Chapter 15

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(Okay guys! Dont get mad that she was dating him at such a young age! This is just a fictional story!)

It's been a couple days since I got back from the Akatsuki, and I plan on going back. It was late at night, and nobody knew I was leaving. Or so I thought. I put on my usual sea foam green crop top and light blue jean shorts, and put my hair into french braids. I ate a bunch so I could have enough energy, and walked out of my apartment, phone in my back pocket.

I was walking around for a while, when I saw Shikamaru walking around too. "Hey, what's up Shika?" I said, waving to get his attention. He nodded, but he seemed a bit pissed. "Alya, where are you going?" He asked, sternly. "I'm just walking around. I couldnt sleep." I said, trying to hide my smile. I missed him a lot, but he seemed mad. "You leave without telling anyone and is gone for 3 years, come back without any warning, then plan on leaving a few days later? Why dont you tell anyone this stuff?" He seemed disappointed now. It made me embarrased. "Im-" I started to say, but got cut off. "Where are you going?" He asked. I grabbed his arm, and dragged him to the training field that i always go to. Nobody was nearly around.

"I went on a mission to spy on the Akatsuki." I said. He just looked at the ground, knowing that that was why I couldnt spill. "But, I ended up liking it there, and stayed longer than I thought I would. I even started dating one of them. The one that kidnapped Gaara, and bombed the sand village. I was there when Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, Chiyo, and the others showed up. Kakashi knocked me out and brought me back. He said that he killed Deidara, but i know he didnt." I rambled on. Shikamaru looked stunned. He was so surprised.

"So, I'm going back. You cant stop me, like it or not, I'm the strongest person here." I said. He nodded. "But just tell me one thing." He said. I looked at him, he had tears in his eyes. "Tell someone else, please. I dont want people to worry about you." He said. I nodded. "Come with me?" I asked. He nodded, but I seemed to follow him somewhere. I think I know where we're going...

He knocked on Naruto's door, but not that loudly, as to not wake up anybody else. Naruto walked out, yawning and still in his pajamas. I semi smiled, and slightly waved. "Can we come in?" Shika asked. Naruto nodded, and pointed to the table. We sat down as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"I'm going back Naruto." I said bluntly. His mouth opened wide. He was shocked to hear it. "No. Stay a little longer." He begged, grabbing my wrists. "Fine, but dont tell anyone else. I dont want to worry anyone." I said, holding his hands. He nodded, and me and Shika went back out. It was day already.

I walked back to the training field and Shika went back home. To my surprise, Konohamoru was punching and kicking a log. "What's up?" I said, scratching the back of my head. "Alya!" He screamed, hugging me. It was funny, we were around the same height, because I was so short. "Want a sparring partner?" I asked. He nodded, his face glowing up. This is going to be tough on him..

(Time skip)

He hadnt layed a scratch on me yet. He was on the floor though, exhausted. I hadnt had the guts to hurt him, so the only scratches and bruises he has, are from falling.

I helped him up as Naruto, Sakura, and Sai walked over. "Hey guys, we heard fighting, so we came to check it out." Sakura said. She still glared at me. She's still mad about the whole Akatsuki thing.

"Oh, you two havent met huh?" Narito said. No, we have. What's up Sai?" I said, smiling. "Oh." Naruto was confused. "I'm good, you?" Said replied. "I'm okay, I guess." I complained a little.

"How... are you... so... strong?!" Konohamoru asked between breaths. He was flat on the floor, catching his breath. "Training." I said bluntly. "Oh." He said back. I helped him up again, but he just fell back onto the floor, again. I gave up trying, his legs must be giving out. My eyes turned rainbow as I crouched down next to him. I put my hands over his chest and began to heal him. Once I was done, he jumped up, super energized. I laughed at how silly he looked.

"Alya. Can I talk to you?" I heard someone say. I nodded, and turned around. I saw Gaara standing there, next to Kakashi. I gasped slightly, but walked over. "See ya later guys." I said, waving to them.

I walked a bit with Kakashi and Gaara. "Kakashi told me about what happened when I was dead." Gaara started. I know where this is going.. "Where you there when i was kidnapped?" He asked, terrified for the answer. I shook my head. "I was at the base. I had to finish a mission report for Pain." I said, remembering that day. "Then why were you with Deidara and Sasori?" Kakashi asked. "Oh, I finished, and was there in person to help with the tailed beast extraction." I said, thinking about the Gedo statue.

Gaara looked upset. "Why were you with them in the first place? I thought you were my friend." He said. He seemed very upset. "I was on a mission to spy, but they're very interesting. I mean, it's not everyday you get to be around 8-9 hot guys everyday, plus a girl you can really bond with." I said. Konan and I were best friends.

We kept walking for a bit, not talking. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. I started to get a headache. Must be from healing Konohamoru. "I had to talk to the Hokage about something." Gaara replied. I simply nodded. "Is that it?" I asked. Kakashi nodded. "I'll see you guys later. Bye." I waved, and left. I needed something to drink to get the headache away. I ended up walking towards the training ground again.

Everybody was still there. "I'm back." I said, waving. Everybody waved back. And Ino, Kiba, Hinata, and Shikamaru were there too. Everybody was hanging out I guess.

"Alya, when did you learn to heal?" Sakura asked, curious. "I didnt. I just remembered that I saw someone heal, so I thought I could." I simply stated. "This is only the second time I've healed." I said, remembering I healed Kakashi once. "Oh." She said. She's still upset.

I tried to pet Akemaru, but Kiba stopped me. "Don't touch him." He growled. "Oh, why?" I asked, very confused. "I heard about what happened with the Akatsuki. I dont want you going anywhere near him, or me." He barked. I was shocked, and hurt. And it showed. "What? What did I do?" I was so confused. I saw Kiba the day I got back, and he knew I was with them. "You traitor." He said, and they both walked away.

"What's he talking about?" I asked, looking at Shika and Naruto. Except, everyone else was confused too. "I have no idea." Shika stated. "He was just telling us how much he missed you, too." Naruto said. Things just got weird.

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