Chapter 13

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I woke up to someone shaking me. "What do you want?" I asked, sitting up. "I want to know why you're really here." Sasori sat on my bed, staring at me. "Well, for started I came here to train, because y'all are strong. But also, it's because most of you guys are hot and I have a crush on y'all. And you guys are fun to be around." I said, bluntly. I was serious, but I didnt tell him the full truth. "I was sent here to spy on you guys, but I really like it here. I'm gonna stay if it's okay with Pain. I'm okay with being known as rogue, especially if I'm here." I shrugged.

And then he slapped me. I looked down at the blanket on my bed, squeezing it between my fingers. "Why dont you like me?" I asked. "I dont. You just scared me. I thought you really were a spy, and I didnt want you to jeopardize all our work." He said. I looked up at him and smiled. "Good, because you're one of the hot ones." I said, and left the room. I looked at my phone for the time, and saw that it was 3:27 AM.

I stormed back into my room, Sasori stunned on my bed. I slapped him back. "Why the fuck would you wake me up at 3 in the fucking morning? You could've just asked when I actually woke up!" I whisper yelled. I shoved him off my bed and went back under the covers. "Dont let the door hit you on the way out." I said angrily. He snickered and left the room. I smiled and happily went back to sleep.

(Time skip)

I woke up a few hours later, around 9. I walked out of my room and immediately headed for the couch. "Not so fast. Explain something to me Alya." I heard Pain say. "What?" I asked. "Why are you coming to us so young?" He asked. I shrugged. "The leaf village is so boring now that Sasuke is gone. No more fights to watch, everybody is busy, you guys are fun and hot, and I want to train to beat up Kabuto, because I hate his guts." I said, and looked at him. "Can I sit now?" I asked. He nodded.

"Who're the hot ones?" He added, concerned. "Sasori, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame kinda, Hidan, and you." I said, laying on the couch. Itachi walked into the room, wanting to sit on the couch. "Move." He said. "Theres another couch y'know." I said. "Move." "Get me a soda please? Then I'll move." He sighed, got a sod, and handed it to me. I sat up as he sat down. "Sike." I set my soda down and layed my head on his lap. He just scoffed, began to eat his cereal. "Why're you so tired anyways?" He asked. "Blame Sasori! He woke me up at 3 in the fucking morning when he coulda just talked to me right now. Fuck you Sasori!" I said, and yawned a little. "Fuck you too. Now move." He said. "There's a whole other fucming couch!" I pointed.

"Move." "Only if you give me food! You owe me!" I said. He shook his head, so I spread out my legs even more. He finally got me a bowl of cereal, with milk in it. Aw, he's not a monster! I sat up and began to crunch on my cereal. I place it down after I finished it, which was only in a couple of seconds. "Sike." I layed back down, putting my legs on his lap, my head on Itachi's lap again.

"I swear Alya." Itachi sighed, shaking his head. "I'm tired!" I said, yawning again. I sat up though, staying that way. I chugged my soda, throwing it away when I finished. "You're a monster." Sasori said. "No I'm not, I'm a little girl, who needs nutrients. Calm down. At least I like milk in my cereal." I said, both me and Sasori glared at Itatchi. Pain joining us. "You're a disgrace to the Akatsuki." Pain said. "What? I'm sorry, I just dont like milk in my cereal." He said, continuing to eat his bowl of dry cereal. "What a monster!" I screamed, laughing. He shook his head as he finished. "Not my fault, I was raised this way. So was Sasuke." He said, washing both of our dishes. I gagged, thinking of the dry cereal. "What a weird life. I feel so sorry for you." I said.

Those of you who dont put milk in your cereal, you should take offense. Weirdos

After we all finished breakfast, I layed down on the couch opposite of the two guys. I started to hum Show & Tell. I love that song. I ended up singing it.

You pull me by my hair so I don't go nowhere
Tell me you love me, but you treat me like I'm never there
You say the cruelest words, you used to break my heart
'Cause I'm over here working my ass off

Why is it so hard to see? (Why?)
If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me)
I'm just like you, you're like me
Imperfect and human, are we?

Show and tell
I'm on display for all you fuckers to see
Show and tell
Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me
Buy and sell (buy and sell me, baby)
Like I'm a product to society
Art don't sell
Unless you fucked every authority

You beg and cry for more, he had 'em on the floor
There are strangers takin' pictures of me when I ask "No more"
It's really hard for me to say just how I feel
I'm scared that I'll get thrown away like a banana peel

Why is it so hard to see? (Why?)
If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me)
I'm just like you, you're like me
Imperfect and human, are we?

Show and tell (show and tell)
I'm on display for all you fuckers to see (fuckers to see)
Show and tell (show and tell)
Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me
Buy and sell (buy and sell)
Like I'm a product to society
Art don't sell
Unless you fucked every authority

Show and tell
Why can't you fucking hear me?
Show and tell, um
Are you listening yet?

Show and tell (show and tell, baby)
I'm on display for all you fuckers to see (fuckers to see)
Show and tell (oh)
Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me
Buy and sell
Like I'm a product to society
Art don't sell
Unless you fucked every authority

Itatchi clapped, as I listened to a couple songs and sang some. Sasori just closed his eyes and listened. Pain did too surprisingly. I guess it calmed everyone down. When I finished singing, I heard people walking. I turned my head and saw Hidan and Kakazu walk through the door. "Welcome back." I said, waving. "Who's the kid? Will she make us money?" Kakazu asked. "Unless I get paid to sing, then no. And my name is Alya." I said. "Bet you can't sing that good." He muttered. "You're right, I don't. At least in my opinion." I said. "How could you hear me?" He asked, stunned. "I have an amazing sense of hearing." I said, tapping my ears.

Kakazu walked to his room, but Hidan walked towards the couch. "Not so fast. Where's the report?" Pain asked. Hidan groaned and walked to his room. I layed back down and sighed. "Its boring here too!" I whined. "It wouldn't be so boring if you did shit." Itatchi groaned. "Well sorry." I said, crossing my arms. "Party pooper." I muttered. "What was that?" "Nothing!" "That's what I thought." He sighed, getting up to wat something. I continued to hum, wanting so badly to play a game on my phone.

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