Chapter 10

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Today's the day, huh? I walked around the streets, it being kind of dark outside. I saw Sasuke in the tree, just before Orochimaru's henchman showed up. I climed the tree and sat in front of him. He was asleep I think.

I poked him, and stared at him. "What do you want, go away." He said, shooing me. "Sasuke. This is the last chance I have. Just hear me out. Orochimaru may seem like he wants you to grow, and you might know this, but he's going to kill you and use your body. So, if you do go with him, you shouldn't, but if you do, kill Orochimaru. Wait until he's the sickest. His arms dont work, so he should be sick. Wait until he's close to death. Whatever you do, dont let a single cell get away or else the 4th Great Ninja War will start, and Kabuto will have all the power. Please, don't trust them Sasuke. Make some friends. Preferably Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo. Sasuke, be safe." I rushed, hearing the henchman. I waved, and quickly ran away.

(Time skip)

I woke up to hear a loud, squeaky voice. Sakura. Wow, he's really leaving. I heard something fall, and waited until Sasuke walked away. I brought a blanket, and put Sakura on my shoulder. I placed her on Naruto's porch, covered in the blanket, and knocked on the door. Naruto opened the door, but it took him a while.

"Alya? What's up?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I pointed to Sakura. "You're stronger than me, I can't carry her all the way to my house. "What about your gravity powers?" "I havent eaten in a while, none of my jutsu work at the moment." I said, backing up so he could pick Sakura up. I started to walk away, but Naruto grabbed my hand. "What happened?" He asked.

I walked into his apartment, and sat down in front of his table. He put Sakura on his bed, and sat next to me. "Let me explain. Sasuke left the village. Without permission." I paused, holding back Naruto. "Theres nothing we can do. Hes with Orochimaru now. Anyways, Sakura tried to stop him, but he didnt listen and knocked her out. I found her a couple minutes later." I said, almost crying. The only thing making me cry, was Naruto crying. I hugged him. It was the only thing I could do.

(Time skip)

It was still the same night, but I was walking around. Kakashi was probably at his house, so there was no use in trying to talk to somebody. I couldn't sleep. Sasuke had just fled the village. I sat down at the training field, looking up at the stars.

"I know you're there, you can come out." I said, knowing someone was in the forest. I heard a strangely familiar voice talk back to me though. "Kisame told me Pain about you plan. Pain ended up telling me." He said, walking next to me. My eyes grew wide. I was so scared, I couldn't even move to look and see who it was. Tobi. "Let's go back into the forest before someone knows you're here." I said, but I couldn't move. "No, it's okay. I'll just leave quickly. Anyways, I need to discuss this with you." He said and sat down next to me.

"Who gave you permission to just up and decide that you want to join? What if I refuse?" He asked. I shrugged. "Oh well. I'll just stay here I guess. Damn, and I really wanted to live with you guys." I sighed. "Why's that?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Because they're hot." I said, flatly. "I'm sorry "they're"?" He sounded confused, yet sarcastic. "Yes. "They're". Because, not to sound rude or anything, but you just arent my type." I said and shrugged again. He cralled ontop of me, putting his hands on either side of my head. "Ya, still not changing. Although, that would be a different story if it was Yahiko or Deidara." I said, turning my head to my left, my eyes turning wide. "Go, now." I whispered, pushing him off me.

"Why-" "You're delusional." I was so scared about what would've happened if Tobi had stayed. I looked behind me, and he was gone. Good. "Alya, why was he here, and why did you let him get away. What was he doing ontop of you?" Kakashi kept asking questions. Nobody else was here. Just the two of us.

"Well, you see... I don't know why he came, I don't hate the guy, and I said he wasn't my type so he was trying to change my mind. It didn't work. Now the real question is, is why are you here?" Sakura told me what happened. And that's when I realized. How? How is it already the daytime?

"So, I went to the Hokage's office, and she told me to get you. She needs to speak with you. But now, it'll be about more than that." He grabbed my arm, he was obviously angry. "No wait, Kakashi, don't." I tried my best to keep up with him, but I was having to run. "Kakashi! You don't understand! It's for a mission! I need to get on his good side!" He wasn't listening. I didn't have enough energy to keep up. I tried to use my powers, and it worked for a bit, but I didn't have enough energy. I collapsed to the floor.

