Chapter 3

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The next few weeks went by really fast. After we finished a mission, we went to the Hokage's office, and handed the report in. Naruto, started complaining about how he wanted a real mission.

"Naruto, if we do go on a 'C' rank mission, you might get hurt." I said, patting him on the shoulder. "No what, fine. Here's a mission. You will be escorting a bridge builder to the land of waves." The hokage said, handing Kakashi the scroll. "Then shouldn't ninja from the land of waves escort him?" Naruto complained, standing up. "No Naruto. They dont have ninja there." Sakura said, wanting to flick Naruto for being dumb. "Its because they are protected on all sides by water." Kakashi said. Who knew that what was once protecting them, is now trapping them.

After talking to the bridge builder, we all went home to pack. I packed a small bag of money, clothes, and extra weapons. I put my bag down, and slept.

(The next morning)

(Btw, she looks the same. Seafoam green hair, which is really long. To her knees)

I didnt know what to wear, so I put on what I first saw. I ended up wearing a light pink crop top, jean shorts, and I put my headband on my waist, like Ino. I let my hair down from the usually french braids, and went to the rendezvous site.

When I got there, they were waiting for Kakashi. Usual. "Finally! Your late!" Sakura and Naruto said in unison. "My bad. A black cat crossed my path." Kakashi said. Naruto ran out the gates and yelled in excitement. "I finally left the village!" He screamed, jumpin up and down. I sighed and looked at Sasuke.

"Hi Duck-butt!" I said, waving. He 'tch'ed me, and sighed. "Ino says hi. You know, she's really nice. And way better than Sakura." I whispered, seeing Sakura death glare me. He laughed and poked me. "How much did she pay you to say that?" He asked putting his arm around me. I put my arm around his waist and snickered. "She didnt. I say it by my own free will. And it's the truth." I said, running up to Kakashi.

"Can I ride on your back? Please? Pretty pretty pleeeeeeaaaseeee!" I begged, walking in front of him. "No." He said, trying to walk past me. "But ple-" "No! I'm not carrying anybody on my back!" He said, pushing me past him. "Sas-" "Dont even think about it." He said, glaring at me. I pouted, walking behind everyone.

I looked as we passed the odd puddle, but didnt say anything. I walked up to Kakashi, and picked me up. "When they pop up, run and hide in the forest, until they are finished. Just say that you saw another one, but didnt say anything." He whispered, then put me back down. How did he know?

All of a sudden, two hidden mist ninja ambushed us. I immediately ran into the woods, and sat on a branch, looking at the scene play out. I saw how mortifying it actually looked to see Kakashi get torn apart. I saw the peices of logs, but nobody else did apparently. I saw Kakashi under me, waiting until they almost stabbed Sasuke, to take them down.

I jumped down from my branch, and helped tie them up. "Where did you go?" Sakura asked, pointing her little finger at me. "I went to go take down a ninja that was planning to ambush after these guys were taken out." I said, scratching the back of my neck. I smiled, and looked at the bridge builder.

(After we started walking, because I'm really tired and dont feel like explaining things)

"My feet hurt. Will somebody please carry me?" I asked, looking at the floor. All of a sudden, I started floating. I crossed my legs, and fist bumped the air, everyone stopping. "I got it back! Yes!" I yelled, excited to have my gravity powers back. I opened my eyes, and everyone pointed at me. "What? Oh ya! I guess this is my Kekkei Genkai. I have the power to control the gravity of what I touch." I said, remembering my 'My Hero Academia' quirk. I saw everyone still looking at me, and took out a mirror from my bag, and looked at my eyes. The once brown eyes, were now a different colors. My left eye was a bright pink, and my right eye was seafoam green. There were no pupils.

I put the mirror away and smiled. "Cool." I said, floating in front of everyone. "Are you guys coming or what?" I asked, them catching up.

"How do you do that?" Naruto asked, poking my side. I grab his wrist, and quickly let go, realizing what I've done. I see him float slightly above the floor, and un-cross my legs. I put my hands together, and brace for impact. "Release." Both of us fall to the floor, and I help Naruto up. "Remind me not to put all five fingers on things." I said,  floating again.

After a while, we reach the boat, and everybody gets in. "Its ok, I'll walk." I said, looking at the full boat. "What do you mean walk? We are going on water." Naruto says. I flick him in the forehead, and walk on the water next to the moving boat. I have to run to keep up at first, but they slow down to turn the engines off, and I slow down as well.

"How are you doing that?" Naruto says, loudly. "Naruto, hush. If you dont talk until we get there, then I'll tell you." I said. He quickly shut his mouth, but it didnt last long. "Why is there so much fog?" He asked, looking out ahead of us. "Naruto, be quiet!" Sakura whisper yelled. "Why do you think we cut the engines and are rowing?" The person steering the boat said, quietly.

After a while of Kakashi interrogating the bridge builder, we finally got there. Took long enough. My feet hurt again.

After some rest, we headed to the bridge. On the way, Naruto threw a kunai at a bush, and a rabbit was stunned. Kakashi got a nervous look on his face. "Duck!" We all ducked, only to see a big knife get thrown past us, and none other than Zabuza Momoichi landed on the handle. I teared up, remembering him. I also blushed slightly. He gave off a hot, edgy vibe. It was cool.

He saw me staring, and glared at me. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He said, looking at everyone protecting Tazuna. "Zabuza Momoichi. Rogue ninja of the Hidden Mist." Kakashi said, starting to lift up his headband.

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