We walk to where the sign said it led to LA, we put our helmets on and we started to ride, I held Alex on one side and ZhenZhen on the other. "Come on Alex." I said keeping him hopeful "The key is to get moving." Gabriel said which helped a bit, everyone looked over him to make sure he didn't fall and he added "The faster you go the easier it is to stay balanced." Alex still pedalling with us asked "Are you sure about this?" Gabriel simply said "No." he started getting the hand of it and we slowly let go. "I don't... I don't know if I can do this." He said "Alex!" I shouted and he looked back to see he wasn't being held I fist bumped Gabriel and ZhenZhen as we all started to ride on our own. We all started cheering for him and we were all very happy, then Alex rode right into a hill and fell off, I immediately got off and dropped my bike running over to him and said "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" he didn't wake up "Yo, Is he dead?" Dariush said and Gabriel said "Alex?" ZhenZhen came down next to me and asked "You ok?" as he got up and Dariush said "Yo, you good?" he seemed to get up perfectly fine with the help of ZhenZhen, I then got up too and we heard distant explosions again "Holy shi--" I looked over to what they looked at and Dariush said "Yeah, like Holy--" he then saw what we saw and said "Shit." there were lots of grey clouds of smoke coming from different buildings and it just looked horrible.

We were all walking our bikes in silence as we got closer to where Gabriel had said, the sheriff's station, Dariush then said "There." as we looked up we saw the big sign saying 'Sheriff Station' we rushed up to it and Gabriel said "Guys, I don't, Nobody's, uh..." Dariush then said "What?" I looked back at Gabriel and he took his helmet off then said "You guys go ahead. I'll just stay back and watch our bikes." I nod and place mine down starting to take my helmet off and Dariush said "What? Oh yeah, because the aliens wanna jack our mountain bikes."  he looked down with a sad expression and I said "Who's to say were the only ones here... Ever hear of a thing called looters? It would be best for someone to stay and watch." Gabriel looked back and I smiled taking my helmet off and us four head inside as Gabriel waited outside.

ZhenZhen was next to me as Alex and Dariush was behind us. "Hello? Officers?" Alex shouted and Dariush shushed him "What do you mean, "Shh"?" Alex exclaimed and Dariush shushed him again. "If I see a clown on a tricycle, I'm out." Dariush said and I looked at him with a 'seriously?' look, Alex mentioned something about going back and me and ZhenZhen shouted no and she said "We always move forward..." We all split up as I was with ZhenZhen but the other two weren't.

Our conversation started with her asking "Do you like Gabriel?" she had an evil smile and said "You two seem to have a pretty close bond since you hold hands" she chuckled and said "Well... It's to, uh... cope with, um... being scared. Yeah! It's to cope with being scared." I said trying not to make it obvious I did kinda like him... "but you kinda like him though?" she teased, there was no way I was gonna lie to this girl without her fighting against it "Ok, yes I sorta like him... you can't deny that you like Alex though." she blushed and nodded and held her pinkie out "No telling them." I do the same and we pinkie promise as I repeat "No telling them."

We then heard Dariush shouting and went to see what was going on "What's going on?" I asked then looked at the man behind bars who repeated my words "What's going on?" he added "Oh, what? They just evacuate and leave me here?" then continued "So whatever it is up there can kill me?" Dariush spoke up and said "They're aliens. And I suggest to keep your mouth closed when they get up in here, 'cause... when it..." Not gonna lie I felt bad for Dariush at some points but others he's just rude so... I don't know how to explain what we are. "What'd you do?" ZhenZhen asked looking at him "I was trying to help." He said and I immediately felt bad "Yeah, it got a little crazy out there." Dariush then talked to Alex and said "Look, Alex, you can stay here and flirt with Buffalo Bill all day long. All right? But let's get rid of that astro-key so someone can stop this thing." the man behind bars then said "So that key's gonna stop this thing?" and scoffed slightly "Come on, man." he looked straight at Alex and I said to Dariush "Dariush, it shouldn't be our job to decide who lives and who dies."

"Yeah. But right now it is, Alex." He said then Dariush argued "The police obviously put him in here for a reason. All right, and I say... we respect their decision, and I'm black! And he's probably a diddler." ZhenZhen then calmly said "No one deserves to be left in a cage." Dariush then said "Yeah, unless you're a murderer!" "I say we let him go." I say with ZhenZhen agreeing "What do you say, Alex? You're the final vote." Alex looked at him for a  while before the man started saying "Okay. Look, I got a boy at home. And if you leave me in here... I'm gonna die. No boy deserves to lose his dad like that right?" Alex thought about it for a bit.

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