Chapter 4

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"Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan eye." Zabuza said, glaring at him. Before I knew it, I was grabbed. They put their hand over my mouth, and took me into the woods. After stating there for a little, watching the fight break out, I licked the person's hand. They quickly let go, but held onto my arms.

"Your not going anywhere." A familiar voice said. I gasped and turned around, to see a fake mist village hunter shinobi. I teared up, and hugged him. "Oh my gosh Haku." I said quietly, getting pushed off. "How do you know my name?" He whispered, very scared. "I know everyone... Its kind of complicated." I said, sighing. "Dont worry. I'll let them figure out your fake by their own." I said, turning back around.

(At the end of the fight)

I waved bye to Haku, and jumped off the branch. He started to reach for me, but realized that he needed to fake Zabuza's death, and let me go. "Where were you again?" Sasuke asked, very confused. "Oh. I was kidnapped by some rogue ninja that Gato hired, but I managed to escape." I said, rubbing my arms. "Oh." Was all he said.

(Chakra control training)

"Just watch me." Kakashi said, starting to walk up the tree. "How is he doing that?" Naruto asked. "Hes walking straight up!" Sakura pointed out. "Pffft. That's easy. Plus, who needs to climb, when you can float?" I walked up the tree too, and sat next to where Kakashi was. He got off the tree, and watched the three stare at me in awe. Sakura climbed the tree next to me, quicker than I thought.

I ended up falling asleep on the branch, when I was woken up by Sakura. "We should eat. Come on." She said, nudging me. I slipped, and fell to the floor. I think I broke my back. Ow ow ow. I got up, and rubbed my back. "Why didnt I catch myself?" I thought out loud. Me and Sakura walked inside, and quickly ate the food given to us. "Arigato!" We said in unison, and laughed.

(At the bridge when they meet Zabuza again. You know what happens during that time)

"Protect the bridge builder!" Kakashi yelled at us. We quickly covered Tazuna, but Sasuke didnt. He jumped forward, and started fighting Haku. I stayed behind Tazuna the hole time, so the fight ended quickly to me. Time went by fast.

I started crying when I heard Kakashi's Chidori. You could hear the sound of flesh breaking, and the Chidori dispersing. After Kakashi saved Haku from Zabuza's next attack, he set Haku down next to us. I ran over to him, still in tears.

"Haku. No no no. Haku, please dont die." I curled up next to him, trying to hear his heartbeat, but there wasnt anything. "Why are you sad he died? He tried to kill Sasuke and Naruto." Sakura said, looking at me weirdly. "But he was a good kid." I said, getting up. I looked over to see Naruto standing there.

"Naruto! Over here! Wheres Sasuke?" Sakura started to get worried. She saw the look on Naruto's face, and we both went over there. We sat down next to Sasuke, as Kakashi continued to fight Zabuza. Naruto started yelling at Zabuza about Haku, but he never saw the tears in his eyes. I put my ear on Sasuke's chest, but already knew that it was a state of death. He wasnt really dead. I picked my head up, and looked at Sakura. "I dont know if you can hear it, but I have very good ears. I can hear the very, very faint sound of his heart. Dont worry. He's okay." I said, facing the newly arrived Gato and his thugs.

I looked at Zabuza, and looked at how angry he was that Gato kicked Haku. He also looked very depressed because of what Naruto was saying.

Then, Zabuza began to fight, with a kunai in his mouth. I winced as he slashed people easily, running passed them. It was scary, not going to lie. He found his way to Gato, and stabbed him. Gato was thrown into the ocean, and a couple people backed up, while the rest still wanted blood.

They looked at Zabuza, and crowded him, before he fainted. Then, the town showed up. Weapons in hand, they charged towards Gato's puppets. After being defeated, Zabuza layed still on the floor. "Kakashi. Please, take me to him." Zabuza's voice cracked as he look at Kakashi. He nodded, and brought Zabuza next to Haku.

Zabuza looked at Haku, and put his hand to Haku's face. He ended up dying quicker than expected. I rushed over there and hugged them both, crying. Naruto pat my back, and we left before anybody else could die.

We buried Zabuza and Haku, and left the village. It was a very depressing mission, might I add.

(On the road home)

"Alya, you've been very quiet. What's up?" Kakashi asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, and walked ahead of everybody. I didn't want to talk to anybody, because two of my favorite characters just died. What am I going to do when Deidara dies? Or Neji? What about Asuma?

I heard them whispering, which didnt take much. They were loud whisperers. "Do you think shes still upset about Haku?" Sasuke asked Sakura. "Maybe. She kind of seemed close with them. Dont you think?" I could feel her staring at the back of my head. I looked at the upcoming gates to the Leaf village, and ran inside.

I ran to the field where I first got here, and climbed up the tree I usually napped in. I sat close to the trunk, on the branch and curled up in a ball. I looked at the setting sun, and wondered. Why do deaths have to be so sad, when they're expected? I looked down to see Naruto walking around the training field, looking for me.

"Alya? Where'd you go? We're celebrating at the barbeque place!" He said, finally seeing me. "Come down, we want you to be there." He said, trying to climb the tree. I jumped off the branch, and looked at him. "Fine." I shrugged, and followed him to see Sasuke and Sakura.

"How is he late? He was just here?" Sakura wondered, looking at us. I shrugged, and waited for Kakashi. "So, why were you so upset?" Sasuke asked, looking at me. "Death is sad. Especially when its somebody you care about." I looked away, to see Kakashi walking up to us. "Glad you could join us Alya." He said, pushing us inside.

I ended up not eating, and zoning out the whole time. Then, out of no where, I remembered something. "Yes yes yes! Oh my god!" I looked at Kakashi, and pointed outside. "I need tot talk to you." He said, getting up. I shrugged, and walked behind him. "So, as you know, the Chunin exams are coming up. You will be in a group of 1 though, sadly. Is that okay?" He asked, noticing what I was talking about. "Yes, thank you!" I hugged him and walked inside.

"Oh sweet god." I said, sitting down. "Why all of the sudden happiness?" Sasuke asked. "Just, the thought of Kankuro and Gaara, oh my god, I'm going to be a mess." I said, blushing. "Who's that?" Naruto asked, pork in his mouth. "People you dont know." I said, grabbing some pork. "Have to sleep, bye guys!" With that, I left the barbeque place, getting ready for the next week.

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