"Ow." Kakashi kept pulling me though. I was being dragged through the streets like a little kid that got into trouble with their parents. "Kakashi, why are you so mad about this? I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed. He kept walking and ignored me. "Kakashi! Stop ignoring me!" I yelled as we made our way up to the Hokage's office. He knocked on the door, and we could hear a "come in". "It's not my fault! Kaka- ow!" Once we got into the room, he threw me onto the floor. Quite literally.

"Kakashi, what was that for!" I screamed, rubbing my back. "Thank you." Was all Tsunade said, and left. "You know what this is about, but what was that about?" She questioned. "He's mad, I think. But I don't know why! It's not my fault Tobi wouldn't get off me. I didn't want to jeopardize the plan, and he got away. He could've easily slipped through my grip anyways. He's upset over nothing." I rambled on. She was shocked. "Who's Tobi?" She asked. "A guy who is going around telling everyone he is Madara Uchiha. He's not. Hexs actually Obito Uchicha." I said. "But didn't he die?" She asked. "He was supposed to, but Madara saved him. He taught him everything he knows." I said. Kakashi was still listening. But, he should hear this. "Kakashi, I'm sorry. He saved you. He killed all those guys, and saw you kill Rin. Sorry." I said. I heard him leave. Tsunade didnt even know he was there. I didnt until I actually sensed it.

"I think he was just mad at me. I dont know about anything else." I said, bowing my head. "Sorry. Anyways, I need to leave in a few days, and earlier and it might be suspicious, seeing Sasuke leave. I'll leave the day after Shikamaru's team gets back." "Understood. I'll put it on the report. Be at the fence on that day at noon, and I'll bid you farewell." She said. "Wait, what if people follow me?" I asked, knowing naruto.

"I can solve that for you. If anyone follows, I'll stop them myself. Good luck Alya." I sighed. "Thank you." I bowed and left, needing to get ready. I walked out of the building, and made my way to the training field. It wasn't night, but there were clouds out. Once I got there, though, someone tackled me. I turned around before I hit the floor, and landed on my back. I coughed up some blood, being hit hard.

"What the fuck Kakashi! I'm trying to walk here!" I yelled, wiping the blood from my chin. "Is it true? About O-" I nodded. I couldnt bear to see him like this. His eyes were wide, stunned. He was shocked, and he didnt know why. "But you're about to forget because I cant change the storyline. I only risked it with Sasuke, because nothing can change his mind." I said, my eyes turning purple. He just stared, and nodded.

I put my hands on his cheeks, smiling. Never thought this would happen. Oh well. "Never thought what would happen?" He asked. "Oh crap, forgot about my own powers." You don't remember anything about what I said about Obito Uchiha. Understand? He nodded, but he wasn't the one nodding. The memory was erased.

I rubbed my eyes, overusing my power on low energy. "I need food, you coming?" I asked, getting up. "Hm? Oh, no thanks." He said, still stunned. "Alright. See you later." I said, and waved. He grabbed my leg though, not wanting me to leave. "Wait..." and that's all he said. "I'm sorry Kakashi. About earlier. Why were you so mad? Just because I let Tobi get away?" I asked, sitting back down.

I looked at the clouds. "I was jealous. How you casually let him do that, like it was nothing, yet when you heard his voice, you couldn't move." He finally said. I looked at him, slightly blushing. "I'm scared of him, so I make jokes. I hide it unless I'm really scared. The only person scarier than him is a guy named Hisoka. Trust me, nobody scares me more than him. He could kill me with a single card."

I shuddered just thinking about him. Hisoka may be a character from Hunter X Hunter, but who knows. With my luck, I could be travelling there next.

I sighed, and ended up falling asleep. I didnt know why, but it felt like my brain was fried. I couldnt think properly, and in about 3-4 days, I would have to travel a while before actually finding the Akatsuki's hideout.

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