Chapter 14

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I layed on the couch, only to be shoved a little by Deidara. "What." I said. He grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards the door. I walked with him as we went to sit in some trees.

"What's up?" I asked. He blushed a little, and it was the cutest thing. "I uh, I, never mind." He turned around, not wanting me to see him blush. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheeck. "I know. You think I'm adorable. I do too!" I said. "I'm joking. I like you a lot too." I said, ruffling his hair. "I've got just one thing though." "What's that?" He asked. "If those hand mouths of yours ever touch my mouth, I will kill you." I said, completely serious. "Okay, deal." He said, chuckling. I smiled, and sat back on the branch.

(Time skip)

It's already been 3 years since joining the Akatsuki, and dating Deidara. Today is the day Sasori dies.

We were waiting where we knew Sakura, Chiyo, Naruto, and Kakashi were going to storm in. After they did, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi stared at me. I waved at them, my arm on Deidara's shoulder.

"Long time no see guys!" I said. "So this is what your mission was? Or are you a rogue now?" Kakashi said. Naruto looked so upset and betrayed. It kind of broke my heart. "Both. You see, my mission was to come here and spy, but you guys are boring and weak, so I decided to stay." I said, walking up to them. "I'll always miss you though." I said. I raised my hand to knock them out, but Kakashi beat me to the punch, knocking me out. The last thing I heard was from Deidara. "Alya!"

(Time skip)

I woke up, being carried. I looked up to see Kakashi holding me. "What's going on. Wait, no. Where's Deidara?" I asked, very worried. "He's dead." I couldnt believe it. No wait, no he's not. It was just a clone, I remember. "Let me go Kakashi." I said, trying to get down. "No. You have to come back." I started crying. "But, Deidara. I-" I couldnt hold back the tears. I missed him. "Its okay. We're bringing you back to the village." He said, kind of angrily.

"You didnt mean it, right?" Naruto asked. "I meant it. And I planned on staying there. But since they will probably up the security and not let me leave, guess I cant stay there. God, and today was our 3 year anniversary." I said, snuggling into Kakashi's chest.

(Time skip)

When we got back to the village, I was brought to the Hokage's office. "Come in!" She yelled. We walked in and Kakashi placed me on the chair. "Finally! Where have you been? You were supposed to get back a couple months ago!" Tsunade said, worried. "Ya, sorry. I got held up. I'll write a report later, I have grieving to do." I said. My eyes turned a dark brown, and I fell through the floor.

I walked back home, but Kakashi caught up to me. "How did you do that?" He asked. I ignored him and kept walking. He grabbed my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. He grabbed my wrist, and that's when I snapped. "Let go of me!" I screamed. People started to stare. "You wonder why I ignore you! Well maybe it's because you KILLED MY BOYFRIEND!" I screamed, running away. I knew he actually didnt, but I wanted to make him feel bad.

I wasnt looking where I was going and ran into someone, falling onto the floor. I wipe my tears, and stand up. "Sorry." I walk away, but they grab my wrist. I look to see who it was and saw Kiba. "Alya, where have you been?" He asked, worried. "I was on a mission. I got caught up in it though, took longer than expected." I said. "What were you yelling about to Kakashi?" He asked. I shrugged. "Nothing important." I said. "Alya!" Kakashi screamed. I tugged my hand away from Kiba, and my eyes turned to the Rinnegan. I put my hand out, and Kakashi went flying. "I said leave me alone." I walked to the training field and sang Strawberry Shortcake.

Feeling unsure of my naked body
Stand back, watch it taking shape
Wondering why I don't look like Barbie
They say boys like girls with a tiny waist
Now, my mama's preaching to make sure I'm pure
But, I never really cared about that shit before
Look around the room to whoever wants me

Got boys acting like they ain't seen skin before
Got sent home to change 'cause my skirt is too short

It's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake

Gotta make sure that my legs are shiny
Hot wax melting, burn my skin
People all around me watching closely
'Cause it's how I look and not what I think

Mikey's eyes seem to be glued to her chest
So, I'm stuffing my bra so that mine look the best

It's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake

Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got
Just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop

Sayin' it's my fault, it's my fault 'cause I put icing on top
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake
That's my bad, that's my bad, no one taught them not to grab
Now, the boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake

I sighed and sat in one of the wooden logs. "You have a great voice." I heard. I looked up to see a new guy. Sai.

"My name is Sai." He said, walking over. "Thanks. My name is Alya." I said. "How come I havent seen you here before?" He asked. "I just got back from a mission." I said. "Alya!" I heard Tenten yell. "TENTEN!" I screamed and ran up to her. We hugged for a long time. "I really missed you." She said. "I missed you too!"

"Hey Alya." I looked behind Tenten and saw Neji and Rock Lee. "What's up guys. Long time no see." I said. "Tch." "Oh come on Neji, you know you missed me." I playfully punched his arm, smirking. He scoffed and walked away. Rude.

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