6: I'm Always Here...

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"I mean, you ready to live with that?" the man behind bars finished. "Do you promise not to hurt us?" Alex asked the guy responded with "Yeah, I promise not to hurt you, man." Alex nodded and got the keys saying "Wait until we leave. Then you can go." before dropping them on the ground near the bars. we then left and put our helmets on riding away and somewhere else.

Alex was getting better at riding his bike and Dariush said "Yo, he's doing good, right?"  he turned a bit and almost fell but he kept himself up luckily. he kept riding and Dariush was congratulating him in a way that was actually nice. We stopped as a bunch of military trucks went by and we got off shouting and waving our arms in the air trying to get their attention then someone behind us yelled "Hey!" we paused and they yelled "Stay where you are. Do not move!" we turned around with our hands up and Alex repeated the words "Same side!" as they got closer they realised we were kids and one of them exclaimed "Kids! kids!" one of them came up to us and said "You should have evacuated hours ago. We're at war." Alex then said "Sir, we were in the mountains when the attacks started." I then said "Can you tell us what's going on? How big is the attack?" Draiush then asked the stupid question "Did it reach the nation's finest mercedes dealership?" ZhenZhen then exclaimed "Dude, how can you..." in which he cut her off saying "My dad owns it. I'm the future heir" I then shouted "Shut up!"

"All I can tell you is you are not safe here. Everyone on the bus right now." The soldier said Alex then told him to wait and he got the key out "You need to take this key to Pasadena." The soldier asked "Where'd you get this?" I said "An astronaut from the space station gave it to us." Gabriel added "She said we need to take it to JPL." And Dariush continued by saying "Whats on that key can stop the aliens." "You need to get that to JPL in Pasadena to a Dr. Fielding." Alex finished the soldier looked at the key and said "We've been receiving Morse code from a Dr. Fielding at JPL all day. Finding this key has been the primary objective. Thanks, kid. You may have just saved the world." We were all so happy and I hugged Gabriel as we left for the bus. Dariush sat on the left side on his own behind me and Gabriel sat next to me as well as ZhenZhen and Alex sitting next to each other. Gabriel smiled at me and I smiled back very happy. This was finally gonna be over...

or so I thought. We looked out front to see the same objects from the Canoe place attacking the cars that were helping us. we all started screaming and Gabriel said "Oh shit! y/n are you okay?" we then went to escape through the back door, too many people were there so Gabriel tried the handle to the side door and I shouted "Kick it!" an he did and we all got out. we were about to go right into the commotion until we turned around and ran the other way. we then saw the dog and ran behind the bus all the way to the other side and to the front to find the soldier we gave the key to stuck under one of the Vehicles as we tried to help him he asked "What are you doing? You gotta get out of here!"

"We're gonna get you out!" Alex said trying to help the soldier stopped him and said "Stop, you gotta go." we heard massive explosions behind us and the soldier screamed "You have to go!" I told ZhenZhen to get the radio as Alex kept talking to the soldier. He gave Alex the key back and said "Take this key. Here, take it." He took the key and the soldier continued by saying "Promise me... You will not let anything stop you. Okay? Okay, now go. Go!" he put the key around his neck and we ran.

(Time skip :p)

We were still running and Dariush being the one he is said "I told y'all it was a stupid Idea. You idiots almost got me killed. I don't even wanna be at summer camp." he continued by saying "I should be in Cabo taking jelly shots off someone's ass cheeks." "We don't care Dariush!" I shouted at him. "What do you think these things are after?" ZhenZhen asked "Resources? Mayve their planet went dry and they came to raid ours." I said "What gives you that idea?" Driush asked "Nothing! It's the most common invasion movie plot." I said "Maybe they're here to find mates" ZhenZhen said and added "That would explain the erotic rendezvous with Dariush earlier." Dariush got defensive saying "Hey, whoa. No. We're not gonna do all that, okay? That was strictly platonic." he then added "Let's just head north, okay? To the desert. Get as far away from that thing as we can get, all right? As far away--" ZhenZhen cuts him off saying "There is no away from those things." "ZhenZhen's right." Alex says "The only way we're going to survive this is if we get this key to Dr. Fielding. It's what that soldier was gonna do." I said "He died." "If a bunch of bad-ass marines can't get that key to Dr. Fielding, what makes you think we can?" I asked "We have to." Alex said Dariush said "What?" "It's on us." Alex said.

ZhenZhen thought of a great idea saying "Okay. We're not going anywhere until we get some food. Maybe even some sleep if we can." Dariush agreed saying "All right, fine." then nodded over in Gabriel's direction saying "What's up with Chico?" and we all looked at him and I asked "Gabriel?" he looked upset and he said "It's my street." Alex said "Great! Can we go in your house?" he had tears in his eyes when saying "That's my house, but... It's not my home." I rubbed his back in comfort and smiled at him and he said "I haven't been totally honest with you guys." he then explained "I was in the mountains because... I was in Juvie. And I escaped. So even if my mom is here... she's not gonna wanna see me." we then heard the gunfire again I looked up and saw he started so I put my arm around him and said "Lets go..."

We went inside and we just walked around for a little and we heard an aircraft coming and Alex shouted "Go, go, jump left!" We jumped left as some jumped right and hid from the light it was producing. we then started running to a room which was pretty messed up. Dariush then said " All right, let's find something to eat, as those three went to the kitchen I looked at Gabriel and asked "Are you okay?" he nodded and I gave him a hug in which he returned and I said "If you need to talk I'm always here... You're not alone in this situation." we then followed them into the kitchen and looked for something.

We then sat in a room with a green light and started talking "I shouldn't of hit you... It was my fault." Gabriel said to Dariush and he replied with "I don't know. I'm good bro. I mean... It doesn't hurt as much as seeing all this gunk on my new J's." ZhenZhen then asked "How do you care about sneakers in a time like this." he ignored the question but said "You know what? You guys are lucky. You don't have friends." We looked at him confused and he continued to explain "It's hard out here for a pimp, you know? Gotta keep up with the flyest shit, you know, the dopest kicks. Tightest whip. Baddest chick. And my friends, they're like bears. Soon as they smell weakness, They just coming straight at your neck. That's why I keep this on my neck. Diamonds." Alex then said "Dies Dariush mean "Douchebag" in Farsi?" "Whats Farsi?" Dariush asked and Alex replied with "It's the language your mom was screaming when you came out your moms ass." I laughed a little and so did ZhenZhen "Hey, don't talk about my mom's ass. All right. You wish you were there." Gariel ended up laughing a little.

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