Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER! This book has some cursing, and talks about self harm and slight suicide. You have been warned. Also, heads up, there might be some kissing. Heheheh. Also! There will be spoilers from Naruto Shippuden, so read at your own risk

After getting out of the hospital, me and my mom walked home. I layed on the couch, and turned on Naruto. I re-watched it for the 100th time, and fell asleep.

I woke up by someone poking me in the stomach. "You're in my spot." A familiar voice said. I shot up, and looked around. "Oh, sorry. I-I don't know." I said, and walked to a nearby tree. Shit, shit, shit. I'm ugh... I'm stuck in Naruto. Nononono.

I put my hands over my head, and looked at the very hot in my opinion guy, only to recognize, that it was Shikamaru.

"You're Alya Heart, right?" He asked, patting the spot next to him. I nodded, walking over. Hmmm. So I'm known? "You're the shy one that sits in the back of the class. I new I recognized you from somewhere." He said. Then it hit me. I heard someone yelling, and turned around. "NARUTOOOO!" I saw Naruto run passed us, and Iruka following him.

I sighed, and turned back around. "When will he learn, that Naruto will never listen to him?" I said, shaking my head. "Ya, but everybody avoids Naruto for a reason." He said, looking up at the clouds. I must be in episode 1. As usual. I sighed and looked at Shikamaru. "You'll regret saying that. You've noticed it. That deep, deep down, Naruto has somewhat of a strong chakra." I said, looking at the clouds too. "Hm. It's very slight. It might become dangerous in the far future." He said.

After a while of looking at the clouds, I had a memory pop into my mind. The only thing that I needed to know, was where my apartment was. It wasnt too far from Naruto's actually.

"I should get going. My dad will kill me if I'm out here any longer. Bye Alya." Shikamaru said, leaving. "Bye Shikamaru." I smiled, and went home myself. The story for why I'm alone is, my parents died from being experiments of Orochimaru, while on a mission.

(Big time skip, sorry. The day they get their groups and meet their instructors)

"Since there was an odd number of people to pass, there will be a group of 4." Iruka said, looking at me. I looked at the floor, and blushed a tiny bit. Dont judge me, okay? I think most of the guys are pretty hot. After he said all the teams, and the whole 'matching the worst with the best student's thing, we waited for Kakashi. Oh ya, I'm in team 7, if you couldnt guess. That's how every book is. Why not make this 'dream' like that.

I just sat at a table, glaring at Sasuke out of the corner of my eye. Everytime I see the jerk, I'm reminded of how ugly he is. Sorry to all you fans of Sasuke. But, hes an ugly jerk, so ya. He turned his head to glare back at me, and I fully glared at him. "Got a problem, Duck-butt?" I said, raising an eyebrow. He scoffed, and faced Naruto and Sakura.

During the time that we spent after the exam, I figured out that I, again, had all of Natsu's powers. I couldnt float, though. I really miss that.

Kakashi finally walked into the room, getting hit in the head with the eraser. He did it on purpose I swear. I looked at him, and he just stared at all of us. After walking to the roof, we sat down.

"Today, you will introduce yourselves." Kakashi said, looking at the four of us. "What did we say?" Sakura asked, very confused. Idiot. "Your name, what you like, what you dislike, what you're hobbies are." Kakashi said. "Well, if you know, then why dont you go first?" Naruto said, fixing his headband.

"The name, Kakashi Hatake. Likes and dislikes, well, I dont want to tell you that. Hobbies, well I do a lot of things." He said, pointing to Naruto. "You're turn."

"The name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen! All kinds of ramen! The ramen in a cup, and- oo I love that Ichiraku ramen that Iruka-sensei bought me! I dislike the 3 minutes you have to wait to hear up the water, and my hobbies are tasting all kinds of ramen! And I hope to be the Holage so everybody will stop looking down on me, and finally notice me! Believe it!" He said, fixing his headband multiple times.

"Good. Sakura, go." Kakashi said, pointing to her. "My name is Sakura Haruno! What I like- who I like is *squeal* I dislike Naruto. My hopes for the future *squeal*!" I laughed a little, and watched as Kakashi pointed to Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I dont like anything. I dislike a lot of things, and I dont have any Hope's, because I will make them a reality. I will restore my clan and kill a certain someone." He said, looking off into the distance. I teared up, remembering the episode that Itachi dies.

"Go!" Kakashi said, pointing to me. I wiped my eyes, and looked at him. "My name is Alya Heart, and I like a bunch of things. I dislike people who kill for fun, and I hope to become a person that everybody trusts, and believes in." I said, looking up at the clouds. "Interesting." Kakashi said, looking at me. I looked at him, smiled, and blushed slightly. Sorry, hes hot too

After the introductions, we ate lunch. I stayed in the same spot, and layed down. Kakashi walked over to me, and sat down next to me. "I heard about your parents. I'm so sorry." He said, patting my shoulder. I then realized that the story I made up, was apparently the real story. Oops. "Oh. Ya. I kinda just accepted it." I said, shrugging. "Well, if you need anything, I'll be around." He said, starting to get up. "Wait, I need to tell yo-" he cut me off by putting his hand on my head. "Me, Iruka, and the Hokage know about your situation. Sit out and protect the lunches tomorrow. We cant have you changing things can we?" He said, and left. I sat there stunned. They must've found out the moment I was teleported here.

I jumped off the roof and onto a field, and started walking around. I walked through building, and clumsily bumbed into someone. I fell on my butt and looked at who I bumbed into. "Oh my gosh I am so so so sorry Neji." I said, dusting myself off. "Funny. You know me, yet I dont know you." He said, holding his hand out. "Alya Heart." I said, shaking his hand, blushing slightly. AHHHH I cant help it, sorry! "Let's just say, I know a lot of people." I said, smiling. He nodded, and walked away.

I turned around, only to face plant into another chest. "Ow ow ow. Sorry, I'm so clumsy." I said, rubbing my head. I looked up to see Kiba, and blushed harshly. Okay, stop. I know what you're thinking. I just think most of the guys are really hot. Sorry. Dont judge me anymore. "Its okay. I wasnt looking. You're Alya Heart, right? I remember you being even more shy than Hinata." He said, laughing. I reached up to his head, and pet the very small dog. "Oh ya, I guess I broke out of my shell." I said, smiling. "Well, i better get back home. Bye Kiba! Bye Akamaru!" I said, waving.

I walked into my apartment only to see Iruka, Kakashi, and the 3rd Hokage. "We need to talk." Iruka said, standing against a wall.

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